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Adamad Leaders 1-10


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My Story-Mode save, a tribe named the Adamads has had 30+ leaders so far. The leaders are always the last leader's daughter, save for exceptions when there's no daughters and such. Their tribe's name comes from "Adam" - their first leader and ancestor of all - and "Nomad" - they don't stay on one island for too here's the first 10 of the leaders! (Uthkani didn't get a screenshot sadly)



Adam - Kind and wise, he founded the Adamads.

Uthkani - Unknown.

Mindi - Optimistic and friendly, she began the journey across the archipelago.

Mabel - Bouncy and full of energy, she got the Adamads to the next mini island.

Chippa - Loved by all, she kept the tribe together and had several lovely children.

Emerr - Took the tribe to the next island. Almost forgotten by time.

Zarily - Adventurous and brave, she brought the tribe to the jungle.

Kol - Though she kept her tribe alive in the dangerous jungle, Annini did not grant her a daughter.

Benji - The first male leader, he was the first to worship the false goddess Hallie (born during Zarily's rule), and sacrificed his unwanted subjects to her.

Kyntry - Believing she was blessed by the Great Goddess Hallie, she snootily led the tribe in further worship.

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