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Possible Copyright Violation


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There’s a game called space scavenger that is using a similar tactic as stupid crossing, making a ripoff game for different platforms without permission, I don’t know for sure there is anything legally wrong with this but it seems to raise a red flag (if you do sue them could you make a console of nimbatus with the money because it is the only way to play a nimbatus like game on console

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As long as they don't  copy / paste our graphics it's allowed :) I don't have any problem with space scavengers :)
Creating clones of games is usually no problem, as long as they don't scam people or use our name.

The reason we have not started porting Nimbatus to consoles is that the whole control scheme and the drone editor are a bit too complex to use for just a controller without a keyboard. 
I guess if we do a NImbatus console game it would have to be designed differently from the ground up.

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