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* When building something and there are resources on the ground, the square shows as red.
 * However it's still possible to start building
 * This is kind of confusing. Red implies it's not possible to start building.

* Took a while to grok that the harvest tool (or build/action orders in general) are global and not per person.

* Great that it's possible to queue build commands with shift.
 * This feels like from Total Annihilation (or similar)
 * It's not documented or mentioned (or i haven't seen it...)

* Building two research buildings i expected that it's possible to research two things at the same time.
 * As far as i understand it, it just increases the research speed in a non-linear manner (150% with 2 buildings(4 people)

* When building buildings with a range (e.g Farm and Mycologist) it would be great to see the range of already existing buildings.
 * Some names seem inconsistent. e.g Farm and Mycologist refer to the place and the person.
 * Consistent would be Farmer and Mycologist, or Farm and Mushroom Cultivation

* Windows (like the research tree) can only be closed with `esc`. Not an issue, but i was kind of looking for the x to close the window.

* What does the free workers slider in the population dropdown do???

* There is food available at my kitchen, but still some people die because they just don't go and get their food?
 * In the end this is what killed me. I had enough food, but people still died

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Thanks for the feedback, we'll look into it :D
The workes slider lets you choose how many of your workers are 'free workers' aka builders/carriers/harvesters.
If you set it to 0 everybody can go work in buildings. If you set it to 5, 5 workers won't go work in buildings but remain free to carry stuff around, etc.

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