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music, We were forced to sing songs,  and then our teacher forced us to play recorder.

yeah, it was ear-bleeding 

We also had to be in "shows" which we would do for the grade below us. 

we had no say in what the show was about- 

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6 minutes ago, E k a c n a p said:

music, We were forced to sing songs,  and then our teacher forced us to play recorder.

yeah, it was ear-bleeding 

Oof, that must have been terrible. I gotta agree with you on not liking music, our teacher did this really weird thing where everytime the class wasn't in perfect harmony or did something bad, he'd go into "kids these days!" Mode and just start blabbering on about something about our generation and how he worked back in the day, at least we didn't have to actually learn when he did that.

12 minutes ago, E k a c n a p said:

We also had to be in "shows" which we would do for the grade below us. 

we had no say in what the show was about- 

Huh, that's weird. Never heard of that before. Was that an ear bleeding session as well?

18 minutes ago, E k a c n a p said:

music, We were forced to sing songs,  and then our teacher forced us to play recorder.

yeah, it was ear-bleeding 

We also had to be in "shows" which we would do for the grade below us. 

we had no say in what the show was about- 

also forgot to say but, WE HAD TO LEARN THE SONGS IF WE LIKED IT OR NOT. (For the show)

Even if we didn't want to go to the show , we had to because, idk.

We only had a choice when the parents got to to see the show, and I think it was up to the parents if they wanted their kid to go-

 also you were graded if you went or not

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3 minutes ago, 🏱︎︎☠︎👍︎☜︎☼︎👍︎☹︎✌︎🕈︎🗐 said:

Oof, that must have been terrible. I gotta agree with you on not liking music, our teacher did this really weird thing where everytime the class wasn't in perfect harmony or did something bad, he'd go into "kids these days!" Mode and just start blabbering on about something about our generation and how he worked back in the day, at least we didn't have to actually learn when he did that.

Huh, that's weird. Never heard of that before. Was that an ear bleeding session as well?

There wasn't sadly. 

My teacher did the same thing, but it was when we talked. 

he said something on the lines of:

"This is the worst class I've ever taught!" or something like that

2 minutes ago, Spooky Pancake said:

Favorite Class: Either Band Or Science

Least Favorite Class: Math. period. I'm not good and it's boring

I have to agree with math- science is okay, it could be better- 

4 minutes ago, E k a c n a p said:

I have to agree with math- science is okay, it could be better- 

I have to heavily disagree, but I can totally see why people wouldn't like it. 

  • Paw up 2

Math. Math. Math.

I will die before I look at another math equation again.

Numbers hurt my head, and all my math teachers were complete jerks and hated me, so that just makes me hate it more. You can usually tell that someone isn't a good teacher when they insult their thirteen year old student until they cry in front of the whole class. I hated him so much and still do-he absolutely sucked. He also took my water bottle and forget to give it back for the whole day just because 'it was distracting me'. 

Math has been the cause of probably like, half of my mental issues-hell, when I get into school again my mom said that she might just do all my math homework for me-

Math is bound to be your least favorite subject when you have dyscalculia (just-google it, the best way I can describe it is 'math dyslexia'). I couldn't read a damn clock until I was in highschool. 


My favorite subject is probably science, mostly because I've always had a fascination with how things work and why they exist. Hell, that's why I joined these forums in the first place, because Niche became an escape from all the stress after I found it. I don't know much about human genetics, but I definitely know some stuff about cat genetics. 

in general, I just hate school. burn it.

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well if school sucks then that means the forums will be (and have to be) that much better!

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LATIN. I hate hate hate it. Fingers crossed my parents will let me skip it and help with Kindergarten next year, which is something you're allowed to do and what half my class does.

My other three classes are Math, Physical Science and History/Literature (particularly Roman and some Greek). Math's fine, it's easy to understand most of the time, I don't have to study for tests, and I can usually get it done in class. I like Science, and I can get most of that done in class too. His/Lit is interesting, though tests are hard and I get a lot of homework.

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I have no stories as I’m homeschooled, but math. Math is the bane of my existence. Also essays, those are another bane of my existence.

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ya'll don't like math? Try being in the advanced math class-

One sheet of homework, one night, 32 questions

Compared to the 3 that normal classes had to do.

I mean, math is still fun for me. I won a cool pen with green ink : >


My least favorite class is wellness. Wellness is grouped with electives, and electives are remote, so we have to do wellness (basically gym rn) at home! We had to lift weights! My shoulders hurt for a week!


Favorite class is Applied Science. applied Science is science, but instead it's almost all experiments. I got to be a show off by making four notecards hold an entire cinder-block. (basically a brick if you don't know what that is)

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  • 1 month later...

My favorites are art, science (before it was changed to AP physics) and history (but in my school it is mixed with social studies and geography as one class)

My least favorite: music, exercise, and Spanish.(I’m a native Spanish speaker but for some reason do better on English) 

  • 1 year later...

so band/music is my favorite subject (my elementary music class did suck tho/.)

i have a c in math so yeah probably that


Reading. Reading. Reading.

I hate it to the core. 

But you know what happens?

My homeroom teacher always teaches reading 😔


I gotta say that math might be my favorite…

I know people hate it but the teacher is so nice and she gave people candy if they got a Christmas song quiz right

its also easy since I do elementary math :]

2 minutes ago, Christmas Pale said:

I think my highest score was on math from the STAAR ˙˘˙

(STAAR is kinda like tests your country/state gives to the school for the students)

(those tests are called so many things- like my version of it in my state is cmas- like why couldn't they just pick a name????)

3 minutes ago, ralsei deltarune said:

(those tests are called so many things- like my version of it in my state is cmas- like why couldn't they just pick a name????)



Favourites are the sciences, particularly chem and bio. I love learning about how the world works. It's just wonderful to me. Though I struggled a lot with physics, as it's very math-heavy. I don't hate math, I'm just not very strong in it (I'm preeeeettty sure I have dyscalcula, which is basically dyslexia but with numbers) and find it boring and repetitive (gotta love adhd). Also I had to do one physics class in online classes, which really didn't help me

(warning: incoming vitriol)

Least favourite is English. Just, no. Bane of my existence. I struggle with math, but at least math is logical and has clear and objective processes and solutions. The day I never needed to write another essay about how some random photograph represents ~the struggles of the human condition~ was a day I celebrate. I hate english class so much that the last essay I wrote was about why I shouldn't have needed to take it. (Dis)honourable mention goes to social studies because it's similar in some ways, but that class was more bearable for me because history is neat and also my teacher had us watch OverSimplified and I love that channel also that teacher is super epic I love him

I'm really sorry if you like the subjects I just spent way too long complaining about. They're just not my cup of tea. Honestly, I respect the people who find those subjects fun. You have skills I could never have!

45 minutes ago, Naive T Cell said:

Favourites are the sciences, particularly chem and bio. I love learning about how the world works. It's just wonderful to me. Though I struggled a lot with physics, as it's very math-heavy. I don't hate math, I'm just not very strong in it (I'm preeeeettty sure I have dyscalcula, which is basically dyslexia but with numbers) and find it boring and repetitive (gotta love adhd). Also I had to do one physics class in online classes, which really didn't help me

(warning: incoming vitriol)

Least favourite is English. Just, no. Bane of my existence. I struggle with math, but at least math is logical and has clear and objective processes and solutions. The day I never needed to write another essay about how some random photograph represents ~the struggles of the human condition~ was a day I celebrate. I hate english class so much that the last essay I wrote was about why I shouldn't have needed to take it. (Dis)honourable mention goes to social studies because it's similar in some ways, but that class was more bearable for me because history is neat and also my teacher had us watch OverSimplified and I love that channel also that teacher is super epic I love him

I'm really sorry if you like the subjects I just spent way too long complaining about. They're just not my cup of tea. Honestly, I respect the people who find those subjects fun. You have skills I could never have!

I must agree

although I like SS because if you have a good teacher its kinda fun to do :] I usually get 90-100 on my assignments and tests


Favorites- ELA, Science, Math, SS

Least Favorites- Gym, Spanish


The teachers are nice, yeah

But some of the classes are soooo boring

The routine never changes in my Spanish class, and I'm stuck with kids who won't quit complaining.

I'm also just generally terrible, and the teacher can get a little annoying.

I just hate Gym. The teacher is amazing, and I get to chat with friends most of the time. I just hate doing physical activity.


My ELA and Math teachers are super nice!

I absolutely suck at Math most of the time, and I just like reading-

In ELA we get to have fun, and mess around. Some of the kids "bullies" the teacher.(They're just playing around tho, and the teacher know it)

In Math, the teacher let's us have our masks down, eat, sit with friends, and sometimes talk amongst ourselves.

For SS, the teacher can get annoyed & mean, but she doesn't stay that way for the whole class period.

The Science teacher gets a lot of bad reviews because of how Sarcastic, unhelpful, and rude she is. But I've had mainly good experiences.

She wouldn't let my friend(who has scoliosis) go early for lunch and to go downstairs for her next period(her bag is like a suitcase, so the teachers are supposed to let her go early so nobody got hurt).

Thankfully the situation was handled.



Overall, the teachers are nice(most of the time), and my Least Favorites are mainly just the ones I don't take interest in.

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