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so this post also affects any thing that spins. buzz saws will be split into 2 parts, the chain, and the motor. the motorized hinge should have an adjustable size so that your wheels can be big and small there should be different parts so i'm gonna list

motorized hinge (changes): the motorized hinge now also have adjustable size and speed and can act like a flipper that can go 360 degrees and setting it to 360 will let it act like normal.

free hinge(changes): adjustable size and can have a limit to speed and can act like a flipper that can go 360 degrees and setting it to 360 will let it act like normal

elastic chord: you can put wheels over this and can be placed on 2 or more motorized or free hinges, and can over lap on it's self  and maybe a tested warning to say it may make your drone unstable by making the elastic chord attached to to many hinges or being overlapped to many times

buzz saw chain: put this on a motorized hinge to turn it into a buzz saw with an adjustable size and cannot go on elastic chord.

tract: like elastic chord, but it is a wheel that cannot go on elastic chord and has a limit of four hinges.

tire: adjustable size, can go on elastic chord or plain hinge and will create car wheels this would probably be the most common and maybe start with it.

sticky tire: short version, a tire that sticks to walls long version, adjustable size, can go on elastic chord or plain hinge and sticks to wall and ceiling.

mountain wheels: like tires but it also flattens terrain so it won't stop rolling, it will also damage enemies because of the spikeys it won't get caught on terrain if it goes backwards.

if you have any additional ideas or are just confused, just tell me and i will roll it fixed.

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