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The moon at it's brightest (Power and Curse/Murder Mystery Warrior Cats RP/Sim)

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Aight just doing this before i sleep

20 moons ago...

What have I done...? Moonstar, her snout and paws covered in blood, stood over the body of Honeypaw, her adopted kit. I'm a monster...
Her 3 remaining kits, Dewpaw, Orangepaw, and Mistypaw stared at her in horror. She coudnt blame them. She was an awful mother. She didnt deserve any of these kits. All Honeypaw had done was take a little bit of catnip. And Moonstar killed her.
Crying, Moonstar ran off into the marsh, ignoring the calls of her 3 remaining kits. She coudnt let herself hurt anyone else. She didnt wanna see another dead cat under her paws.
She stopped dead in her tracks, looking ahead in shock.
A large brown bear cornered a small white kit. Moonstar didnt even stop to wonder about the kit. She immediately launched herself at the bear.

One smack of the bear's paw, and everything went black.
The last thing she hears before everything went silent, is the confused cries of the kit, as it snuggled next to her dying body.
And the tears of the StoneClan leader, Icestar, as she called Moonstar's name, begging her to get up.
Sorry, Icestar. I cant let myself hurt another soul.

Goodbye, TreeClan.



Blood covers every tree, every boulder, every river.
Snowfur walked through the forest. She had never seen this part of the forest before, and wasnt sure if she should be here. She had decided to go on a walk, to get away from the new one. The creep. Nobody else knew what she knew. And one day, that cat would come for her.
She's seen it in their eyes. They know that she knows. She has noticed every warning glance, every threatening glare, every look when they got a taste of blood. If only she could tell someone.
But if she did, that cat- no, thing, would come for her.

Or maybe, it was already after her.





SUNNYSTAR - russet colored tom


SHELLSONG - blue-gray tabby tom

Medicine Cat:

PIKEWATCHER - dark gray and white tom


BUZZARDICE - dusky brown tom
SMOKEHEATHER - brown tabby she-cat
TALONTUFT - blue-gray tabby tom
BLIZZARDMASK - short-haired blue-gray she-cat


MISTYHEATHER - speckled brown she-cat


BLACKPAW - red and white she-cat
TUMBLEPAW - red and white tom


BRAVEPUDDLE - light tortoiseshell she-cat with very long whiskers


MAGGOTKIT - red tabby tom (Mother: Mistyheather)
BIRCHKIT - creamy brown she-cat (Mother: Mistyheather)

SANDYKIT- light orange-brown-tan tabby tom (Mother: ???, nursed by Mistyheather) @Sky



BriarClan cats make their home in a meadow next to a river. Their leader is the last remaining leader who was alive during the time of the long gone clan's last leader.


EAGLESTAR - Tabby she-cat


JAGGEDEYE - black and brown she-cat with emerald eyes

Medicine Cat:

CINDERFERN - red tom


GOLDFISH - long-tailed blue-gray tom with lighter chest and paws
TIMBERTHORN - mottled brown tom
JUMPBRIAR - mottled brown tom
ORANGEJUICE - Orange Tabby tom
DEWLEAF - Gray she-cat with an orange moon pattern and white underbelly
MISTYHEART - Grey she-cat with purple stripes
SAGELEAF- Calico she-cat
WHITEFANG- White she-cat with brown stripes
SNOWFUR - White she-cat

SPARROWLEAP - very light golden she-cat


CRICKETPAW - light cream tom
GREENPAW - speckled brown tom
BEETLEPAW - cream tabby tom
ASPENPAW - light cream tom
BRIGHTPAW - light cream tom
FOXPAW- Red tom with black paws
BERRYPAW- Tortiseshell she-cat


LICHENCRY - dusky brown she-cat
MOLESPECK - brown tom


ADDERKIT - brown tom (Mother: Sparrowleap)
LUNARKIT-  Midnight black-blue she-cat with piercing light-red eyes, a black lunar eclipse-like shape on their shoulder. (Mother: ????) (Nursed by Sparrowleap) @__________________________



This clan lives in a large cave, and is the border between the other clans and the moonstone. Most StoneClan cats dont mind the visitors, as long as they dont have a known bad history.


SUNSTAR - black and white she-cat


PINEWATCHER - speckled brown she-cat

Medicine Cat:

MOSSPUDDLE - silver tom with one dead eye


AMBERDAWN - mottled brown tom
VINEGOOSE - gray and white tom with a strange collar
GOLDENTREE - gray and white tom


MOONFANG - gray and white tabby she-cat
OTTERLEAF - gray and white she-cat


CLOVERPAW - mottled brown tom
ECHOPAW - brown tom


SMALLRAPID - brown tom
MINNOWMIST - black tabby she-cat
LILYSCAR - speckled white she-cat


OAKKIT - silver tom (Mother: Otterleaf)
SOOTKIT - speckled brown tom (Mother: Moonfang)
ICEKIT - creamy brown tom (Mother: Moonfang)
DUCKKIT - speckled brown tom (Mother: Moonfang)
BIRDKIT - speckled brown tom (Mother: Moonfang)
SPOTTEDKIT- Tortiseshell she-cat (Mother: Sunstar) @Spottedfire



A new clan, named after a long gone clan, ruled by a half mad leader. Despite her being half mad, everyone loved her dearly.

This clan lives in the marshlands, where the long gone clan used to be, and where Two-Legs tried to make their home, only to suddenly disappear one day. Turns out, Two-Leg camp ruins tooken over by marshland make good camp sites.


SILENTSTAR - creamy tom


GOLDENWATCHER - fluffy brown she-cat with a crooked smile

Medicine Cat:

LAKEPOPPY - black she-cat with icy eyes


NETTLEMASK - cream tom


HOLLYWATCHER - long-limbed white she-cat


QUIETPAW - pure white she-cat


SCORCHFANG - light tortoiseshell tom


PIGEONKIT - white tom (Mother: Hollywatcher)
HALFKIT - white she-cat (Mother: Hollywatcher)
DAISYKIT - white tom (Mother: Hollywatcher)

FOXKIT -Orange she-cat with white spots and black eartips (Mother: ???) (Nursed by Hollywatcher) @Modiano


Cats Outside Clans:

QUAIL - pale tabby tom
ECHO - dark black tom with a long rippling pelt
LARCHPETAL - pink she-cat
STARLING - huge speckled brown tom
WASPFOOT - light brown tom



You are not likely to be born into a clan, unless there is a queen expecting kits. This just means you will be a kit found by the clan. However, if your lucky, i'll make a exeption...








TMAIB memes shall become a thing.

If everyone for some reason picks the same clan, i might make a prophecy...


(Can she be half-clan?)

Prefix: Lunar

Gender/Pronouns: Female she/they

Appearance: A midnight black-blue color with piercing light-red eyes, a black lunar eclipse-like shape on her shoulder

Clan: BriarClan

Other: Distant and quiet, will sometimes speak when spoken to, will often wander off alone, likes watching the moon and stars at night, will mostly walk away when someone's talking to her, unless it's family or friends- she doesn't have many friends, hates others that think highly of themselves, doesn't really show emotion, (If this is possible)--> has voices in her head to keep her company and keep her updated on the latest news, she's never told anyone about them

2 hours ago, __________________________ said:

(Can she be half-clan?)

Prefix: Lunar

Gender/Pronouns: Female she/they

Appearance: A midnight black-blue color with piercing light-red eyes, a black lunar eclipse-like shape on her shoulder

Clan: BriarClan

Other: Distant and quiet, will sometimes speak when spoken to, will often wander off alone, likes watching the moon and stars at night, will mostly walk away when someone's talking to her, unless it's family or friends- she doesn't have many friends, hates others that think highly of themselves, doesn't really show emotion, (If this is possible)--> has voices in her head to keep her company and keep her updated on the latest news, she's never told anyone about them

(she can)


4 hours ago, __________________________ said:

Yay! Can her other half be LakeClan..?

She struggled

how did i guess that correctly.

"Please, Lunarkit... Dont make this any harder than it already is... Cinderfern will take good care of you, I know it..."


3 minutes ago, __________________________ said:

Idk- Oof-

She struggled more, hoping to get loose

The she-cat's grip tightened, and she started moving faster.

You smelled unfamiliar cats...

Just now, __________________________ said:

She still struggled, not wanting to meet them

Eventually, most of the scents were faint.

But a particular one was strong.

The she-cat went into some sort of den. Inside was a red tom. They greeted the she-cat.

"This is our kit?" The tom said as the she-cat put you down. The she-cat nodded.

"She's beautiful," The tom said.

6 minutes ago, __________________________ said:

She still struggled, not wanting to meet them

(these are the 2 cats)



  • Love 1
11 minutes ago, Lisa said:

Eventually, most of the scents were faint.

But a particular one was strong.

The she-cat went into some sort of den. Inside was a red tom. They greeted the she-cat.

"This is our kit?" The tom said as the she-cat put you down. The she-cat nodded.

"She's beautiful," The tom said.

She tried to stand

8 minutes ago, __________________________ said:

She tried to stand

You managed to stand for a split second before tumbling over.

The she-cat smiled.

"Im gonna miss you," she said softly.

"You made sure to clear her from the scent of Lakeclan, right?" The tom asked.

The she-cat nodded.

1 minute ago, __________________________ said:

She tried again, determined

You managed to stand.

Wobbily, but you stood.

The tom looked down at you, proud.

The she-cat said goodbye one last time, before disappearing in the foilage.

3 minutes ago, __________________________ said:

She tried to follow the she-cat

She was too fast.

"Now now, Lunarkit. Dont worry. I'll take you to Briarclan. I'm sure i can convince Sparrowleap to take care of you. And if not her, maybe Snowfur."

"Though Snowfur's seemed stressed lately..."


12 minutes ago, Lisa said:

She was too fast.

"Now now, Lunarkit. Dont worry. I'll take you to Briarclan. I'm sure i can convince Sparrowleap to take care of you. And if not her, maybe Snowfur."

"Though Snowfur's seemed stressed lately..."


She still tried to follow the she-cat that was growing farther and farther away

37 minutes ago, __________________________ said:

She still tried to follow the she-cat that was growing farther and farther away

"It's okay, Lunarkit. Blizzardmask will be fine. Now lets go."

The tom picked you up, and walked off.

7 hours ago, Icyisme 708 said:

Hi! (why is icestar not leader of stoneclan in alliances???)

Isnt Icestar dead

also welcome to the forums hawkids

3 hours ago, __________________________ said:

She went limp, accepting her fate

The tom brought you to an area with lots of cats. They all looked at him, some eyes curious, some eyes confused.

A tabby she-cat walked up to the tom. "Where did you get this kit, Cinderfern?"

Cinderfern dropped you. He took a deep breath.

"i found the kit in a abandoned den while i was hunting. I decided to bring her here."

The tabby nodded.

"We do need more warriors." She turned to a very light golden she-cat. "Sparrowleap, would you like to take care of this kit?"

Sparrowleap nodded. "She looks about the same age as Adderkit. I shoudnt have a problem taking care of her."

2 hours ago, Lisa said:

The tom brought you to an area with lots of cats. They all looked at him, some eyes curious, some eyes confused.

A tabby she-cat walked up to the tom. "Where did you get this kit, Cinderfern?"

Cinderfern dropped you. He took a deep breath.

"i found the kit in a abandoned den while i was hunting. I decided to bring her here."

The tabby nodded.

"We do need more warriors." She turned to a very light golden she-cat. "Sparrowleap, would you like to take care of this kit?"

Sparrowleap nodded. "She looks about the same age as Adderkit. I shoudnt have a problem taking care of her."

She just stared at the cats, kinda curious about how this life would turn out

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