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Restarting my old Warriors challenge: Bogclan

medicine cat

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So... I was more out of practice than I thought and Baneclan wasn't going so well, so I thought I'd start over. I was also forgetting the nine lives feature, so I'm reastarting my old warriorcats challenge again. Sorry about that folks 😓

I'll be starting on Tiny Green since I clearly need it LOL.
Everything is same as before, except for the nine lives feature; each time a nicheling leader is injured, if they roll to die, they can be spared if they have one of their nine lives left. Nichelings nearing death from old age can gain more days by using a life and rolling a random generator from 1-20 to see how long they may live.

This time it's... [checks notes] Bogclan.
Not fans of insects or seafood, these nichelings cats rely on meat and plants. They pride themselves on being elusive and stealthy. The cats of Bogclan don't have the smoothest past, either. They came into being after their old clan territory was destroyed by twoleg destruction for the sake of building twoleg dens, and the cats of Bogclan want to find a new wetland to call their own that has all the former glory of their old home.
Bogclan cats tend to be midsize with robust, powerful bodies. They are a secretive and quiet clan, and tend to thoroughly vet outsiders before letting anybody new in. They prefer their dens to be dark and damp.
Here's our starter crew!
From left to right: Littlekit, Lionpatch, Bogstar, Nettlethorn, and Skunktail.
The leader of the clan is Bogstar. Son of their former clan's leader, Bogstar broke off into his own group after an argument with the clan elders about where to go and created his own clan- Bogclan. He is eccentric and aloof towards cats outside Bogclan. He is very intent on protecting his new clan from potential threats, and therefore focuses on making sure everyone is stealthy and secretive.
The clan deputy is Nettlethorn, a relaxed but smart she-cat. She is secretly very self-critical, and has feelings for Skunkail, but knows he likely does not feel the same. She is one of the few clan members that gets along with Skunktail.
The clan medicine cat is Lionpatch, a yellow-and-sand-colored tom. Lionpatch is the oldest of the clan at about four years old. He is a good friend of Bogstar, and takes much pity on Littlekit, who he spends most time watching when Skunktail does not.
Skunktail is an irresponsible warrior, and tends to have a bit of an ego. He is a pure black cat with a fuzzy tail and a distinct scent that follows him wherever her goes. It's hard to get him to take much of anything seriously, including the raising of his own daughter; this is much to the dismay of Bogstar, who takes pity on the kit. If not for Littlekit, it is likely Bogstar would not have let Skunktail join Bogclan. Nettlestar tries to plead Skunktail's case, saying he is still adjusting to Bogclan and has time to learn, but this doesn't keep Bogstar from correcting him and snapping at him.
The youngest of the clan is Littlekit. She is pure black with rough, bristly fur. She is a quiet and insecure kit, and has trouble trusting others. She does, however, much enjoy the company of Lionpatch, who she considers like a father.

The clan comes upon a small, green island, and Bogstar sits upon its shore, his paws tired from travel. 
"We will start setting up camp here while we get ourselves composed as a clan," he said. "All of you. Be careful of any outsiders, and challenge them need be. We don't know what kind of cats live here."

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The clan begins by searching for a reliable food source. To the delight of the cats of the clan, a berry bush is nearby the shore. Nettlethorn carefully sniffs the air, flicking her ears in different directions to see if any strange cats are nearby.
"It's clear. We can get food here."

The first event of the clan is Littlekit being old enough to become an apprentice. She is renamed to Littlepaw. 
"Your mentor will be Nettlethorn," says Bogstar. "May she teach you well."

Littlepaw becomes a bit more comfortable with the teaching of Nettlethorn.

Littlepaw begins to less cautiously follow Nettlethorn around camp, and eventually is trained into a sufficient warrior. She becomes Littlefly, and her confidence grows. She is no longer shy and scared, but instead a calm, observant warrior trained under Nettlethorn.
Soon after becoming a warrior, Littlefly is out on patrol when she encounters a strange female, rummaging through the berry bushes at the edge of clan territory. Littlefly's hackles raise- she's never seen a Bogclan outsider before! 
Calm down, Littlefly, she thought to herself. You have the training of a warrior, and you're stronger. You can..-
"Hello there!" says the strange she-cat, approaching Littlefly. She looked about the age of Skunktail. "You look new around here."
"Because you're on Bogclan territory," hisses Littlefly nervously. "You'd better get back."
"Woah, I don't mean any harm," says the female, smiling gently. "I'm looking for a clan myself."
"We don't take kindly to rogues. Get out of here or I'll-"
"Woah, what's going on?" asks an older, soothing voice. Littlefly lowers her haunches and looks back at the familiar tom- Lionpatch approaches the two of them. 
"Bogstar told us to be on guard for outsiders."
"I agree, but I think we're in need of some new clan members," says Lionpatch gently. "What's your name, she-cat?"
"Petals," says the female.
"Petals. Well, Petals, I advise you come talk to Bogstar with me and I'll see what I can do."

Bogstar met the female with initial hostility, but after a look at her, the clan deemed her harmless and suggested she be allowed in. Bogstar begrudgingly sighed. "Fine. But you'll train under Skunktail." He shook his head. Skunktail could barely fight himself- there was no way Petals could face a threat to the clan if Skunktail was the one teaching her how to fight.
"Thank you, Bogstar," said Petals politely.
"And you'll be called Petalpaw from now on."
While training alongside Skunktail, Petalpaw and Skunktail find themselves attracted to one another. Nettlethorn notices this, and exasperatedly complains to her old apprentice about it.
"I regret advocating for her to join the clan, Littlefly. I think you were right to try to fend her off," says Nettlethorn. She casts her eyes to her paws. "I should have confessed to Skunktail when I had the chance."
Littlefly looks at her former mentor with almost a look of pity. "You're really not missing out, Nettlethorn." She shuffled her paws. "My father changed when my mother died to the twoleg destruction, but that doesn't give him an excuse for how he acts. Had it not been for Lionpatch, I would have had to raise myself. Skunktail is no fatherly material."
"I suppose so." Nettlethorn finds herself embarrassed for opening up to Littlefly this way. Though Skunktail is handsome, he has the maturity of a kit... Littlefly had suffered more as an apprentice more than Nettlethorn knew.

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LEADER - Bogstar: a light ginger tom with brown patches. Aloof, eccentric, and protective of his clan.
DEPUTY - Nettlethorn: A red she-cat with rough, bristly fur and yellow eyes. She is smart and a stealthy, skilled hunter. 
MEDICINE CAT - Lionpatch: a wise, serious medicine cat with tan fur and yellow patches. 
Skunktail: a black-furred tom with a bushy tail and distinct scent. Rather immature.
Littlefly: Daughter of Skunktail. Has black, bristly fur and brown eyes. Resentful towards her father. Quiet and observant.
APPRENTICE: Petalpaw - A red-and white pretty she-cat with a bushy tail. Apprentice of Skunktail.

Petalpaw is promoted to a warrior; she is named Petalsun.
Soon after she is promoted to a warrior, Skunktail approaches her and asks her to be his mate. The she-cat agrees, smiling brightly and nuzzling into his fur. it is soon after announced that Petalsun will be having kits. Upon hearing the news, Littlefly flattens her ears and paces into the bushes, Lionpatch looking back at her.

The kit is born- Petalsun has a son. She names him Owlkit. Owlkit is shy and timid.
"He's in the nursery if you want to see him," says Lionpatch, approaching Littlefly. He smiles ever-so-slightly as he gives this suggestion. Littlefly gives him a look of discomfort. Why would he want her to go see a kit that she has nothing to do with? When she doesn't respond, Lionpatch steps forward, bringing a more serious tone. "You're the only one who hasn't come see him yet, Littlefly. He didn't choose his circumstance. You can't change how you were treated as a kit, but you can give him a chance to be accepted into Bogclan."
"Fine," sighs Littlefly, cautiously pacing into the nursery. 
"Hello, Littlefly," said Petalsun with a smile, beckoning her in with her tail. She nudged her kit slightly with her nose, and it rolled over, its eyes still sealed tightly. Littlefly looked intently at him. he looked nothing like her, and little like his father aside from his deep black eyes. He huddled closely to his mother, and despite how she expected to feel, Littlefly couldn't help but feel some kinship toward him.

Lionpatch develops greencough, but lives. Littlefly brings him herbs that he instructs her to bring.

Owlkit is promoted to Owlpaw, and Littlefly is assigned to be his mentor. She secretly feels rather happy about this, and often checks on him. 

A new she-cat is accepted into the clan due to its growing numbers; she is a rogue named Runner, and she is renamed to Runnerpaw. She is assigned to be trained into warrior ways with Petalsun. Tensions rise between her and Nettlethorn, who is now wary toward new cats.
Owlpaw is promoted to a warrior and is renamed into Owllight.
After being pronounced a warrior, Petalsun runs up to her son and nuzzles him tightly. Littlefly watches, joy filling her chest. At least her half-brother would never experience the loneliness she once did.

Runnerpaw is later promoted as well, and is renamed Runnerwillow.
Another female soon joins the clan- her name is Delta, and she is renamed into Deltapaw. she is made the apprentice of Owllight. She is quiet and shows interest in owllight, but it is not reciprocated.

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LEADER - Bogstar: a light ginger tom with brown patches. Aloof, eccentric, and protective of his clan.
DEPUTY - Nettlethorn: A red she-cat with rough, bristly fur and yellow eyes. She is smart and a stealthy, skilled hunter. 
MEDICINE CAT - Lionpatch: a wise, serious medicine cat with tan fur and yellow patches. 
Skunktail: a black-furred tom with a bushy tail and distinct scent. Rather immature.
Littlefly: Daughter of Skunktail. Has black, bristly fur and brown eyes. Resentful towards her father. Quiet and observant.
Petalsun - A red-and white pretty she-cat with a bushy tail. Mate of Skunktail.
Owllight - A red and tan tom, son of Skunktail and Petalsun.
Runnerwillow - A pretty light-gray she-cat. 

Deltapaw - A golden yellow she-cat, apprentice of Owllight. Quiet and a friend of Littlefly.

Bogstar decides that it is time for his clan to move. He calls a clan meeting.
"Bogclan," he starts, "Our clan has grown too large to be held by this tiny island. I believe that it would be best for us to move."
Nettlethorn flattened her ears. "Bogstar, are you sure about this? Our cats have grown up here. I don't know if that would be a good idea."
"I think it would," chimed in Lionpatch. "Starclan has told me of a change coming. Perhaps this is it."
Skunktail shook his head. "But moving seems like much work. I was hoping to have another kit soon."
Petalsun disagreed with her mate. "Moving would be a great idea!" Owllight nodded in agreement with his mother.
As much as Littlefly hated to agree with her father, moving seemed intimidating. "I don't know, Bogstar..."
"I think we do need more room," said Runnerwillow. 
After hearing the consideration of all clan cats, Bogstar made a decision. "It seems more cats are in favor; we will move. But which direction will we go? The east seems more inviting, but the western path seems to have more room ahead. I personally feel inclined towards the east."
Nettlethorn agreed. "I think so, too."
"Well, I'm not moving," hissed Skunktail. "I'm too old for this, Bogstar."
"Then who's going to stay behind and care for you?" asked Petalsun.
Littlefly sighed. "I will stay with him." The clan looked at her, shocked. Nettlethorn rushed over to her.
"He needs someone," said Littlefly. "I'm not going to treat him the way he treated me."
"That's ridiculous," hissed Nettlethorn. "You shouldn't even consider staying for-" but Lionpatch put a paw on her shoulder, and she sighed.
"Fine. Stay."

The clan then had two decisions; to go west or east. They chose west, and within a few moons, they had gathered enough resources to move.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Owllight asked his half-sister, looking up at her with uncertainty.
"I'll be fine," said Littlefly. "You go out there and become a great warrior. I won't forget you."
A less soft goodbye was being exhanged between Petalsun and Skunktail, with Petalsun understandably bitter at Skunktail's unwillingness to leave.

And so, the clan found themselves on an entirely new land once more.
"Stay close," ordered Bogstar to his clan. "We don't know what kind of creatures are here."

Deltapaw is promoted to Deltanose.

Petalsun dies due to accidentally eating poisonous berries. 

Bogstar begins to get a bit frustrated due to the lack of direction in this much larger, newer island. "This is ridiculous," he growls, trying to look through the tall grass. "Nothing useful around here."
"You just have to know where to look," replies an unfamiliar voice, and all the cats of the clan raise their ears in alert. Out strides a confident tom, and Bogstar sharpens his claws.
"And who are you?"
"Named me Jump," said the cat. "I'm a rogue, looking for a clan, and I'd be willing to help you." Though annoyed by this cat's forward personality, Bogsneak agrees, and he is turned into a warrior apprentice named Jumppaw under Runningwillow. He takes quite the liking to Deltanose.


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LEADER - Bogstar: a light ginger tom with brown patches. Aloof, eccentric, and protective of his clan.
DEPUTY - Nettlethorn: A red she-cat with rough, bristly fur and yellow eyes. She is smart and a stealthy, skilled hunter. 
MEDICINE CAT - Lionpatch: a wise, serious medicine cat with tan fur and yellow patches. 
Petalsun - A red-and white pretty she-cat with a bushy tail. Mate of Skunktail.
Owllight - A red and tan tom, son of Skunktail and Petalsun.
Runnerwillow - A pretty light-gray she-cat. 

Deltanose - A golden yellow she-cat, apprentice of Owllight. Quiet and a friend of Littlefly.
Jumptwig - A red, confident tom with brown eyes. New warrior.

Jumppaw is promoted to Jumptwig and becomes a warrior. He approaches Deltanose one night as she picks berries.
"I would like to know if you'd like to be my mate, Deltanose," he says. "I've watched you since I joined this clan, and getting to know you has been amazing."
Deltanose shyly nods. "Of course, Jumptwig." Within a couple of moons, they announce that Deltanose will be having a kit. They give birth to a golden-coated daughter with blue eyes. Deltanose names her Gardenkit due to her beauty. She grows up to be a quiet, shy kit, but keeps a facade of confidence about her with other cats. She doesn't get along too well with her father, who she thinks is too loud.

A bearyena comes after the clan, terrifying the warriors. They spring into action. Runnerwillow claw's at the beast first, the fastest in the clan. She bites into its shoulder and drags her claws down its right leg. Nettlethorn comes next, clawing at it from below, while Owllight goes for its jaw. Enraged, the bearyena goes for Nettlethorn first, crashing its claws against her jaw. and she is knocked back several cat-lengths. It then strikes Runnerwillow's hindquarter. Enraged, Owllight and Jumptwig manage to finish it off. Lionpatch rushes to the scene, dragging Nettlethorn back to the medicine den and ordering the injured but still standing Runnerwillow to follow.

Bogstar comes into the medicine den after Lionpatch finishes the application of reeds as bandages and the application of herbs. "How are their wounds, Lionpatch?"
Lionpatch gestures Bogstar out of the den, as to not talk about the conditions of the sick cats while they are in earshot.
"Firstly, the less severe of the two. Runnerwillow will be fine; she will not scar, and can return to warrior duties by tomorrow."
"And Nettlethorn?" asks Bogstar.
"...I am afraid Nettlethorn is gravely wounded, Bogstar. She will live, but her jaw was knocked completely out of its proper position, and she was blinded in her right eye. She's... also an older cat, Bogstar. She said she wants retirement from deputy."
Bogstar flattens his ears and looks over his clan. Who could replace Nettlethorn as his deputy? She has been by his side since the beginning, and there is no cat he trusts so much aside from Lionpatch. He looks over the newer cats of the clan and shakes his head, but he rests his eyes on the cat who was born in the clan, who was of Bogclan blood- Owllight.
Owllight will be his new deputy.

"That was amazing," Compliments Gardenkit. "You saved them, Lionpatch! I want to be a medicine cat like you." 
Lionpatch looks to Bogstar. "I am getting older, Bogstar. We could use a medicine cat apprentice.
"Then you will be Gardenpaw, medicine cat apprentice," says Bogstar.

Lionpatch apprentices Gardenpaw, but before he can finish, dies of old age. Nettlethorn buries him as a final farewell to send him off to Starclan. Gardenpaw, feeling lost, curls up in his old nest in the medicine den. He visits her in a dream.
"I'm still going to teach you, you know," says Lionpatch. He doesn't look as he did when he died; he has a pelt of stars. "You have great potential, Gardenpaw. You will not give up now. Starclan and I forbid it." He smiles gently.

The clan is joined by Deadeye, a dark red tom with only his left eye. He is bold and outspoken, and is renamed Deadpaw to be trained as a warrior. He is mentored by Jumptwig, and becomes friends with Runningwillow.

Deltanose announces she will be having another kit.

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LEADER - Bogstar: a light ginger tom with brown patches. Aloof, eccentric, and protective of his clan.
DEPUTY -Owllight - A red and tan tom, son of Skunktail and Petalsun.
MEDICINE CAT - Gardenpaw: a wise, serious medicine cat with tan fur and yellow patches. 
Owllight - A red and tan tom, son of Skunktail and Petalsun.
Runnerwillow - A pretty light-gray she-cat. 

Deltanose - A golden yellow she-cat, apprentice of Owllight. Quiet and a friend of Littlefly.
Jumptwig - A red, confident tom with brown eyes. New warrior.

Deadroar - Formerly Deadpaw; Promoted to a warrior.
ELDER: Nettlethorn: A red she-cat with rough, bristly fur and yellow eyes. She is smart and a stealthy, skilled hunter. 

Deadpaw is promoted to Deadroar, and becomes the mate of Runningwillow.

Deltanose gives birth to a son, who she names Dawnkit due to his brilliant, orange pelt like the morning sun. He is gentle and kind, though he has some self-confidence issues.
Suddenly, a bearyena comes after the clan once more. Runnerwillow, Deadroar, and even the retired Nettlethorn go after it in order to protect Bogstar, but it kills Nettlethorn and just barely scratches Deadroar. Gardenpaw buries Nettlethorn.

"I think it's time for you to be named a full medicine cat," says Bogstar. "I know Lionpatch isn't here, so it's not the same, but I'd still like to give you the honor."
"I'd love that, Bogstar," says Gardenpaw.
"You will be named Gardenpelt, medicine cat of Bogclan."

Runningwillow announces that she will be having a kit. 

Dawnkit becomes old enough to become an apprentice, and he is named Dawnpaw. Deadroar is made into his mentor.

Runningwillow has her child, who she names Swiftkit in hopes she will grow up to be fast like her mother. She is cheerful and sociable.

Dawnpaw is promoted to a warrior, and he is named Dawnmouth. 
Soon after, Dawnmouth is given an apprentice; Swiftkit is now Swiftpaw.

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LEADER - Bogstar: a light ginger tom with brown patches. Aloof, eccentric, and protective of his clan.
DEPUTY -Owllight - A red and tan tom, son of Skunktail and Petalsun.
MEDICINE CAT - Gardenpelt: a gentle, shy medicine cat with golden fur.
Runnerwillow - A pretty light-gray she-cat. 
Deltanose - A golden yellow she-cat, apprentice of Owllight. Quiet and a friend of Littlefly.
Jumptwig - A red, confident tom with brown eyes. New warrior.

Deadroar - Formerly Deadpaw; Promoted to a warrior.
Dawnmouth - a bright orange male with dark mane. 
APPRENTICE: Swiftpaw: A young female she-cat with fast feet and a gray pelt with brown stripes.

Deltanose and Jumptwig announce that they will be having a kit again. She gives birth to a female kit named

Deadroar dies of old age, leaving Swiftpaw and Runningwillow behind. She is named Yawnkit and is rather peaceful and quiet, often napping at her mother's side.

Swiftpaw grows into an adult, beaming with pride as she is given the name Swiftdeer. Runningwillow nuzzles her daughter close. 
"Deadroar would've been so proud of you," she purrs.

Runningwillow dies soon after this, leaving Swiftdeer to carry on the legacy of her parents.

Yawnkit becomes Yawnpaw, and is assigned to be the apprentice of Swiftdeer.

Bogstar dies of old age. Owllight takes his place, becoming Owlstar. The clan appropriately mourns the death of their leader- the one who had led the clan for ninety-five moons.

"I say this before the body of Bogstar so that his spirit may hear and approve of my choice," stated Owlstar. "The new deputy of Bogclan is Jumptwig."


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6 hours ago, medicine cat said:

LEADER - Bogstar: a light ginger tom with brown patches. Aloof, eccentric, and protective of his clan.
DEPUTY - Nettlethorn: A red she-cat with rough, bristly fur and yellow eyes. She is smart and a stealthy, skilled hunter. 
MEDICINE CAT - Lionpatch: a wise, serious medicine cat with tan fur and yellow patches. 
Skunktail: a black-furred tom with a bushy tail and distinct scent. Rather immature.
Littlefly: Daughter of Skunktail. Has black, bristly fur and brown eyes. Resentful towards her father. Quiet and observant.
Petalsun - A red-and white pretty she-cat with a bushy tail. Mate of Skunktail.
Owllight - A red and tan tom, son of Skunktail and Petalsun.
Runnerwillow - A pretty light-gray she-cat. 

Deltapaw - A golden yellow she-cat, apprentice of Owllight. Quiet and a friend of Littlefly.

Bogstar decides that it is time for his clan to move. He calls a clan meeting.
"Bogclan," he starts, "Our clan has grown too large to be held by this tiny island. I believe that it would be best for us to move."
Nettlethorn flattened her ears. "Bogstar, are you sure about this? Our cats have grown up here. I don't know if that would be a good idea."
"I think it would," chimed in Lionpatch. "Starclan has told me of a change coming. Perhaps this is it."
Skunktail shook his head. "But moving seems like much work. I was hoping to have another kit soon."
Petalsun disagreed with her mate. "Moving would be a great idea!" Owllight nodded in agreement with his mother.
As much as Littlefly hated to agree with her father, moving seemed intimidating. "I don't know, Bogstar..."
"I think we do need more room," said Runnerwillow. 
After hearing the consideration of all clan cats, Bogstar made a decision. "It seems more cats are in favor; we will move. But which direction will we go? The east seems more inviting, but the western path seems to have more room ahead. I personally feel inclined towards the east."
Nettlethorn agreed. "I think so, too."
"Well, I'm not moving," hissed Skunktail. "I'm too old for this, Bogstar."
"Then who's going to stay behind and care for you?" asked Petalsun.
Littlefly sighed. "I will stay with him." The clan looked at her, shocked. Nettlethorn rushed over to her.
"He needs someone," said Littlefly. "I'm not going to treat him the way he treated me."
"That's ridiculous," hissed Nettlethorn. "You shouldn't even consider staying for-" but Lionpatch put a paw on her shoulder, and she sighed.
"Fine. Stay."

The clan then had two decisions; to go west or east. They chose west, and within a few moons, they had gathered enough resources to move.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Owllight asked his half-sister, looking up at her with uncertainty.
"I'll be fine," said Littlefly. "You go out there and become a great warrior. I won't forget you."
A less soft goodbye was being exhanged between Petalsun and Skunktail, with Petalsun understandably bitter at Skunktail's unwillingness to leave.

And so, the clan found themselves on an entirely new land once more.
"Stay close," ordered Bogstar to his clan. "We don't know what kind of creatures are here."

Deltapaw is promoted to Deltanose.

Petalsun dies due to accidentally eating poisonous berries. 

Bogstar begins to get a bit frustrated due to the lack of direction in this much larger, newer island. "This is ridiculous," he growls, trying to look through the tall grass. "Nothing useful around here."
"You just have to know where to look," replies an unfamiliar voice, and all the cats of the clan raise their ears in alert. Out strides a confident tom, and Bogstar sharpens his claws.
"And who are you?"
"Named me Jump," said the cat. "I'm a rogue, looking for a clan, and I'd be willing to help you." Though annoyed by this cat's forward personality, Bogsneak agrees, and he is turned into a warrior apprentice named Jumppaw under Runningwillow. He takes quite the liking to Deltanose.




Ok im done now

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23 minutes ago, medicine cat said:

LEADER - Bogstar: a light ginger tom with brown patches. Aloof, eccentric, and protective of his clan.
DEPUTY -Owllight - A red and tan tom, son of Skunktail and Petalsun.
MEDICINE CAT - Gardenpaw: a wise, serious medicine cat with tan fur and yellow patches. 
Owllight - A red and tan tom, son of Skunktail and Petalsun.
Runnerwillow - A pretty light-gray she-cat. 

Deltanose - A golden yellow she-cat, apprentice of Owllight. Quiet and a friend of Littlefly.
Jumptwig - A red, confident tom with brown eyes. New warrior.

Deadroar - Formerly Deadpaw; Promoted to a warrior.
Dawnmouth - a bright orange male with dark mane. 
APPRENTICE: Swiftpaw: A young female she-cat with fast feet and a gray pelt with brown stripes.

Deltanose and Jumptwig announce that they will be having a kit again. She gives birth to a female kit named

Deadroar dies of old age, leaving Swiftpaw and Runningwillow behind. She is named Yawnkit and is rather peaceful and quiet, often napping at her mother's side.

Swiftpaw grows into an adult, beaming with pride as she is given the name Swiftdeer. Runningwillow nuzzles her daughter close. 
"Deadroar would've been so proud of you," she purrs.

Runningwillow dies soon after this, leaving Swiftdeer to carry on the legacy of her parents.

Yawnkit becomes Yawnpaw, and is assigned to be the apprentice of Swiftdeer.

Bogstar dies of old age. Owllight takes his place, becoming Owlstar. The clan appropriately mourns the death of their leader- the one who had led the clan for ninety-five moons.

"I say this before the body of Bogstar so that his spirit may hear and approve of my choice," stated Owlstar. "The new deputy of Bogclan is Jumptwig."


(this post has some errors

The most serious is that Gardenpelt is still named Gardenpaw in the allegiances and has Lionpatch's description)

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8 hours ago, Mod the non-Mod said:

Owllight is also mentioned 3 times and Yawnpaw's birth is cut in half

yup, here it is:

12 hours ago, medicine cat said:

Deltanose and Jumptwig announce that they will be having a kit again. She gives birth to a female kit named

Deadroar dies of old age, leaving Swiftpaw and Runningwillow behind. She is named Yawnkit and is rather peaceful and quiet, often napping at her mother's side.

and there's a random d at the end. 


I shoulda pointed these out last night but I was too tired lol

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LEADER - Owlstar - A red and tan tom, son of Skunktail and Petalsun. Formerly named Owllight.
DEPUTY - Jumptwig - an older, red-coated male.

MEDICINE CAT - Gardenpelt: a gentle, shy medicine cat with golden fur.
Deltanose - A golden yellow she-cat, the former apprentice of Owllight. Quiet and a friend of Littlefly.
Deadroar - Formerly Deadpaw; Promoted to a warrior.
Dawnmouth - a bright orange male with dark mane. 
Swiftdeer - a grey furred female with brown stripes. She is cheerful and the fastest in the clan.

APPRENTICE: Yawnpaw: A quiet, bright ginger she-cat.

"How are you taking it?" Gardenpelt asks gently, stepping into the leader's den.
"Taking what?" Asks Owlstar in reply, tilting his head to the side.
"You're the second ever leader of Bogclan," responded the golden-pelted female. "I know we haven't talked that much, but as medicine cat, I'm... happy to be of support." She smiles in a friendly manner, and something in her reminds Owlstar of Lionpatch.
"It's.. all new," says Owlstar, shifting his paw in the dirt. "I love Bogclan. I've lived here all my life, and I love every member. But I received no real training on... any of this, really."
"I believe the clan is happy with you," replies Gardenpelt. "You're definitely going to get to know these cats from a different perspective now, as their leader. But they will care for you as they always have."

Meanwhile across camp, Yawnpaw is being trained by Swiftdeer. They stop to rest by the tall grass.
"So, how are you feeling about your father becoming deputy?" asks Swiftdeer, looking at her apprentice. "You must be pretty excited!"
"I'm happy for him, but unless something crazy happens to Owlstar... I don't know if he'll live that long to become deputy. Dad's pretty old," says the apprentice. "I don't know how long he'll live."
Swiftdeer shifts uncomfortably at these words coming from her apprentice. She is reminded of her father, Deadroar, who died when she herself was just an apprentice. 
"Don't say that," says Swiftdeer. "Enjoy the time you have with him. Who knows? He might become leader and live a long time!" Yawnpaw simply shrugs.

Yawnpaw grows old enough to become a warrior, and is promoted with the name Yawnmuzzle.
One day while patrolling, Swiftdeer encounters a strange red male with tan patches.
"Who are you?" hisses Swiftdeer, quickly circling the male. 
"I'm hoping to join your clan," says the male. "My name is Free." He smiles at her friendlily, but jumps back when she swipes an unsure claw at him. 
"We're not very welcoming towards outsiders," hissed Swiftdeer. She knew some clan members were taken in as rogues, but she had never seen a rogue taken in during her lifetime. She felt uncomfortable being so aggressive, but she had to protect her clan.
"I'm of no harm!" says the male, narrowly dodging Swiftdeer's swipe. "I'm willing to learn your ways."
Swiftdeer sighs and stops swiping at the male. "We'll have to ask Owlstar, but if he says no, you can't come back."
Owlstar reluctantly agrees; though he knows Bogstar didn't much approve of outsiders, he needed more cats in the clan. Free is renamed Freepaw, and he is placed under Yawnmuzzle for training.
After being trained, Freepaw is promoted to the name Freegrove. A moon after becoming a warrior, he approaches Yawnmuzzle and asks her to be his mate. Unsure but open-minded, she agrees.

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LEADER - Owlstar - A red and tan tom, son of Skunktail and Petalsun. Formerly named Owllight.
DEPUTY - Jumptwig - an older, red-coated male.

MEDICINE CAT - Gardenpelt: a gentle, shy medicine cat with golden fur.
Deltanose - A golden yellow she-cat, the former apprentice of Owllight. Quiet and a friend of Littlefly.
Dawnmouth - a bright orange male with dark mane. 
Swiftdeer - a grey furred female with brown stripes. She is cheerful and the fastest in the clan.

Yawnmuzzle: A quiet, bright ginger she cat.
Freegrove - A red, speckle-pelted male with a naive personality.

The clan is once again joined by a new member- a light ginger male with green eyes named Forest, renamed to Forestpaw to be an apprentice. He is to be mentored by Freegrove.
Jumptwig dies of old age, leaving Deltanose and his children upset. To replace his place as deputy, Owlstar decides on Swiftdeer to be his deputy.
"Me? Are you sure?" Swiftdeer flattens her ears, and Owlstar smiles.
"You're one of the most experienced warriors, though young," says Owlstar. "You're going to do fine."

"I knew this was coming for a while, but I'm still upset about it," sighs Yawnmuzzle, lying down next to Freegrove. Nuzzling her comfortingly, Freegrove isn't sure what to do- he knew Jumptwig a bit from him being her mate's father, but he didn't know him that long.
"Perhaps we could have kits of our own, when you're ready," says Freegrove. "Maybe a new kit will help you.."
Yawnmuzzle smiles. "I would like that, Freegrove."

Forestpaw is promoted to warrior, being renamed Forestbreeze.

Meanwhile, Owlstar is thinking. One day, he calls a clan meeting.
"I think we need to move islands," says Owlstar. All of the clan agrees except for Deltanose and Forestbreeze. Forestbreeze is unsure of leaving where he grew up, and Deltanose does not want to leave where Jumptwig is buried. Gardenpelt shifts uncomfortably.
"I am old anyway," says Deltanose. "Let the clan advance without me; I don't have long, and I will meet you all again in Starclan."
"We're not leaving you," says Dawnmouth, looking sternly at his mother.

Gardenpelt comes to Owlstar in the night, nudging him awake.
"Owlstar, I have a favor to ask you."
"Yes, Gardenpelt?" Owlstar looks at his medicine cat with a smile.
"Please. Let us stay on this island, just a few more moons. I can't leave my mother alone. It's almost her time, and I can't leave her alone on this island when she dies." It is dark, but Owlstar sees her eyes pleading her leader for help. "And... Yawnmuzzle told me she is pregnant, Owlstar. Just give us a few more moons. Let my mother meet her grandchild."
Owlstar smiled gently. "I understand your concern, Gardenpelt. We will spend these last few moons gathering food supply for the move, then. We will wait to move until all my clan is ready."
"Thank you, Owlstar..." Gardenpelt nuzzles the tom. "It means a lot to my family and I. Deltanose would never admit it, but I know being alone would cause her pain."

Yawnmuzzle gives birth to her kit, Ridgekit. Ridgekit is born with a handsome ginger pelt and a loud personality unlike either of his parents. He is closely bonded to both of his parents. Deltanose enjoys watching him, but does not get close in fear of her grandson getting too attached to her before she dies and the clan moves.

Deltanose dies peacefully, and Owlstar conducts the mourning vigil before Gardenpelt and Dawnmouth bury her. Gardenpelt nods gratefully at Owlstar at the end of the vigil, allowing her these last few moons with her mother on the old island.
"She walks with Starclan now," Gardenpelt tells Dawnmouth, nuzzling him. Dawnmouth shifts uncomfortably, and Gardenpelt can tell what he's feeling.
"...Come on, Dawnmouth," she said gently. "Let's get ready to move territories."
"...That.. sounds good," says Dawnmouth, giving one last look at camp before following Gardenpelt to where the clan was heading; the island's edge.

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LEADER - Owlstar - A red and tan tom, son of Skunktail and Petalsun. Formerly named Owllight.
DEPUTY - Swiftdeer - a clever and jolly she-cat; fastest in the clan.

MEDICINE CAT - Gardenpelt: a gentle, shy medicine cat with golden fur.
Dawnmouth - a bright orange male with dark mane. 
Swiftdeer - a grey furred female with brown stripes. She is cheerful and the fastest in the clan.

Yawnmuzzle: A quiet, bright ginger she cat.
Freegrove - A red, speckle-pelted male with a naive personality.
KIT: Ridgekit: A bold and outspoken ginger tomkit. Son of Yawnmuzzle and Freegrove.

The clan lands upon a peaceful, meadowy area.
Yawnmuzzle and Gardenpelt walk on the shores together of the new island, while Ridgekit toddles behind, playing with his mother's tail.
"Thank you for asking Owlstar about letting us stay with mom," says Yawnmuzzle. "I knew he'd understand, but I thought you'd be better with saying it. I needed time to adjust to having a kit, too."
"How's he taking the move?" asks Gardenpelt with a smile, looking at her nephew. "Seems to like it here."
"I worry about him getting into trouble in a land I don't know, but I think he can grow up strong here."

Ridgekit turns into Ridgepaw, and he is taken as an apprentice by Forestbreeze. Forestbreeze doesn't get along very well with his apprentice, considering him too loud and outspoken. Their tension grows, and Ridgepaw grows into a rebellious, wisecracking warrior, much to Forestbreeze's annoyance. He is renamed Ridgesworn.

The clan is joined by a new she-cat; a dark red female with pretty blue eyes. She is named Pride, and is renamed Pridepaw to be an apprentice under Ridgesworn. Taught by Forestbreeze to be rough on apprentices, he is rough on her, making her dislike him.
Yawnmuzzle announces she is pregnant once more.

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DAY 133 / CHAPTER 10
LEADER - Owlstar - A red and tan tom, son of Skunktail and Petalsun. Formerly named Owllight.
DEPUTY - Swiftdeer - a clever and jolly she-cat; fastest in the clan.

MEDICINE CAT - Gardenpelt: a gentle, shy medicine cat with golden fur.
Dawnmouth - a bright orange male with dark mane. 
Yawnmuzzle: A quiet, bright ginger she cat.
Freegrove - A red, speckle-pelted male with a naive personality.
Forestbreeze - A light tan tom with a egotistical personality.
Ridgesworn - A bold and outspoken ginger tom. Son of Yawnmuzzle and Freegrove.

Yawnmuzzle has a daughter, who she names Mellowkit. Mellowkit is a happy, friendly kit.

Pridepaw is promoted to a warrior, and is renamed Pridewolf.

Ridgesworn finds himself developing feelings for Swiftdeer, and therefore decides to put his feelings into action. He approaches her one day while she is hunting, and brings himself forward. He puffs out his chest, and tries to display confidence; if he is to ask out the beautiful deputy of Bogclan, he has to make an impression.
"Swiftdeer." He comes forward. "I would like to ask you a question.."
She agrees to become his mate, and he is overjoyed. 

Soon enough, Swiftdeer announces that she will be having a kit- this is much to the surprise of the clan, who didn't expect her to ever take on the responsibility of a kit on top of being deputy.

Meanwhile, Mellowkit is promoted to Mellowpaw, and is placed as an apprentice under Pridewolf. Though they have contrasting personalities, Pridewolf takes a liking to her apprentice, and they become good friends.

Swiftdeer has a kit named Cavernkit. Cavernkit is a pretty sand-colored she-kit, who is quiet and observant.

Mellowpaw grows into a warrior, and is renamed Mellowspring.
She apprentices the newly promoted Cavernpaw, and eventually into Caverndawn.

Swiftdeer soon announces she'll be having another kit. She has a son named Primekit. Primekit grows to be a strange, eccentric kit, often bewildering the cats aroung him.

However, this causes him to win the heart of Caverndawn, who wishes to protect her little brother. One day, she approaches Owlstar.
"Owlstar, I have a request," she says.
"What is it, Caverndawn?" asks Owlstar, flicking his tail.
"I would like to request to be the mentor of Primekit when he is old enough. I know he is kin, so I should not mentor him, but I think he needs someone supportive. He's not very social with many cats, and I'm lucky to have gained his trust."
Owlstar smiles and nods. "Bogclan has an eccentric cat now and then. Feel free to mentor your brother.

Forestbreeze dies of old age.

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DAY 157 / CHAPTER 11
LEADER - Owlstar - A red and tan tom, son of Skunktail and Petalsun. Formerly named Owllight.
DEPUTY - Swiftdeer - a clever and jolly she-cat; fastest in the clan.

MEDICINE CAT - Gardenpelt: a gentle, shy medicine cat with golden fur.
Dawnmouth - a bright orange male with dark mane. 
Yawnmuzzle: A quiet, bright ginger she cat.
Freegrove - A red, speckle-pelted male with a naive personality.
Ridgesworn - A bold and outspoken ginger tom. Son of Yawnmuzzle and Freegrove.
Mellowspring - a speckled red she-cat.
Caverndawn - a sand colored tabby she-cat.
Pridewolf - a dark red she-cat with blue eyes.

Primekit - An eccentric brown-furred tomkit with tan patches.

Primekit grows old enough to be an apprentice, and Caverndawn approaches him soon before he receives his apprentice name of Primepaw.
"So, Primekit, are you ready to become my apprentice?" asks Caverndawn, smiling. "You're going to be a great warrior."
"Not really..." admits Primekit, looking at his paws. 
"Don't be nervous," says Caverndawn.
"No, it's not that," says Primekit. "I want to be a medicine cat."
Shocked, Caverndawn flicks her ears forward. "A medicine cat?"
"Yes..." he says nervously, looking downward. 

Caverndawn cautiously takes Primekit into the medicine den, to ask Cedarpelt for help.
"I can take him in," says Cedarpelt with a smile. "He'll be called Primepaw. Medicine cat apprentice."

Primepaw grows into a qualified medicine cat and is renamed Primewhisker.
Shortly after, Gardenpelt dies.

Yawnmuzzle has a she-kit, who she names Finkit. Finkit is quiet and shy.
Pridewolf dies of old age.
Finkit grows into Finpaw, and is mentored by Cavernpaw.

Swiftdeer dies of old age. In mourning, Owlstar declares his new deputy to be Ridgesworn.

Cavernpaw one day approaches Owlstar shyly, her ears flattened.
"Owlstar... I have a question for you." She asks him to be her mate. Floored, Owlstar is taken aback; he's the leader of the clan and was always too focused on the clan to have kits. But he has never had kits of his own, so he agrees.

Finpaw is promoted to Finspeckle, a warrior.
To the clan's surprise, Owlstar announces that he will be having a kit with Caverndawn.
Dawnmouth dies of old age.

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DAY 182 / CHAPTER 12
LEADER - Owlstar - A red and tan tom, son of Skunktail and Petalsun. Formerly named Owllight.
DEPUTY - Ridgesworn - A bold and outspoken ginger tom. Son of Yawnmuzzle and Freegrove.

MEDICINE CAT - Primewhisker - An eccentric brown-furred tomkit with tan patches.
Yawnmuzzle: A quiet, bright ginger she cat.
Freegrove - A red, speckle-pelted male with a naive personality.
Mellowspring - a speckled red she-cat.
Caverndawn - a sand colored tabby she-cat.
Finspeckle - a speckled, dark red she-cat.

Caverndawn gives birth to not one kit, but a litter of two- a small, ginger male named Covekit, and a tall, ginger female named Skipkit.
The clan, never having been blessed with two kits before at once, considers this miraculous.
"They're beautiful," purrs Caverndawn to Owlstar with pride.
Ridgesworn compliments Covekit. "He looks like me when I was young."
"It's a blessing from Starclan," purrs Primewhisker, looking up at the sky.
This impression of being miraculous puts pressure on these two kits, and makes them feel insecure in fear they won't live up to the expectations of their clan. However, this also makes them close in their struggle.
However, the two have differing opinions on their parents; Covekit is attached to Owlstar as his father, but Skipkit is wary of him due to being his daughter putting pressure on her. She instead draws close to her mother, Caverndawn.

Covekit and Skipkit grow into Covepaw and Skippaw, who are mentored by Mellowspring and Yawnmuzzle, respectively.

"Owlstar," says Primewhisker, approaching his leader. "I believe these kits are a sign from Starclan."
"A sign?" purrs Owlstar, curiously. "Go on, Primewhisker."
"I believe twin kits is is a sign the clan will grow more. We need to move islands to accommodate."
"I can see the reason for that. Let's start planning."

Everyone agrees to the move except for Freegrove, Caverndawn, and Finspeckle. Caverndawn approaches her mate after the meeting, flattening her ears. Freegrove decides to stay back on the island due to his advancing age, and Finspeckle says she will stay with her father, as will Yawnmuzzle.
"I will move, Owlstar, but only after my kits are grown."
"Then we will wait," he says gently. "I think that's not a bad idea."

The clan starts to gather items for the eventual move in the coming moons, but a bearyena attacks Meadowspring grabbing her by the neck in its jaws. The clan takes down the enemy, but it is too late, and she dies despite the intervention of Primewhisker's treatment to her wound. This ultimately traumatizes Skippaw, who witness the death. Meadowspring was Covepaw's mentor. That could've been her brother.

Skippaw and Covepaw are promoted to warriors, being renamed Covehollow and Skipbrush.
Finally, after the twins become warriors, the clan moves. Skipbrush expresses anxiety at the idea of the move.
"It's going to be fine," purrs Covehollow to his sister. "We've trained throughout our lives for things like this."

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