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Everything posted by ChasingNyx

  1. I call this the angry unibrow. Here is the key for angry unibrows. Very thin pattern density + pattern density medium Huge pattern Pattern shape C Mask
  2. Also, just had a beautiful baby girl. She has a distinct lack of spotty-ness on her head, which is odd considering the rest of her is spot heaven.
  3. Another bug; I went to the Deep Jungle from the Whale Island, and this happened. Everything was normal for the first few days, but then it began to glitch. A nicheling would stay in its previous spot even when I moved it, and I would have to perform another action for the game to properly load it on its new tile. This started getting worse and worse, and now it's at the point where it still looks like its dawn and basically no nicheling its registering where it should be. Occasionally they will have a sudden realization and all load in, before it begins to glitch again. Theres a screenshot of one of my nichelings stuck midflight. (The one with orange gems.) And dunno if this is a bug, but this part of the jungle tree is acting like leaves and swaying in the wind.
  4. Another bug has been found. Apparently, my female doesn't have blood.
  5. It is only the words 1 Purring, which I'm pretty sure was a mistype. Female Peacock tails don't appear on the model. Twins glitch together in nests after mother has left it. Her tail is very sideways from her body. Like, very sideways. I also invited to her my tribe, and she forever kept up the dreaful sideways tail syndrome. As soon as they are old enough to open their eyes, the wild flying baby can fly anywhere.
  6. Theres also a bug with flying twins. When the mother gets off the tree, they become one.
  7. @Dr. Nearo I feel you could counter it with dig, but if you dug it up the snake would go on the offensive and try to bite the nearest nicheling, and then run to the nearest and currently abandoned mole hole, and duck in there and go under the ground again. Or it would be possible for them to have their own nests, if Niche would add that. And I think if a snake went by a mole the mole would either die or kill the snake.
  8. @Phiarose I only added in the position of it picking berries to show how it would work. I, in no way, expect them to add in an animation.
  9. Edit: 1) Yes, it's Espeon. 2) I know the design isn't realistic but I like it. Though, I wouldn't mind a slender lookin' prehensile tail that wasn't a twin tail. 3) I put the picking a berry thingy because I was confused as to how fishing tail worked (till I saw some fanart), so I thought this might help ppl. 4) It'd give +2 collecting, nothing else. You'd have to unlock it by collecting uh.. 100 times?
  10. @Pokestardragacraft Sure, I don't mind! Just credit me and you can do whatever @Philo And I can seperate them, so sure. Edit: I made two sperate posts for them.
  11. So far I have had two ideas, and put them on twitter, and niche told me to put them here. So, I will put many things here most likely.
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