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Before you start...

age settings whatever you want.

You must increase all the damage multipliers as long as healing is the lowest.

Have 8 starters.

2 must have deformed paw.

2 must have hemophilia

2 must be short-sighted

1 sickly

1 completley healthy

Linking to rule 1 and 2, starters can't be broken nails (nichelings that had a claw turned into runner leg by chance) or have alpha genes (check rule 2)




If you are curious to how I made up these dumb and random rules, I google translated serious niche tips through a bunch of langueges. Then I used my creativity to come up with meanings and rule ideas. Enjoy.



"Don't forget to do broken nails and leave them in poor groups."

Meaning: Whenever a nicheling with claw or bearyna paw is born, roll a generator to see if they're a Broken Nail or not. Broken Nails have their claw replaced with a runner leg using console. As for the 'poor groups' part, all Broken Nails must be cast away to live in small groups away from the tribe. Set them to omegas.



"Give babies and pups a beuatiful alpha gene to survive."

Meaning: The most recessive genes in every category (Melanism, Stripes, Bearyena ears, Bearyna snout, Antenna, Blind, Orange eyes, Heat body, Bearyna hind leg, Peacock tail) 'Alpha Genes'. Use console to give each baby born an Alpha Gene in their recessive. If a child is born with two or more Alpha Genes in their DOMINANT slots, they are set to alphas, and have a lifespan increased by 20% of their orignal one (use console). However, nichelings who got set to Alphas using the Alpha Genes can only breed once in their life, and only breed with non-alpha gene nichelings. (as an extra rule, so not every nicheling has them)



"Use the edit menu to find the desired location"

By edit menu, Google Translate means mutation menu. You start with all mutations unlocked. But randomly generate each mutation you pick. You can use the random mutation picker on scratch for this (I can link it if you can't find). If you land on a mutation that's really useful on a specific biome, for example, big ears, you MUST immiedietley start trying to reach an island with that biome, with at least one nicheling with the gene it picked. 





"Boyfriends do not always mean good"


When a female mates with a male for the first time, he is her mate forever. But use a number generator for a small chance for the female's mate to be abusive. If he is abusive, every 5 nights, put him next to the female and make her take damage based on the male's strength stat. They must still mate.




"Make sure you store plenty of food before you're too old"

When a nicheling has less than 1/10 of their lifespan left, they're an elder. But elders don't rest. They must gather as much food as possible. Add a number of food points they must gather before death. This is based off lifespan, for example, if you put a very long lifespan in the settings, increase the food they must collect before death. If they don't collect the amount of food you set for them to collect, you lose 1/4 of the food they DID collect, and you must sacrafice one of their children. (keep track of how much they collect)


It's harsh, I know.



If you want, google translate a niche tip, like 'Make sure you are careful with immunity genes' and put it through a bunch of langueges and back, then add it as a rule to your save. If you have no meaning ideas you can ask me for one :)

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Just now, sheldonplankton said:

also, here's a tip: don't go on hard islands unless you're confident with it


translated version:

Don’t use hard carrots unless you’re sure


1 minute ago, sheldonplankton said:

also, here's a tip: don't go on hard islands unless you're confident with it


translated version:

Don’t use hard carrots unless you’re sure


Just now, sheldonplankton said:

If in doubt, do not use hard carrots.

A Hard Carrot is any nichleling with red fur in one slot and yellow in the other, making it bright orange. Hard Carrots determine decions such as 'run away from the predator or fight?'

When making these decisions, generate with a number generator based off how many Hard Carrots you have in the tribe, unless you have 1 carrot, in that case, use their age. But if you are doubting anything related to the challenge, you have to sacrafice half of your Carrots.

  • Haha 2
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  • Paw up 1
Just now, sheldonplankton said:

uh oh I have to clear a save first but sure--


42 minutes ago, PurrSnoutMaster said:


Are you gonna try it

Trying it is poggers 😎

Also I'm like supposed to be at school but I'm online only because it's a break and I have online classes

18 minutes ago, sheldonplankton said:


Also I'm like supposed to be at school but I'm online only because it's a break and I have online classes

I have online class today too-

Expect I can't pay attention so I go online during class-

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  • 1 month later...

New rule:

”Look at the young lens"

The young lens are any blind babies. You have to look at them as long as possible, and they cannot be let out of a different nicheling’s sight. If they are, the nicheling who’s fault it was gets deleted.

Moral: look at the young lens. Or else.

  • Haha 2

I started by saying "Make sure to collect plenty of food so your tribe doesn't starve" and google translate turned it into "Save a variety of foods so your body doesn't get sick"

  • Haha 2
12 hours ago, Peanutpup77 said:

I started by saying "Make sure to collect plenty of food so your tribe doesn't starve" and google translate turned it into "Save a variety of foods so your body doesn't get sick"

If you go more than 5 days collecting only 1 kind of food (for example 5 days collecting only berries) you have to make one of the nichelings sick with console

  • Eek! 1
  • Paw up 1
  • 11 months later...

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