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I’ve wanted to get caught up with this playthrough for the longest time but I never had the motivation to read all of it 💀 but I’m finally gonna do it lol

  • Eek! 1
1 hour ago, Stranger said:

I think it is melanism, in niche melanistic nichelings have a kind of blue black fur, while blackfurred nichelings are more grey black

Oh good to know! I didn't even notice there was a difference before :3

  • Paw up 1
  • 1 month later...

Not as long of an update as I would've like but at least I got something out!


The clan was gathered beneath the tall rock in the territory as they wondered why a meeting had suddenly been called. “As you know the clan has been without a deputy for…longer than we should’ve been” TwigStar felt the reality of how long the clan had been without a deputy sink in as he spoke “So I’ve used that time to think of the best choice for the position and I’ve decided that the best choice for the position is…” Sap and Rosecurrent were watching the event with complete curiosity while Crowshade didn’t bat an eye as she knew the answer before TwigStar opened his mouth.

“Blossomstorm” Said nicheling was shocked as she was only half-listening when the announcement was made. “Walk to the front” Blossomstorm’s eyes temporarily darted to Vibrantkit, who had looked up from playing with a few blades of grass, before continuing to walk to the spot directly under the large rock. “I say this so the spirit of Sandwing may hear and approve of my choice as I assign Blossomstorm as the new deputy of WildClan” TwigStar’s words made Crowshade start chanting Blossomstorm’s name to get the other gathered nichelings to do the same before a silence settled over the gathered clan once more.

Crowshade wishes she could be as surprised as Blossomstorm looked but she wasn’t at all. “It is over now? Can I go draw in the medicine den again?” Vibrantkit’s words pulled the medicine nicheling from her musings and she turned her head to look at the kit. “Just don’t use the herbs in your art projects or eat anything, you’ll get sick” Crowshade wasn’t too worried as she saw Rosecurrent walking towards the medicine den, she was due fairly soon so she slept there most of the time now. “Yay!” Vibrantkit cheered before running off and darting into the den, almost knocking into Rosecurrent's legs, but the red nicheling just huffed out a laugh before going into the den herself. Crowshade’s eyes narrowed as she noticed Rosecurrent walking in an odd manner and rethought her plan of taking a walk and instead walked after Rosecurrent.





“Do you really think I’m the best choice for this?” Blossomstorm couldn’t bite down the question after the rest of the clan had scattered to their own things. “You’ve proven you’re loyal to the clan and I’ve seen how hard you work to prove yourself” TwigStar said with complete confidence and a rare softness making Blossomstorm blink a few times in surprise before a shaky smile appeared on her face “If you’re sure” she responded as an attempt to disperse the unease that ran through her. “I am, completely” TwigStar said with a resolve that Blossomstorm recognized, he had no doubts in his mind about his choice, so she bit down her own anxieties on the matter and gave him a nod which seemed to relax the leader as a smile bloomed onto his face.

The nichelings tender moment was harshly interrupted by a yowl of pain that made Blossomstorm jump as TwigStar’s fur bristled out before looking at each other as if confirming the noise wasn’t a part of their own imaginations. The two immediately zipped over to the source of the sound and arrived at the entrance of the medicine den, peeking inside revealed a Rosecurrent who was being watched over by a vigilant Crowshade as she growled in pain. Crowshade’s eyes flicked towards the motion in the corner of her vision before making eye contact with Blossomstorm.

“You two take Vibrantkit to play somewhere else so I can focus” TwigStar felt a tiny spark of indignation before shaking it off as the situation at hand was more important. “C’mon kit, we’ll let you draw something super pretty far away from uh this” Blossomstorm walked over and gently used her snout to start pushing Vibrantkit out of the medicine den as the kit seemed to be frozen in fear. “She’ll be fine, but she needs Crowshade to focus and she can’t if you’re here” TwigStar said and that seemed to snap Vibrantkit out of her stupor as she started walking by herself though she did throw glances towards Crowshade.

Crowshade kept her eyes on Rosecurrent as the two took the kit away from the scene while trying to reel in her own anxiety at the situation. She was meant to be a temporary medicine nicheling, completely temporary and to be replaced as soon as someone better came along, so she was expecting to be replaced within a few moons at most but here she was getting older and still being in this ‘temporary’ position. She may know the basics of delivering kits but wasn’t ready for having to actually apply that knowledge, she didn’t have the proper training considering she just occasionally listened to Mossbeetle talk about the procedures and she never felt that more acutely than she did right now. But she subtly took a deep breath and focused back on the present…don’t overthink at a time like this.


Crowshade was helping groom one kit as Sap groomed the other. Rosecurrent was alive and there wasn’t any sign of danger or a health risk which Crowshade considered a victory but after finishing grooming the kit she carefully listened to both kits breathing for any wheezing, sneezing, or general signs of sickness. The normal breathing and lack of oddities soothed Crowshade’s very being as she realized that everything turned out fine. Her adrenaline was still buzzing through her body but everything had gone as well as it could’ve.

“The kits are healthy” Crowshade announced as she noticed both parents looking at her. Rosecurrent let out a loud sigh of relief as Sap spoke up “That’s great!” Rosecurrent winced, making Sap shrink into himself. “Should I get her some prey?” Sap whispered as he glanced between Rosecurrent and Crowshade but Crowshade shook her head “No, but maybe some water would be good” the medicine nicheling spoke making Sap nod in a determined manner before swiftly leaving the medicine den to presumably get water for his mate.

Crowshade slumped in her posture as the stress of the event finally caught up to her. “You almost look more tired than me” Crowshade tensed up as the voice of Rosecurrent rung throughout the medicine den. “I’m not, it’s my job” Crowshade straightened her posture as she looked away from the other nicheling making Rosecurrent snort which led to her letting out a cough before clearing her throat. “I’m not so exhausted that I can’t see what a tired nicheling looks like” Rosecurrent spoke with a mildly amused expression “guessing you’re not experienced with this part of being a…” she trailed off as she tried to recall the name of the role. “Medicine nicheling” Crowshade filled in making the other nicheling nod before speaking up “Yeah that”. Crowshade didn’t like admitting it but the other nicheling was right so she just gave a nod. Rosecurrent gave a sympathetic look to Crowshade before something caught the two adult nicheling’s attention.

The sound of pawsteps caused Crowshade to tense up before realizing the source of the sound, Sap ran into the medicine den with a mouth full of soaking moss. “Set it in front of her” Crowshade instructed as Sap slowed his pace to be more careful in his approach. “Thank you” Rosecurrent thanked her mate as he dropped the moss in front of her face which he responded to with a proud puff of his chest before giving a verbal response “Of course!”. Crowshade would’ve given them time to chat but a concern had wedged itself into her mind that needed to be addressed.

“You two” The medicine nicheling simply spoke to get their attention “Rosecurrent is sickly so the kits can’t be by her that often unless you want to run the risk of them getting sick” Sap’s face fell completely while Rosecurrent’s face shifted to one of sad resignment. “But they need to eat” Sap replied though the words had planted the seed of worry in his mind. “I know that, they still need to eat but I think it’d be best if they were watched over by another nicheling whenever they don’t immediately need food” Crowshade spoke but continued before Sap could get another word in “if you’re worried than maybe you could stay in the nursery with them and bring them to Rosecurrent when they need to eat while she stays in the medicine den” she suggested as the only solution she could think of on the spot.

“I…suppose that would work” Sap hesitantly agreed, not really liking the idea of constantly watching over them but not wanting to have them sick either. “Well since they’ve finished eating for now we should take them to the nursery” Crowshade said waiting for Rosecurrent to nod before gently grabbing one of the kits by the scruff and lifting them into the air. The kit squeaked protests but Crowshade exited the medicine den with Sap, who was carrying the other kit, in tow.

Crowshade accidentally made eye contact with TwigStar who tilted his head in a silent question. Crowshade gave a subtle nod to show that things went well before continuing towards the nursery. Crowshade set the kit on one of the soft moss nests that sat previously untouched in the den. “What do I even do?” Sap asked making Crowshade pause in her exit of the nursery. “Just lay with them probably” Crowshade said having no sage advice to offer herself before leaving the two kits to Sap’s care as she doubted he would do anything but try his best.


  • Like 1
  • 1 month later...

As per usual have your like once a month update, hope y'all enjoy!


TwigStar glanced behind him to check that he hadn’t gathered his clanmates unwanted attention as he continued toward his destination for yet another secret meeting. His stomach always churned a little when he did this because it felt like a betrayal to his clan and the trust they had placed in him to be an earnest leader but he told himself that this was for the good of the clan. He could get information about the other clan that could serve essential if the relations between the two groups ever went sour. That was the thought that pushed away the feelings of remorse as he saw the signature white fur of Lightstream.

“Oh! I was wondering if you’d gotten too busy to visit with all your leaderly duties” Lightstream said with a smile as she casually approached TwigStar and bumped her shoulder against his. TwigStar would admit that he had noticed the medicine nicheling showed heavy signs of a crush towards him but he never addressed it both because of code but also because it would be embarrassing to realize he misread the situation. Well that and the fact he didn’t feel that way so he just hoped he was completely misreading everything. “I just had to make sure none of my clanmates followed, I don’t think that would go well for either of us” TwigStar replied as he didn’t push away the other nicheling’s casual affection but didn’t reciprocate it either. “I mean if Sparrowtuft heard he might have an issue but GoldenStar wouldn’t mind I’m sure” Lightstream said with a casual shrug causing her fur to further brush against TwigStar’s.

“Not only do I not want to deal with Sparrowtuft more than I have to but I also don’t think I would be seen as a good example for sneaking off to meet someone” TwigStar replied with a small huff of laughter though he felt uncomfortable at the thought of being seen as a bad leader, his thoughts were brushed aside by the sound of Lightstream snickering. “Ah I guess that wouldn’t look the best huh?” Her tone was teasing before shifting into something more sympathetic. “I’m sure if worst came to worst your clanmates would forgive you, they’re a little…distrustful but they seem like good nichelings” TwigStar’s eyes softened at the medicine nicheling’s words as he glanced back in the direction he came from. “They are” He didn’t know if he would agree with them forgiving him but he wanted to best for his clan. “I wouldn’t trade them for anything” He said as he returned his eyes back to the medicine nicheling who was giving a soft smile. “That’s exactly why you’re a good leader, some nichelings would just use the power for themselves but you always think of your clanmates” She said before looking into the distance with a thoughtful expression.

“Is something wrong?” TwigStar asked as he noticed the change in expression making the other nicheling jump as she was pulled out of her thoughts. “No I’m just thinking” Lightstream rushed to clarify as she realized how concerning that must’ve looked to TwigStar. “If you’re sure” TwigStar decided to shrug it off as it wasn’t his business and he didn’t feel like prying. “...What do you think of romance?” TwigStar felt he deserved an award for not instantly whipping his head towards Lightstream for that question. “It can be a wonderful union of two hearts or a force of nature that brings a beautiful relationship to ruin” TwigStar spoke having seen both sides of the coin in his own parents relationship from the happy couple when he was young to the tattered remains of it as he got older. “Well that’s a mature and pretty balanced way to see it I guess” Lightstream said with a thoughtful hum as she considered his words and debated with herself before pushing a little more. “What do you think of the idea of having a mate?” Lightstream instantly wondered if she said the wrong thing as she felt him stiffen, though it was so subtle that she was sure that if she wasn’t practically leaning against him she wouldn’t have even noticed. “You don’t have to answer!” She quickly spoke but TwigStar shook his head and relaxed his posture. “No you’re fine, I was just not expecting that question but I don’t mind answering it” TwigStar’s mind had instantly pulled up memories of his own parents relationship when the question was asked.

“I would be fine with trying it but I don’t know if I would be the best choice” TwigStar answered after a small stretch of silence that allowed him to think. “Oh” Lightstream let out that noise as an automatic response before giving an actual reply. “So you’d be willing to at least try it?” She pressed to see if she was understanding him correctly. “I would” TwigStar spoke as he felt a small feeling of dread crawl into his stomach with the way this seemed to be going. “Would you…” Lightstream wondered if this was the best idea before steeling her nerves. “I love you!” TwigStar completely froze at the sudden proclamation and the fact his gut feeling was right as his mind reeled. “I don’t care if you don’t feel like the ‘best choice’ if you wanna give me a chance I’d be the happiest nicheling alive” Lightstream continued to ramble as she tried to give reason as to why she wanted a chance while TwigStar’s mind was going at such a fast speed it felt impossible to keep up.

He knows that saying yes could be bad, if he was caught would his clanmates see him as a bad leader? But on the other paw if he accepted maybe he could enjoy some time away from the stress of being leader while also finding out more about the other clan. The idea of being able to get information while taking small breaks from his own constricting idea of leadership was the final push for his answer. Lightstream was panicking as the other nicheling had been dead silent for a long enough stretch to let her consider just turning tail and never seeing him again out of embarrassment. “If you’re…willing to try then I would do the same for you” TwigStar finally gave a response which made Lightstream feel a swell of excitement before calming herself to confirm she wasn’t misunderstanding. “Is that a yes?” She asked for her own clarification which TwigStar nodded at making Lightstream beam. “I can’t believe that actually worked…” She spoke to herself in wonder at the realization that TwigStar actually accepted.

TwigStar’s eyes widened as he noticed the sky, the stars were starting to recede and the tiniest sliver of light was beginning to emerge. “I have to go” Lightstream was caught off guard by the sudden exclamation before noticing the state of the sky and letting out a ‘oh!’. “I need to get back or else Sparrowtuft might give me a scolding that lasts until the stars get back in the sky” She spoke with a small bark of laughter which TwigStar nodded at before getting up with a stretch, “Bye” He said before walking in the direction of camp. He was already regretting staying out this late as he felt exhaustion sink its claws into his mind as his eyes wanted to close.



Vibrantkit was completely unaware of the tension that sat between the two nichelings she invited to see her most recent art projects. Crowshade was just awkward as she realized that the last time the two exchanged more than a few words was when she was jealous over Blossomstorm meeting with Sandstripe and acted a bit cold. Blossomstorm on the other paw was, while also feeling a bit awkward for not trying to mend things sooner, wishing she was anywhere else at the moment so she could just avoid the problem longer. She’s aware that isn’t a healthy way to deal with the problem but she’s also a tad stubborn in this regard.

“I spent soooo long on placing these rocks! But now I made a picture of TwigStar, do you think he’d like it?” Vibrantkit’s words snapped both older nichelings out of their own thoughts. “Probably” Crowshade said making the kit’s eyes practically sparkle before looking towards Blossomstorm for her approval making the other nicheling stumble a bit before giving a response. “Oh uh yeah I’m sure he’d love it” Blossomstorm spoke as she blinked a few times as a way to ‘reset’ her thoughts. “I’m gonna get him so he can see right now!” Vibrantkit stood to her paws and aimed to race off but Crowshade lunged forward and grabbed the kit by the scruff causing her to squeak out a protest. “Hey! I can’t go get him if you’re holding me!” Vibrantkit tried to wiggle out of the older nicheling’s hold to no avail before going limp with a huff. “I know you’re super excited but he’s a bit…grumpy for some reason” Blossomstorm said as she recalled how he seemed to look completely exhausted despite her attempts to help lighten the workload. “Yeah” Crowshade voiced her agreement after placing the kit on her paws again.

“Why don’t you two get along?” Crowshade’s eyes flew open as Blossomstorm choked on air for a few seconds at the kit’s out of nowhere question that neither of them were prepared for. “W-what do you mean by that?” Blossomstorm asked with a nervous laugh as Crowshade tried to recover from her racing thoughts. “You two don’t talk to each other but a few sunrises ago I heard TwigStar say you guys used to be i-in uh ‘inseperable’” The kit struggled with the word for a few moments before landing on the correct pronunciation. “We just got into a bit of an argument” Crowshade spoke as she put her face back into a more neutral expression. “Then why don’t you apologize? That’s what you told me and Amberkit to do when we argued” Vibrantkit said with a huff making the two older nichelings stare at each other with unreadable expressions. “It’s different-” Blossomstorm tried to say but Vibrantkit interrupted her. “NO! You two have to apologize or else you’ll keep being sad!” Vibrantkit stood her ground with a scowl that was not at all threatening but the two looked at each other with resigned looks.

“I’m sorry for…” Blossomstorm glanced at the kit before continuing “for not telling you I was going to meet a new friend” she decided that was the best way to say it for now. Crowshade felt this was silly but decided to go along with it for the kit’s sake. “And I guess I shouldn’t have been so quick to not trust you and your friend, sorry” The medicine nicheling said making Vibrantkit beam and give a definitive nod. “There, see it’s super easy isn’t it? Now you two can be friends again!” Vibrantkit smiled before turning around and walking into the medicine den to start a new art project.

That left the two older nichelings to look at each other. “Y’know it’s silly but apologizing did make me feel better” Blossomstorm admitted bashfully “even if it was a bit awkward” she glanced away while Crowshade hummed in thought. “...I guess I have to agree” Crowshade eventually admitted after seeing that Blossomstorm showed some vulnerability. “Do you…want to help me collect some herbs?” Crowshade bit down the urge to backpedal immediately but was relieved when she saw the smile she missed oh so much appear on the other nicheling’s face. “Of course, you’d miss all the herbs without me” Blossomstorm puffed out her chest as she stood tall making a genuine smile appear on the medicine nicheling’s face as she felt the familiar banter wash over her and soothe her worries. “Ah yes what would I do without my escort” Crowshade snorted as she got up and began to walk out of camp with Blossomstorm following behind.


  • Love 1
4 hours ago, CosmicChaos21 said:

As per usual have your like once a month update, hope y'all enjoy!


TwigStar glanced behind him to check that he hadn’t gathered his clanmates unwanted attention as he continued toward his destination for yet another secret meeting. His stomach always churned a little when he did this because it felt like a betrayal to his clan and the trust they had placed in him to be an earnest leader but he told himself that this was for the good of the clan. He could get information about the other clan that could serve essential if the relations between the two groups ever went sour. That was the thought that pushed away the feelings of remorse as he saw the signature white fur of Lightstream.

“Oh! I was wondering if you’d gotten too busy to visit with all your leaderly duties” Lightstream said with a smile as she casually approached TwigStar and bumped her shoulder against his. TwigStar would admit that he had noticed the medicine nicheling showed heavy signs of a crush towards him but he never addressed it both because of code but also because it would be embarrassing to realize he misread the situation. Well that and the fact he didn’t feel that way so he just hoped he was completely misreading everything. “I just had to make sure none of my clanmates followed, I don’t think that would go well for either of us” TwigStar replied as he didn’t push away the other nicheling’s casual affection but didn’t reciprocate it either. “I mean if Sparrowtuft heard he might have an issue but GoldenStar wouldn’t mind I’m sure” Lightstream said with a casual shrug causing her fur to further brush against TwigStar’s.

“Not only do I not want to deal with Sparrowtuft more than I have to but I also don’t think I would be seen as a good example for sneaking off to meet someone” TwigStar replied with a small huff of laughter though he felt uncomfortable at the thought of being seen as a bad leader, his thoughts were brushed aside by the sound of Lightstream snickering. “Ah I guess that wouldn’t look the best huh?” Her tone was teasing before shifting into something more sympathetic. “I’m sure if worst came to worst your clanmates would forgive you, they’re a little…distrustful but they seem like good nichelings” TwigStar’s eyes softened at the medicine nicheling’s words as he glanced back in the direction he came from. “They are” He didn’t know if he would agree with them forgiving him but he wanted to best for his clan. “I wouldn’t trade them for anything” He said as he returned his eyes back to the medicine nicheling who was giving a soft smile. “That’s exactly why you’re a good leader, some nichelings would just use the power for themselves but you always think of your clanmates” She said before looking into the distance with a thoughtful expression.

“Is something wrong?” TwigStar asked as he noticed the change in expression making the other nicheling jump as she was pulled out of her thoughts. “No I’m just thinking” Lightstream rushed to clarify as she realized how concerning that must’ve looked to TwigStar. “If you’re sure” TwigStar decided to shrug it off as it wasn’t his business and he didn’t feel like prying. “...What do you think of romance?” TwigStar felt he deserved an award for not instantly whipping his head towards Lightstream for that question. “It can be a wonderful union of two hearts or a force of nature that brings a beautiful relationship to ruin” TwigStar spoke having seen both sides of the coin in his own parents relationship from the happy couple when he was young to the tattered remains of it as he got older. “Well that’s a mature and pretty balanced way to see it I guess” Lightstream said with a thoughtful hum as she considered his words and debated with herself before pushing a little more. “What do you think of the idea of having a mate?” Lightstream instantly wondered if she said the wrong thing as she felt him stiffen, though it was so subtle that she was sure that if she wasn’t practically leaning against him she wouldn’t have even noticed. “You don’t have to answer!” She quickly spoke but TwigStar shook his head and relaxed his posture. “No you’re fine, I was just not expecting that question but I don’t mind answering it” TwigStar’s mind had instantly pulled up memories of his own parents relationship when the question was asked.

“I would be fine with trying it but I don’t know if I would be the best choice” TwigStar answered after a small stretch of silence that allowed him to think. “Oh” Lightstream let out that noise as an automatic response before giving an actual reply. “So you’d be willing to at least try it?” She pressed to see if she was understanding him correctly. “I would” TwigStar spoke as he felt a small feeling of dread crawl into his stomach with the way this seemed to be going. “Would you…” Lightstream wondered if this was the best idea before steeling her nerves. “I love you!” TwigStar completely froze at the sudden proclamation and the fact his gut feeling was right as his mind reeled. “I don’t care if you don’t feel like the ‘best choice’ if you wanna give me a chance I’d be the happiest nicheling alive” Lightstream continued to ramble as she tried to give reason as to why she wanted a chance while TwigStar’s mind was going at such a fast speed it felt impossible to keep up.

He knows that saying yes could be bad, if he was caught would his clanmates see him as a bad leader? But on the other paw if he accepted maybe he could enjoy some time away from the stress of being leader while also finding out more about the other clan. The idea of being able to get information while taking small breaks from his own constricting idea of leadership was the final push for his answer. Lightstream was panicking as the other nicheling had been dead silent for a long enough stretch to let her consider just turning tail and never seeing him again out of embarrassment. “If you’re…willing to try then I would do the same for you” TwigStar finally gave a response which made Lightstream feel a swell of excitement before calming herself to confirm she wasn’t misunderstanding. “Is that a yes?” She asked for her own clarification which TwigStar nodded at making Lightstream beam. “I can’t believe that actually worked…” She spoke to herself in wonder at the realization that TwigStar actually accepted.

TwigStar’s eyes widened as he noticed the sky, the stars were starting to recede and the tiniest sliver of light was beginning to emerge. “I have to go” Lightstream was caught off guard by the sudden exclamation before noticing the state of the sky and letting out a ‘oh!’. “I need to get back or else Sparrowtuft might give me a scolding that lasts until the stars get back in the sky” She spoke with a small bark of laughter which TwigStar nodded at before getting up with a stretch, “Bye” He said before walking in the direction of camp. He was already regretting staying out this late as he felt exhaustion sink its claws into his mind as his eyes wanted to close.



Vibrantkit was completely unaware of the tension that sat between the two nichelings she invited to see her most recent art projects. Crowshade was just awkward as she realized that the last time the two exchanged more than a few words was when she was jealous over Blossomstorm meeting with Sandstripe and acted a bit cold. Blossomstorm on the other paw was, while also feeling a bit awkward for not trying to mend things sooner, wishing she was anywhere else at the moment so she could just avoid the problem longer. She’s aware that isn’t a healthy way to deal with the problem but she’s also a tad stubborn in this regard.

“I spent soooo long on placing these rocks! But now I made a picture of TwigStar, do you think he’d like it?” Vibrantkit’s words snapped both older nichelings out of their own thoughts. “Probably” Crowshade said making the kit’s eyes practically sparkle before looking towards Blossomstorm for her approval making the other nicheling stumble a bit before giving a response. “Oh uh yeah I’m sure he’d love it” Blossomstorm spoke as she blinked a few times as a way to ‘reset’ her thoughts. “I’m gonna get him so he can see right now!” Vibrantkit stood to her paws and aimed to race off but Crowshade lunged forward and grabbed the kit by the scruff causing her to squeak out a protest. “Hey! I can’t go get him if you’re holding me!” Vibrantkit tried to wiggle out of the older nicheling’s hold to no avail before going limp with a huff. “I know you’re super excited but he’s a bit…grumpy for some reason” Blossomstorm said as she recalled how he seemed to look completely exhausted despite her attempts to help lighten the workload. “Yeah” Crowshade voiced her agreement after placing the kit on her paws again.

“Why don’t you two get along?” Crowshade’s eyes flew open as Blossomstorm choked on air for a few seconds at the kit’s out of nowhere question that neither of them were prepared for. “W-what do you mean by that?” Blossomstorm asked with a nervous laugh as Crowshade tried to recover from her racing thoughts. “You two don’t talk to each other but a few sunrises ago I heard TwigStar say you guys used to be i-in uh ‘inseperable’” The kit struggled with the word for a few moments before landing on the correct pronunciation. “We just got into a bit of an argument” Crowshade spoke as she put her face back into a more neutral expression. “Then why don’t you apologize? That’s what you told me and Amberkit to do when we argued” Vibrantkit said with a huff making the two older nichelings stare at each other with unreadable expressions. “It’s different-” Blossomstorm tried to say but Vibrantkit interrupted her. “NO! You two have to apologize or else you’ll keep being sad!” Vibrantkit stood her ground with a scowl that was not at all threatening but the two looked at each other with resigned looks.

“I’m sorry for…” Blossomstorm glanced at the kit before continuing “for not telling you I was going to meet a new friend” she decided that was the best way to say it for now. Crowshade felt this was silly but decided to go along with it for the kit’s sake. “And I guess I shouldn’t have been so quick to not trust you and your friend, sorry” The medicine nicheling said making Vibrantkit beam and give a definitive nod. “There, see it’s super easy isn’t it? Now you two can be friends again!” Vibrantkit smiled before turning around and walking into the medicine den to start a new art project.

That left the two older nichelings to look at each other. “Y’know it’s silly but apologizing did make me feel better” Blossomstorm admitted bashfully “even if it was a bit awkward” she glanced away while Crowshade hummed in thought. “...I guess I have to agree” Crowshade eventually admitted after seeing that Blossomstorm showed some vulnerability. “Do you…want to help me collect some herbs?” Crowshade bit down the urge to backpedal immediately but was relieved when she saw the smile she missed oh so much appear on the other nicheling’s face. “Of course, you’d miss all the herbs without me” Blossomstorm puffed out her chest as she stood tall making a genuine smile appear on the medicine nicheling’s face as she felt the familiar banter wash over her and soothe her worries. “Ah yes what would I do without my escort” Crowshade snorted as she got up and began to walk out of camp with Blossomstorm following behind.


Help I feel a little bad for Lightstream like Twigstars lowkey using her to gather info 😭😭😭

Glad Blossomstorm and Crowshade are good again yayyy

1 hour ago, Stranger said:

Help I feel a little bad for Lightstream like Twigstars lowkey using her to gather info 😭😭😭

Glad Blossomstorm and Crowshade are good again yayyy

Yea he kinda is and I feel bad too while writing the scenes with her and TwigStar because it just hurts to read- I wanted him to be a good guy but the more time goes on and the more I write him the worse and worse he gets unfortunately (Lightstream is such a fun character to write and I'm just like 'nooo don't fall for him it's not good for you!' WHILE writing the scene despite being the writer)

Vibrantkit is just like 'I can see the tension and I've barely been here for long enough to notice that' and just solved it better than the two fully grown nichelings could. But now we've got the two getting along again in a way that wasn't super clunky, which is part of the reason it took so long as I didn't want it to feel super rushed or forced.

  • Eek! 1
1 hour ago, CosmicChaos21 said:

Yea he kinda is and I feel bad too while writing the scenes with her and TwigStar because it just hurts to read- I wanted him to be a good guy but the more time goes on and the more I write him the worse and worse he gets unfortunately (Lightstream is such a fun character to write and I'm just like 'nooo don't fall for him it's not good for you!' WHILE writing the scene despite being the writer)

Vibrantkit is just like 'I can see the tension and I've barely been here for long enough to notice that' and just solved it better than the two fully grown nichelings could. But now we've got the two getting along again in a way that wasn't super clunky, which is part of the reason it took so long as I didn't want it to feel super rushed or forced.

It's real tbh I'll be writing a scene like 'what are you DOING man' even though I'm writing the scene 💀. Its a believable villain arc though, because we can see how protecting the clan is becoming an obsession to him which is super interesting. And yeah the slower pace you use definitely helps the character interactions feel way more natural, good job man

1 hour ago, CosmicChaos21 said:

Also idk when I'll be dropping this piece of lore but I am so excited for this bit of info to drop! I hope y'all will find it as interesting as I do >:3

Bruh now I'm excited give me the lore nowwwww /j 

16 hours ago, Stranger said:

It's real tbh I'll be writing a scene like 'what are you DOING man' even though I'm writing the scene 💀. Its a believable villain arc though, because we can see how protecting the clan is becoming an obsession to him which is super interesting. And yeah the slower pace you use definitely helps the character interactions feel way more natural, good job man

Bruh now I'm excited give me the lore nowwwww /j 

The good old writer feeling of 'nooo stop' while actively writing and making things worse just feels like a writer mood- And I'm super thrilled that his motivation gets across well because it HAS become an obsession and I feel his character at this point is a good example of good intentions horrible actions, he thinks he's doing a very good thing which helps him justify his own actions in his mind!

I will give you one(1) hint: It has to do with Berry (Blossomstorm's loner father if you forgot :3)

  • Eek! 1


“Well you’re bad at it!” Rosecurrent wondered if these two ever got along for a long period of time as Rootkit’s fur bristled at his sister’s words while he held his ‘prize’ close to his chest, which was a butterfly he had just caught. “I caught something and you didn’t so you’re bad at hunting!” Rootkit argued causing Amberkit to scrunch her nose before letting out a huff. “I could catch something better than a silly butterfly!” Amberkit spoke as he pointed a mocking claw towards the butterfly clutched in her brother’s clawed paw which only cause him to tighten his hold on the dead bug. “As if I doub-” Rootkit’s attempt to bite back was interrupted by the sound of Rosecurrent.

“Knock it off you two” Rosecurrent was stern yet there was a gentle undertone to it as she reprimanded her kits. “But mom!” Rootkit tried to protest as he stomped with his other front paw to accentuate his point. “Listen to your mom kits, fighting isn’t going to do anything but make you both sad” Sap piped up to agree with his mate with an attempt of a stern glare which fell through as he wasn’t exactly the best at it. “I’m not sad” Amberkit grumbled as she kicked a tiny pebble a small distance. “Okay, you don’t wanna be more annoyed with each other right?” Sap asked while glancing between his kits. “Not like she has to try hard to be annoying” Rootkit mumbled but the other kit heard if her head snapping up was any indication. “As if you’re any fun to be around!” Amberkit spat with bristled fur “At least I don’t parade everything I catch in front of mom and dad!” those words only made Rootkit angrier as he scowled. “Amberkit-” Rosecurrent warned but it was too late as Rootkit kicked a pebble at Amberkit, hitting her in the hind-leg. “Hey!” Amberkit exclaimed before going to kick a pebble back but Sap grabbed her by the scruff before she could, causing her to wiggle around in protest. “We’re going back to the nursery and you two are gonna sit in opposite corners to think about what you’ve done” Rootkit tried to stay behind with his mom but a stern expression made him quickly follow behind his dad.

Once they got there Sap put Amberkit in one corner of the nursery and then looked at his son. “Over there” Rootkit quickly skittered off to the other side of the nursery as he was a bit uneasy due to Sap usually being the more silly and lenient parent. “You two can’t be fighting all the time” He began as he looked at Amberkit and then to Rootkit. “If you do nothing but fight you’ll waste precious time and you might regret that later in life” He finished his lecturing while Rootkit thought of something. “Why would we regret it?” Rootkit asked as he glanced at his dad who tried to think of a softer way to phrase it as the kits were still quite young. “In the future you might wish you spent more time because warrior duties keep you from talking as much as you might want to” Sap decided that was a good enough explanation that was easier to digest. “I doubt it” Rootkit grumbled but didn’t say anything else making Sap sigh but decide to let the conversation end there as he knew he couldn’t force them to get along.



Most of the clan was gathered around the tall rock as the first apprentice ceremony in a long time had come to WildClan. Vibrantkit stood looking bored and disinterested despite this event being for her. It was odd, within a short time the kit had become more distant and a bit cold towards others and no one really knew why. “Vibrantkit” TwigStar began mentally reciting the speech so he didn’t completely fumble the ceremony. “Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and defend the clan even with your life?” He recited the words as he looked into the kit’s eyes. “I do” Vibrantkit stated it with the same tone someone would reply to a question akin to ‘how’s the weather’ as she idly stared back. “Blossomstorm” The nicheling jolted before quickly trying to look like she hadn’t been startled. “You’re a persistent and adaptable warrior and I feel you’re ready for an apprentice, please stand in front of Vibrantkit” Blossomstorm was sitting next to the rock so it was a few steps to reach her destination. “By the power of StarClan I give this kit her apprentice name of Vibrantpaw until she earns her warrior name” The clan chanted the newly named apprentice’s new title before settling down again and waiting for the leader to speak. “I hope you pass down everything you’ve learned onto this apprentice” TwigStar looked at Blossomstorm who gave a definitive nod. “You are all dismissed” He spoke causing the various nichelings to split off and return to their routines.

All except the newly made mentor Blossomstorm who was still trying to comprehend the fact she was a mentor now. “You should show Vibrantpaw around the territory so she can get a feel of it” TwigStar suggested snapping Blossomstorm out of her thoughts. “Ah right- Vibrantpaw let’s go” Blossomstorm stumbled over her words a little before putting on a more brave face as she took a few steps before looking back to check if her apprentice was following. “Okay” Vibrantpaw said after a few moments of silent staring before following behind her new mentor. TwigStar watched the two go with a mixing sense of pride for Blossomstorm doing her best with the new responsibility along with a sense of unease as he hoped that she wouldn’t be too distressed at having it sprung onto her suddenly. He shook off those worries with the thought that his deputy could handle it and instead had his thoughts wander to his secret meetings with Lightstream. A small part of him whispered that what he was doing was wrong but the rest of him squashed that thought by telling himself that this was for the future good of the clan.



“There’s a lot of stuff to memorize so I get it if it takes a while to take it all in” Blossomstorm said after she had finished showing the apprentice around the whole territory. “I’m not stupid enough to not remember” Vibrantpaw rolled her eyes with a scoff. Blossomstorm’s fur automatically bristled at the words as a part of her took it personally, recalling how long it took her to remember everything, but then she took a deep breath and forced herself to relax as she realized it wasn’t an insult towards her.

“I wasn’t saying that, I’m just saying it’s fine if you ever struggle with something while you learn” Blossomstorm spoke with an oddly gentle tone. “If you’re ever struggling, tell me, I don’t care if you think it’s stupid or if it ‘should be easy’ I want to be able to help in any way I can” She decided to talk to her apprentice the way she desperately wished her second mentor had when she was younger. But that seemed almost like the wrong move as Vibrantpaw’s face scrunched up in annoyance. “I won’t need any extra help” Her tone was sharp as she felt insulted, was this Blossomstorm’s way of calling her incompetent or incapable? Realizing this wasn’t seeming to come across well Blossomstorm decided to drop it for now. “Alright just thought I’d offer” Blossomstorm put a paw up in a surrendering gesture before finally making it to the edge of camp. “Go get some rest so you can wake up bright and early to start training tomorrow” She said causing Vibrantpaw to quickly take that offer and dart towards the medicine den.

Blossomstorm let out a quiet sigh as she watched the apprentice go. She was trying to be supportive so why did her apprentice seem so angry about it? She was doing the exact opposite of what Tigerthorn had so surely she was doing something right. With a shake of her pelt she shrugged it off for now and decided it might just take time for Vibrantpaw to accept her help.



“You’ve been acting weird the entire conversation” TwigStar finally pointed it out as Lightstream once again avoided touching him at all, an oddity considering how touchy the other nicheling tended to be. “Oh well it’s uh, well I just have some news that I’m not sure you’d be thrilled about considering your undying loyalty to your clan” Lightstream glanced away while taking a step back to further distance herself which only made the leader more suspicious of what this news was. “If it could affect my clan that makes it even more important especially considering I’m your mate” A part of TwigStar winced at pulling the ‘being your mate’ card especially considering how he didn’t really care for her as much a mate should but he felt he needed to know if there was a potential threat to his clanmates. “It’s not dangerous or anything” Lightstream waved a paw around rapidly as she realized what he had seen it as “it’s just that it’s more personal news about something we never really discussed” she continued only further puzzling the leader. “Just tell me the news” TwigStar pressed as he felt a sense of frustration beginning to sprout at the lack of true clarification. Lightstream looked hesitant but then squeezed her eyes shut and blurted it out.

“I’m pregnant! With your kits” TwigStar froze and his world felt as if it had done the same. The news processed slowly, not because he didn’t understand it but because he refused to believe it, but once it did he quickly schooled his face into something more neutral as he tried to figure out what reaction to give. Meanwhile Lightstream kept her eyes shut to avoid seeing the reaction in fear of it being a negative one, she knew how important it was for TwigStar to be seen as a ‘perfect leader’ and she doubts having kits with a different clan is the best look. “Alright” Lightstream’s eyes shot open at the anticlimactic reaction. She had expected a lot from anger to terror but a single word was not on the list. “My reaction doesn’t change the outcome” TwigStar’s expression was carefully crafted to something calm yet neutral while he formed a plan. “Where will the kits go?” Lightstream asked as she worried about caring for the kits by herself, both for her own sake and because she is a medicine nicheling so while it isn’t banned or even frowned upon considering GoldenStar’s personality it still made her feel uneasy.

“It depends on how many there are, if there is only one than perhaps it would be best for the kit to go to your clan” Without really knowing how to care for kits TwigStar wasn’t exactly confident in his ability to be a parent, but he hoped to never be like his own father as he knew the resentment that festered in him. “And if there’s more?” Lightstream prodded since a single kit would be rare so that plan would be more useful. “You will keep half and I’ll take the other half, but if the split is uneven I would prefer you take more seeing as our clan only has so many potential mentors for them” TwigStar spoke honestly as Vibrantpaw was already taking up one potential mentor and the young kits would need their own mentors leaving few options for any new kits. Lightstream wanted to protest but realized that WhisperClan did have nothing but fully grown nichelings at this point and therefore probably more resources too. “That…should work” Lightstream just agreed as she realized that her fear of being completed rejected and left with the whole litter didn’t come true at the very least. And a small part of her did worry for any kits that would go to WildClan seeing as TwigStar’s duties came before anything else from what she had seen of him.

“You should be getting more rest than, maybe we should make these visits less frequent” Lightstream felt a surge of unease and it must’ve shown as TwigStar clarified “I’m not abandoning the kits I just don’t want you to strain yourself if you need more rest considering you also have your role to fulfill” he wasn’t lying about that because he wasn’t willing to let a pregnant nicheling overexert themselves no matter who they were. “What about visiting every half moon instead of every quarter moon?” TwigStar offered making Lightstream think for a small stretch. “You better be there” Lightstream decided to agree with the hope this wouldn’t be a bad choice. “I’m not a rotten nicheling who neglects their kits” Lightstream decided to politely not acknowledge the amount of venom in that tone as she realized that might be a sore spot, instead leaning over and nuzzling his cheek. “I’m sure you’ll be a wonderful father, just don’t let your duties overwhelm you” She purred and TwigStar almost felt comforted by the gesture. “That’s why I assigned a deputy” TwigStar let the other nicheling nuzzle him before taking a step back. “Rest and eat well” TwigStar nodded before turning around and walking back to camp.


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Was hoping to get more done but alas a mixture of writer's block and hurting my ankle prevented that, well at least I've got something to show now!



TwigStar watched as Sparrowtuft got on the stump again, wishing that GoldenStar would be there instead. He may not like her attempts to befriend him but he could at least appreciate the fact she didn’t take every opportunity to insult his clanmates and clan in general. He kept his thoughts to himself though. “I have some devastating news to share” Sparrowtuft’s voice was steady but something felt different about it as he cleared his throat to prepare for the news he would have to share. “GoldenStar unfortunately succumbed to the illness she got shortly after the battle” The WildClan nichelings whispered amongst themselves in shock at the unexpected news and TwigStar had to suppress the look of surprise himself. “She fought every step of the way but recovering from losing a life made her body weaker than usual” Sparrowtuft bit down any emotions he felt over the death as to appear the strongest he could. “I’m sorry for your loss, she was a kind and generous soul” TwigStar replied as he bowed his head in a show of respect for the nicheling that saved his clan from dying out.

“So who’s the leader now?” Vibrantpaw’s voice rang out over the clearing as she looked at Sparrowtuft with the same bored expression she usually wore now. “It’s disrespectful to talk before the leaders are done speaking” Sparrowtuft narrowed his eyes at the young nicheling. “She’s simply asking a question” TwigStar instantly jumped to defend his clan’s only apprentice with his fur wanting to bristle at the perceived disrespect. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised your clan doesn’t teach your younger members manners” Sparrowtuft scoffed at the WildClan leader’s quick defense of disruption during a gathering. “I assure you we do teach manners when they’re deserved” TwigStar spoke with the same neutral tone with his lowered ears being the only outward indicator of his agitation.

“But to answer your question I’m now SparrowStar” TwigStar resisted the urge to whip his head towards Lightstream as he had heard nothing of this news but he forced himself to still and remain neutral to the event. “So you should treat me with the respect you showed towards GoldenStar” Sparrowtuft, or now SparrowStar, spoke leaving the WildClan nichelings minds reeling at the news. “You said I wasn’t having manners but you’re demanding respect you haven’t earned” Vibrantpaw scoffed as she lifted her head up to stare at the newly made leader with a challenging glare. “Vibrantpaw” Blossomstorm understood the sentiment but she just wanted to get through this without any extra conflict so she reached a paw to touch her apprentice’s shoulder but the younger nicheling shook it off and took a step forward. “No! Why should I respect someone who’s just insulting us?” Vibrantpaw whipped her glare towards her mentor as her fur bristled. “I’m not saying that, I just-” Blossomstorm tried to explain but her apprentice interrupted her. “Then why are you trying to get me to stop?” The younger nicheling looked bigger with her fur bristled out while she bared her teeth.

“See? No manners in that clan right?” SparrowStar said as he looked at his gathered clanmates with a mocking chuckle. Two nichelings seemed to agree but the rest looked away or just ignored his comment except for one. “Might not be the best way to phrase it but the younger one is right” Lightstream spoke making SparrowStar’s mocking expression fall to one of annoyance as he looked at the medicine nicheling. “What do you mean by that Lightstream?” He tilted his head slightly as he narrowed his eyes at the medicine nicheling, both agitated and a bit embarrassed that she disagreed with him in front of everyone at the first gathering as leader. “WildClan probably respects GoldenStar more because she was the one who offered them shelter while you had nothing but negative things to say about a clan that was already struggling at the time” Lightstream’s tone was determined and filled with resolve as she refused to break eye contact with her leader. “All they did was eat our prey and take more resources” SparrowStar spoke as he to refused to break eye contact. “Because they were injured from fighting bearyena then running with injured members, and they did help once they started to recover” Lightstream argued while the other members of WhisperClan watched with mixed expressions, some irritated at the medicine nicheling’s refusal to listen to the leader and others with unease. “And they brought us into a battle that wasn’t ours, costing us both the second to last life of our former leader and our former deputy’s life too” SparrowStar spat as he recalled all that was taken from his clan that sunhigh. “I’m not entertaining this anymore” SparrowStar turned away and Lightstream wanted to protest but sighed as she knew it wouldn’t get her anywhere.



‘You said we don’t have manners but you just disrespected your own medicine nicheling’ Is what Crowshade wanted to say but she bit her tongue as to not start any more arguments. “Anyways I’ve decided to make Sunlight our new deputy” A bright orange and yellow nicheling stepped forward and most of the gathered WildClan nichelings recognized the nicheling as GoldenStar’s kit. “He’s a composed and strict nicheling so he’s a perfect choice for deputy” SparrowStar said with an almost smug smile as he looked out into the group of gathered nichelings. “I’m helping SparrowStar keep our clan tidy and make sure it doesn’t fall into the disarray and chaos some groups of nichelings fall to” Sunlight made sure to make eye contact with every WildClan nicheling before returning his gaze to the general crowd. Blossomstorm shook her head at her apprentice as she could practically see the ideas forming in the young nicheling’s mind despite the fact that Blossomstorm had a few things to say herself. “I hope he takes after his mother in time” TwigStar spoke respectfully but also as a subtle jab which SparrowStar noticed if the slightly narrowed eyes said anything but the other leader surprisingly didn’t start anything.

“We also have a new member” SparrowStar’s announcement took the WildClan nichelings by surprise. “She has worked hard to prove herself as a potential new member of the clan and we recently decided she was worthy enough to be a member of WhisperClan, welcome our new member Acornbelly” After Sparrowtuft spoke TwigStar tensed as he recognized the spotted nicheling that sat in front of the two leaders. The recognition wasn’t one-sided as Acornbelly’s eyes widened and her ears slightly lowered before forcing her ears back up and giving the WildClan leader a scowl before turning towards the crowd with a calmer expression. TwigStar wanted to curl up and vanish in this moment at the realization that the nicheling he had attacked in a fit of paranoia had not only come back but came back as a member of the other clan. What if this caused WhisperClan to hate WildClan and put his clanmates in danger? The thought put TwigStar on edge at the idea and he decided to ask Lightstream about it at some point.

“WildClan is doing well, prey is abundant and our numbers are growing” TwigStar spoke after waiting a small stretch for any other announcements from the other clan. “As you may have noticed we have a new apprentice Vibrantpaw” The gathered nicheling chanted the apprentice’s name a few times with some being less enthusiastic than others. “And Sap has stayed back at camp because he and his mate have a litter of two kits that have to be watched over” The WhisperClan nichelings mumbled to their clanmates at the news. “Mate? But the rest of your clan is here, or did he have kits with a loner? I wouldn’t doubt someone of your clan doing that” SparrowStar spoke with a sharp smile that made one particular nicheling bristle. “Loners aren’t any lower than clan nichelings are, my dad was a loner and from what I know he was a good nicheling” Blossomstorm couldn’t stop herself from growling at the idea of SparrowStar insulting someone she once cared for, not to mention her closest friend Crowshade formerly being a loner being the real catalyst. “Ha! That explains it” SparrowStar looked surprised before letting out a cackle at the deputy’s words as his grin grew in size and mockery. TwigStar loudly cleared his throat to gather the nichelings attention. “No, we have allowed a new member into our clan” TwigStar spoke to try and dissolve a little bit of the tension that gathered from the arguing.

“Her name is Rosecurrent” He finished his sentence with a face that was calm and neutral to give the other leader as little fuel for conflict as he could. “You really do lack standards for joining your ‘clan’ huh?” SparrowStar said but TwigStar didn’t dignify the jab with a response. “If there is no other important news to discuss than I think it should be time to socialize” TwigStar said making SparrowStar open his mouth before shutting it with a grumble. “Fine” The WhisperClan leader conceded only because he knew that GoldenStar wouldn’t approve of the continued arguing.


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  • 1 month later...



“So you got an apprentice!” Approaching pawsteps alerted the small trio of Blossomstorm, Crowshade, and Vibrantpaw to Sandstripe’s presence as she padded over with a smile on her face. “Yep, I was pretty surprised but Vibrantpaw’s been a pretty well-behaved apprentice” Blossomstorm responded with a smile of her own while Crowshade just watched Sandstripe warily. The medicine nicheling may not want to start a conflict but she didn’t much care for Sandstripe.

“Who are you?” Vibrantpaw eyed the unknown nicheling warily as she took a pawstep forward while holding her head high. “This is Sandstripe, she helped me get better at hunting” Blossomstorm’s response only seemed to further confuse the apprentice. “So she’s your mentor?” Sandstripe didn’t look old enough to mentor Blossomstorm. “Oh, no!” Blossomstorm rushed to clarify at the realization it hadn’t come across correctly. “We just trained together sometimes to improve our own skills as equals” Sandstripe decided to cut in and explain the situation, without mentioning the whole meeting in secret part.

“You can train with nichelings from the other clan?” Vibrantpaw didn’t believe that. She has heard bits and pieces of TwigStar saying that WildClan was only to interact with the other clan when needed, and as the leader his view was correct right? “Not usually” Blossomstorm felt a bit sheepish as she tried to talk about it in a way that wouldn’t get her and the WhisperClan nicheling in trouble. “But this was a special case” Vibrantpaw looked wholly unimpressed with her mentor’s lackluster answer but decided she didn’t care THAT much. So she rolled her eyes and had her attention drawn to a distant cloud instead of listening to whatever excuse her mentor was going to give. She wouldn’t tattle but she also didn’t want to be a part of whatever that was.

Blossomstorm gave an mixture of an amused and mildly nervous smile at her apprentice’s aloof nature before turning towards Sandstripe. “Guess you didn’t get deputy position this time either huh?” The pink nicheling gave a sympathetic look towards Sandstripe as the nicheling let out a mournful sigh. “Unfortunately” She spoke, her voice strained and sharp. “I don’t exactly understand his reasoning for choosing Sunlight of all nichelings” She glanced around to ensure no other nicheling would hear before leaning closer to the two older nichelings. “He follows the code, which is good! But he refuses to give any leniency for anything, and anyone who doesn’t meet his standards is seen as less than” She glared at the ground before lifting her gaze again. “I just hope he takes after his mom’s gentle spirit as he ages, maybe he’s just young and a bit too full of himself” The older nichelings nodded as Sandstripe leaned back.

“It’s disastrous enough having Sparrowtuft, or SparrowStar” Crowshade practically spat the name out of her mouth like it was crowfood before continuing “as leader. But having a nicheling like Sunlight feels almost worse” the medicine nicheling just hoped that maybe SparrowStar would see some sense and choose a more compassionate nicheling. “Yeah!” A few heads turned towards the group tucked in a secluded corner, making Blossomstorm give a sheepish smile and wave them off. It was only after no nichelings were looking that Blossomstorm piped up again. “I can’t believe he’s related to GoldenStar, how did he turn out so…” She grasped for a good enough word to describe the arrogant nicheling “...so full of himself?” were the words she settled on to describe the nicheling.

“Both him and SparrowStar are heartless” The apprentice’s words startled Blossomstorm and Sandstripe, both having forgotten the younger nicheling was there. “Why should we have to respect nichelings that don’t respect us?” Vibrantpaw’s voice was laced with agitation as she looked at her mentor for an answer. “Well I uh” Blossomstorm stumbled because it was obvious her apprentice was looking for an answer from her alone “SparrowStar could declare war and then we’d have to fight them” she thought that was a good enough answer but her apprentice’s expression said otherwise. “So? We’ll fight them and win, no problem” Vibrantpaw’s answer was careless as she saw no reason to doubt the abilities of herself and her clanmates.

“Fights are NOT something to be taken lightly Vibrantpaw” Said apprentice was startled by her playful and lenient mentor using her name with a sharp tone. The pink nicheling’s expression dropped to one of grave seriousness, looking as if she was being haunted by the Dark Forest spirits herself. The other three nichelings went dead silent, though their expressions were different. Crowshade’s expression was one of sympathy, Sandstripe’s was just completely caught off-guard and a bit awkward at the switch in tone, and Vibrantpaw’s eyes were wide as she tried to figure out what caused the sudden switch in demeanor.

The conversation died off after that as the air felt odd and uncomfortable now due to Blossomstorm’s words and switch in tone.


The gathering had gone…fine. It hadn’t escalated beyond a few jabs but it wasn’t a fun time either. TwigStar considered a lack of fighting to be a win in its own right, so he and his clanmates went back to camp in a calm manner.

He was completely exhausted though, between helping keep the clan running and secretly meeting with Lightstream his body felt heavier than the rock he called meetings from. His movement was wobbly as he stumbled into his den before collapsing onto his nest to catch as much rest as he could before having to repeat the same cycle again.

He didn’t wake up to his nest which caused him to shoot up with his claws unsheathed until he actually took in the sights. The ground was made of clouds and the air glittered with small stars that seemed to move with the non-existent wind. StarClan, he was in StarClan. He didn’t know if that made him feel better or worse, was there another danger lurking over the clan’s future again?

His features lit up as a familiar figure approached. “Redpaw!” His voice was more jovial and airy than it had been in moons as he rushed over to greet her. He always felt an ache though, not only at her not being around, but because she never aged up here. Even as the leader started to gain wrinkles and a slower gait, Redpaw remained as youthful as ever, though maybe it just looked better because she wasn’t sick anymore. Instead of a happy greeting he noticed she looked a bit nervous, confusing him but his attention was caught by the approaching figure of his mother, Robinbriar.

“Mom!” The leader sounded more like a nursery-aged kit as he padded towards her but her expression wasn’t the gentle one he remembered. She looked at him with…dissapointment. “TwigStar” Robinbriar’s tone was oddly cold as she stared down at her kit, making his happy expression fall as his ears lowered. “Is there something bad coming to the clan?” Maybe that was why she looked at him that way. “There is already something rotten in the clan” TwigStar shot up before a scowl appeared on his face. “I shouldn’t have allowed Sap in, I knew he was hiding someth-” He was interrupted by a single word from his mom. “TwigStar” Her tone was sharp and stern making him freeze before looking over in confusion.

“The twig is rotting” He stared in puzzlement before the realization hit him. “Me?! But mom I’ve been keeping the clan safe and protected!” Robinbriar’s expression softened for a moment before returning to the cold stare she held before. “I’ve been keeping threats out and, and coming across as a strong and powerful leader to WhisperClan!” He exclaimed, he was doing everything right! He was keeping everyone safe. “The twig damaged the acorn” TwigStar winced at the reminder. “She could’ve taken prey from our territory” Seeing his mom’s expression remaining the same his next comment held a note of panic. “One piece of prey could’ve been the difference between life and death!” He practically pleaded for his mom to understand his view but she didn’t even say a word.

“You get it right Redpaw?” His eyes were wild with desperation as he looked at his sister for a sign of approval, only to be met with a look of pain before looking away. TwigStar felt crushed, confused, and angry all at once. “But I’ve done everything right…” He truly believed that, he had defended and ensured the survival of his clan. So he HAS to be doing everything right. 

“If the light doesn’t bend the twig’s path than the wilds could be lost forever” The dream started to splinter and split apart as Robinbriar gave her last message. TwigStar scrambled to keep everything together to press for more information but he could do nothing as the dream faded away.

He jolted up in his nest with a gasp. His heartbeat rapidly pulsing in his chest, he looked around and saw the leader’s den. He slowly processed his dream and felt unease as everything came back to him, especially with his mom’s last message. “Everything could be lost if I don’t do this right” He whispered under the secrecy of the moon. “But both of them seemed disappointed anyways and the clan seems to be doing well…” He looked up at the stars as if they would answer him.


TwigStar was surprised to hear the noise of multiple sets of pawsteps approaching. He bristled, were one of them too careless? Instead of a group of nichelings finding out him and the WhisperClan medicine nicheling’s secret it was…three kits? He stared in confusion before a familiar white coat appeared out of the grass.

“Are they…mine?” He asked just to confirm in case there a was a chance he was wrong. “Who else’s?” Lightstream confirmed with a smile as she sat a small distance from the WildClan leader, the kits playing and running around the older nichelings. TwigStar looked at the kits in a new light with the confirmation that they were his, though it was silly to doubt it before but especially now that he had taken a good look at them. They all looked far more like him than their mother.

“Who are you?” One of them approached to stare at him with confusion. “This is your father Beetlekit” The name made TwigStar’s ears perk up, remembering the grumpy medicine cat he grew up around. “What names did you give them?” He asked as he looked at the one two, the other red-furred kit hid behind his mom with a wary expression while the spotted one just tilted his head. “Well that one is obviously Beetlekit” She pointed a paw towards the red one without a mane “Maplekit” she looked towards the one hiding behind her “and that one is named Robinkit” TwigStar’s eyes shot open and he looked at Lightstream with shock. The medicine nicheling slightly winced and rushed to explain.

“You said you missed your mother a lot and admired her, so I thought naming one after her would be a good way to memorialize her” She said with a nervous grin while TwigStar stared blankly for a few seconds before nodding. “I will take him than” His tone was determined, he would take the kit that was named in memory of his mom, even if her expression from that dream a few moonhighs ago haunted him. He would prove he was a good leader by keeping this kit safe and sound, no matter the cost.

“He’s sick” Those two words dug into his heart and mind like claws. “...What?” His voice was quiet yet sharp as he turned his gaze to Lightstream. “Both him and Maplekit are sickly, but with care and effort they may survive to see their warrior name” She tried to soothe her mate, seeing the haunted look in his eyes, the same one he had when telling her of his sister’s untimely demise. “You can take Beetlekit, she’s healthy so maybe-” Lightstream didn’t get to finish her sentence as TwigStar cut in. “I’ll still take him” Lightstream looked hesitant at TwigStar’s words but he continued confidently. “Our medicine nicheling will watch over him to ensure he has the care he needs, he will survive” The last few words were almost angry, he would make sure to keep this kit alive.

“If you’re sure” Lightstream was hesitant but doubted she would change her mate’s mind at this point. “Say goodbye to your brother for now” She spoke to Beetlekit and Maplekit. Beetlekit scowled while Maplekit looked sad. “I don’t want him to go with…that nicheling!” Beetlekit send a nasty glare towards TwigStar, which he didn’t react to. “I don’t want Robinkit to go…” Maplekit’s voice was barely audible as he hid behind his mom. “It’s okay!” Robinkit spoke up before either of his parents could. “I’ll have fun adventures than tell you about it when I get back” The older nichelings shared a glance after hearing the kit’s words but didn’t burst his bubble for now. The other two looked hesitant but Lightstream piped up. “He’s right, he’ll have a bunch of stories to tell you when he gets back alright?” The medicine nicheling spoke making the other two, very hesitantly, agree.

“You better have amazing stuff to tell us later!” Beetlekit looked at her brother with a smile, which he returned easily with a nod. “I will! Promise” He then turned towards his more timid sibling. “Bye Maplekit” Maplekit poked his head out a little further upon hearing his name. “...Bye” Robinkit wasn’t phased, used to his brother not speaking too much.

“Let’s go Robinkit” After waiting for the goodbyes TwigStar spoke. “Love you” Lightstream’s words made TwigStar’s stomach churn as he knew what he had to do. “You too” A lie. The leader knew that but he was way too deep to back out now so he smiled before turning around with a kit in tow.

How was he possibly going to explain this to the clan without giving away his secret? He decided to use the walk to think of a good enough excuse that was believable.

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  • 4 weeks later...



“...I think I understand why the older nichelings always complained about pain” Crowshade almost choked on air at Blossomstorm’s sudden comment. “Do you…need some herbs?” Crowshade asked causing the other nicheling to shake her head as she continued laying on the short grass. “No, nothing that bad” The pink nicheling brushed off the attempt to help as she readjusted her position. “I just don’t feel as willing to run around and patrol for fun like I used to” She groaned as she slowly stood to her paws, causing Crowshade to look on in concern.

“I guess I have noticed how you haven’t been running around and volunteering for patrols as much” Crowshade sighed as she padded over to her closest companion to let the other nicheling lean on her for support. “Can’t say I feel as energetic and spry either” The medicine nicheling agreed, seems old age was starting to get to the two. It concerned her if she was honest with herself.

Crowshade wondered if it would be a good time, or would this be a disastrous one? “...ey, are you good?” Blossomstorm’s voice filtered through the medicine nicheling’s thoughts as she realized she missed the first part of that sentence. “I love you” Blossomstorm froze as her mind tried to process the completely unexpected words from the nicheling she had been harboring a crush on for a long time now. Crowshade decided that maybe jumping into a river wouldn’t be the worst choice after realizing what she just admitted.

“Bye” Crowshade had no interest in hearing a rejection so she just turned around and broke into a full sprint to escape the situation. “H-hey wait!” Blossomstorm called out as her thoughts finally got themselves in order, but it was too late. The medicine nicheling had practically vanished into thin air with how fast she ran, leaving the pink nicheling staring at the patch of grass Crowshade ran through.


Vibrantpaw poked her head through the tall grass and glanced around for her mentor. “Ah” She quietly said to herself as she spotted Blossomstorm before walking over. “I was wondering where you-” The younger nicheling paused as she noticed the familiar ‘checked out’ expression on her mentor’s face. “Hello” She waved a paw in front of Blossomstorm’s eyes causing the older nicheling to blink a few times before looking over.

“I thought we were going on a patrol?” Vibrantpaw waited to see if her mentor would explain the situation that caused that expression, but Blossomstorm just gave the younger nicheling a performative smile as she leaned back to sit on her hind-legs. “Ah right! We should get going then huh?” She then immediately stood right back up despite just sitting down. Vibrantpaw just tilted away to dodge her mentor’s attempt to push her along and instead fixed the older nicheling with a stern glare. 

“You’re acting weird, is it something with Crowshade again?” Blossomstorm wanted to just sink into the ground, was it really that obvious? The older nicheling tried to wave it off with a strained smile. “C’mon do you believe my life revolves around her?” She asked, expecting a bit of an eye roll. “Yeah” Blossomstorm was not expecting her apprentice to just metaphorically gut her like that. “...Harsh but fair enough” She wasn’t going to deny it when her own apprentice was able to see it but it still threw her off.

“So what was it now?” Vibrantpaw pressed but Blossomstorm was silent. She didn’t know how Crowshade would feel if she told another nicheling, especially considering the fact she ran away a moment after confessing, so she shook her head. “It’s not exactly my place to say” Blossomstorm deflected the question while her apprentice just slowly shook her head. “Whatever, just don’t make your weird love drama my problem” The older nicheling almost choked on air at the terrifyingly accurate guess of what was going on; she tried to just recover but the apprentice’s deadpan stare just told her she wasn’t as subtle as she hoped she was.

“Why don’t we go on that patrol!” Vibrantpaw’s expression turned a bit amused at the older nicheling’s insistence on dropping the subject. “Yeah, yeah alright whatever you say” The apprentice agreed simply to save her mentor the embarrassment, no matter how funny it was to see the older nicheling flail about to ignore her own feelings. “I think the rabills are out and about a lot more at the moment” Blossomstorm took the way out and shifted her focus onto the task at paw while shoving her feeling related thoughts into the furthest corner of her mind.


As she was placing a rabill in the fresh-kill pile, Vibrantpaw noticed Crowshade eating in a tucked away corner of the clearing. The younger nicheling decided that she should try something. “Blossomstorm” The older nicheling glanced over with a ‘hm?’ upon hearing her name. “Come with me for a moment” Vibrantpaw didn’t wait for an answer, turning and walking to her destination with the confidence that her mentor would follow. She was proved correct as a confused Blossomstorm trailed behind her while wondering what got into the apprentice.

“Where are we going” Blossomstorm paused as she made eye contact with Crowshade, the other nicheling’s ears lowering as she glanced between the apprentice and Blossomstorm. “I don’t know exactly what you two have going on but you better solve it, I’m tired of watching you two being lovesick rabill-brains” Vibrantpaw answered, just wanting to get this done and over with. “I’m not!-” Both nicheling spoke with a sense of embarrassment before whipping their heads towards each other. “See?” Blossomstorm pointed out but Vibrantpaw just rolled her eyes. “So you two would be content never confessing in your entire lives? You’d be fine bottling it up forever?” The apprentice pressed glancing between an averting eyes Blossomstorm and a scowling Crowshade.

“...” The two were silent despite their odd reactions, neither speaking up to deny it. That caused them both to look at each other to assess if the other would suddenly be revolted. When nothing like that happened their expressions changed, Blossomstorm to one of open shock and confusion, while Crowshade’s scowl fell off her face in favor of a slightly lost look. “See?” Vibrantpaw echoed Blossomstorm’s earlier word but neither spoke.

“...Is it true?” Blossomstorm spoke first as her eyes searched the other nichelings face for a sign of being wrong. Crowshade couldn’t get the words out, opting for staring off to the side while shrinking into herself. “If it’s true you’ve gotta tell me, please” Blossomstorm practically begged the other nicheling. She felt her heart break at first as silence rung in her ears. “Yes” Crowshade’s voice was small and vulnerable as she admitted the very thing she had held back since she was an apprentice. She has changed so much since then but her affection for her closest companion never wavered, even as time battered at the bond.

“And with that I’m outta here” Vibrantpaw spoke up startling the two. “I’m not here to see that mushy stuff” Her face scrunched up into one of mild disgust which just made Blossomstorm laugh while Crowshade’s face grew into an amused grin. The apprentice quickly made her exit, having done what she seemed necessary and wanting some alone time.

“Well that’s not how I thought it would go when I woke up this sunrise” Blossomstorm admitted with a sheepish laugh while avoiding eye contact with her…mate? Did she even ask. “Wait do you- do we are-” Crowshade’s expression fell into further amusement at seeing the other nicheling fight to say what she needed to, finding it endearing. “We’re mates?? Yes?” Blossomstorm wondered if this is how Crowshade felt earlier as she looked at her paws like they were the most interesting thing in the entire territory.

“If you want to” Crowshade still gave the ultimate decision to Blossomstorm making her groan. “I hate big decisions, but are you sure?” She just had to check making Crowshade sigh good-naturedly at Blossomstorm’s indecision. “Yes I’m sure, are you?” Crowshade still wanted Blossomstorm to make the final decision as the medicine nicheling was sure of her own feelings. Blossomstorm deflated which would probably make others wonder if she didn’t like the idea, but Crowshade knew better and just waited to let her sort out her thoughts.

“Yes, we’re gonna be mates” She finally announced to herself and her newly made mate. “I was almost worried we would be here until the next sunrise” Crowshade verbally poked making Blossomstorm pout. “You’re so mean, so evil” Blossomstorm knew it was a joke and wasn’t bothered but enjoyed her dramatics. “Well I guess you wouldn’t want to lay next to such a ‘mean and evil’ nicheling so I guess I’ll go sort herbs” Crowshade snickered at the withering pout the other nicheling shot her. “Such cruel tactics” Blossomstorm said as if she didn’t pad over and flop down next to her now mate. “Uh huh, yeah sure” Crowshade snuggled closer to Blossomstorm and the two settled down for a nap in the sun.


  • Like 1
27 minutes ago, Stranger said:

Vibrantpaw a real one for this fr fr 😔🙏

"If I have to see you stare at her with sad heart-eyes one more time I'm going to get a new mentor" - Vibrantpaw to Blossomstorm probably

Honestly though yeah, who knows how long those two would've danced around their feelings if they didn't have a 'done with this whole thing' type of apprentice seeing it-

1 hour ago, CosmicChaos21 said:

"If I have to see you stare at her with sad heart-eyes one more time I'm going to get a new mentor" - Vibrantpaw to Blossomstorm probably

Honestly though yeah, who knows how long those two would've danced around their feelings if they didn't have a 'done with this whole thing' type of apprentice seeing it-

They'd probably be grannies, glad they're mates now lmao

Vibrantpaw is my favourite rn I think 👍👍👍

18 hours ago, Stranger said:

They'd probably be grannies, glad they're mates now lmao

Vibrantpaw is my favourite rn I think 👍👍👍

I mean they are already pretty old but yeah they'd probably be confessing on either one of their deathbeds or StarClan, because I'm sure their own family members have been watching and like 'JUST CONFESS ALREADY'

Honestly fair enough, I am having way too much fun writing her. Her dialogue is my absolute favorite thing to do in this playthrough at the moment and I think it shows-

  • Paw up 1
3 hours ago, FireKai said:


Age:1 moon

Parents:Currently Unknown

Appearance:Gray and Beige Tabby Cat

Features:Scratch from a dog on the left ear

Other:Brave 3inches tall and very fast.

Has killed a rabbit before(Despite only being 1 moon old)

Text back if I'm in!

My brother in Christ this is someones play through page 💀🙏


Getting two WildClan updates that doesn't have like a month between them? A shocker!



Vibrantpaw scowled as a small nicheling trampled across her carefully crafted drawing on the ground. She raised her face to stare at the smiling culprit. “What do you want Rootkit?” Her question seemed kind but the tone of her voice chased away any chance of it being genuine. “I wanna play!” Rootkit said as he turned towards the apprentice, further ruining the drawing he was standing on. Vibrantpaw’s eye twitched at the sight but she just gave a dead stare.

“Go bother your sister or parents” Vibrantpaw spoke after realizing the kit wasn’t going to leave without a verbal answer. “But mom and dad are talking” Rootkit puffed up his fur to look bigger which the apprentice just ignored. “And you can’t play with your sister because?” Vibrantpaw felt her paws itch with annoyance at the kit’s presence after ruining her hard work. “We got in a fight earlier so now she’s ignoring me” Rootkit huffed making Vibrantpaw’s expression turn more unamused.

“That’s not my fault nor my problem” Vibrantpaw stood up from her previous sitting position. “But-” Vibrantpaw scoffed and interrupted before the kit could continue. “I’m not a kit-sitter, bother someone else who cares” Vibrantpaw’s long tail lashed behind her as she spoke. She turned around and walked off before the kit could follow. Rootkit always managed to bother her when she was drawing, and he always ruined whatever she was working on so she wasn’t very fond of the kit’s presence.

TwigStar’s fur felt like it was crawling as he made his way to the tall rock with Robinkit in tow. The stares from his clanmates felt like they were burning with judgement, though a part of him knew they weren’t like that it didn’t dissolve the feeling. He forced himself to stay composed as he leaped up onto the rock to address his gathering clanmates.

“While I was out on patrol I found this kit and decided to take him in as my own” Whispers floated up from the gathered nichelings making TwigStar bite down the urge to bristle his fur. His clanmates were good but the phantom feeling of judgement still itched. As he fought with his own mind a voice echoed over the clearing.

“Do you think we’re rabill-brained?” Crowshade’s voice held a tone of equal parts amusement and agitation as she made a show of looking between TwigStar and the newly brought in kit. “That’s a bit harsh, but that kit does uh resemble you…a lot” Blossomstorm was a bit more tentative in her approach but she couldn’t deny the resemblance, from the eyes to the spots the kit was obviously related. TwigStars mouth opened and closed a few times as he flailed for a response. Sap didn’t say anything but he looked away, unable to deny how similar the kit looked to the leader.

“Or do you think we’re that cruel?” Blossomstorm’s voice held an undercurrent of hurt making a sharp twinge of guilt stab through his chest. “I mean my dad was a loner, and look at your clanmates” The deputy spoke as she looked over the gathered nichelings. “Crowshade and Vibrantpaw were both taken in from outside the clan” She spoke as she glanced between the two before settling her gaze on the leader once more. “Sap and Rosecurrent were loners that were brought into WildClan, do you really think we’d judge you having a kit born from a nicheling outside of the clan?” TwigStar felt his pelt burn with shame as the realization of how rabill-brained his thoughts were hit him full force.

“I suppose it was unnecessary levels of caution” TwigStar pretended to not notice the snicker that bubbled out of Robinkit’s mouth as the kit saw his dad, the leader, completely fumble that. “Obviously” Vibrantpaw had to get a small jab in after that event. Ignoring the apprentice’s comment, TwigStar turned his attention towards the kit. “This is Robinkit” He introduced making said kit straighten up and puff out his chest with a sniffle. “He is unfortunately a sickly kit, so I’d appreciate if you could help ease the sickness as best you can” TwigStar turned his gaze towards Crowshade. “I’ll try” Crowshade wasn’t making promises she might not be able to keep so she went with a more neutral path, TwigStar appreciated it nonetheless and decided that was good.

“Clan dismissed” TwigStar hopped down from the rock with surprising grace considering his age. “Go with Crowshade, she should have something to help” TwigStar said as he looked at the kit before turning around and walking off to figure out if anything needed to be done. The clan nichelings all slowly dispersed to their own activities until only three remained in the center of the clearing.

“What are you still here for?” Crowshade asked as she noticed Vibrantpaw stick around despite having no reason to do so. “I was wondering if I could watch you give the kit herbs” Vibrantpaw asked, making a small flicker of surprise appear in the medicine nicheling’s eyes for a moment before nodding. “If you want” Crowshade said before turning towards Robinkit, who was looking between the two with an unreadable expression. “Follow me” Crowshade advised making both Vibrantpaw and Robinkit follow behind her towards a secluded spot of the clearing.

“What’s that?” Robinkit asked as he looked at the large fruit nestled between the plant’s large leaves. “It’s a sun fruit, it helps with more major injuries and illnesses” Crowshade replied as she plucked the fruit from the rest of the plant and held it out towards the kit. “Take three bites” She advised and Robinkit listened, only take the amount of bites instructed. Afterwards Crowshade pulled it away then looked at the fruit with a slight annoyance.

“Why don’t we use it more often than?” Vibrantpaw asked as she looked at the supposedly ‘major injury and illness healing fruit’. “It takes time to regrow” Crowshade answered matter-of-factly as she just sighed and set the fruit on the ground. “And it never even lasts longer than a single sunhigh, turning mushy and unusable” Crowshade continued making Vibrantpaw’s nose scrunch at the idea of that texture.

“Well that’s what we can do, you should run along now” Crowshade said with her attention turning towards the kit. “Okay” Robinkit simply said before turning around and running to a different section of the clearing. Crowshade noticed Vibrantpaw’s expression being thoughtful and seeming to hold something back. “What is it?” Crowshade pressed making Vibrantpaw look over with a conflicted expression. “Just thinking” The aloof apprentice answered making the medicine nicheling shake her head with a sigh, though she waited for the apprentice to speak herself.

“What do you think of having an apprentice?” Crowshade’s eyes widened, wondering if the apprentice was implying what she thinks she was, but then she settled her face into something more neutral. “Why do you ask?” Crowshade wanted to hear the apprentice answer herself to make sure she wasn’t misunderstanding. Vibrantpaw slightly scowled but after some silence she relented.

“I was going to ask if I could become a medicine nicheling apprentice” The younger nichelng finally forced out. “At ten moons old?” Crowshade asked with a curious expression considering how late in her warrior training the apprentice was. “I know, but after seeing what you do I’ve decided it’s the better path for me” Vibrantpaw assured as she stood confident while staring into the medicine nicheling’s eyes. “Are you really sure you want to take this type of path Vibrantpaw?” Crowshade would love some help in the medicine den but she wasn’t going to let the apprentice take on such a role if there was even a tiny bit of hesitation.

“You will be responsible for your clanmates very lives, a single mistake could be the difference between a nicheling living or dying under your care” Crowshade slowly circled around the younger nicheling, not with malice but with warning. “No matter how skilled you are there will be nichelings that die despite your effort, some of those close to them may act with anger or severe grief even if there was nothing you could do” She wanted to press the fact that this job wasn’t for the faint of heart. “Are you completely and utterly ready for that weight to settle on your shoulders?” Crowshade stopped in front of Vibrantpaw and looked her in her eyes. “I’m sure” Vibrantpaw seemed unaffected, her posture as calm and indifferent as ever while her eyes burned with confidence.

“Alright” Crowshade’s posture dropped to her usual stance, relieved by the younger nicheling’s complete confidence in the idea. “Before we do anything you should tell Blossomstorm and then we’ll have to talk to TwigStar” The medicine nicheling said which earned her a serious nod from the apprentice. “Alright, I’ll tell her” Vibrantpaw agreed, padding off to tell her mentor, or soon to be former mentor, of her choice.

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