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Fadeheart's revenge [Original Warriors Book]


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[WARNING] Slight TW, there's blood, not too much. It's what the normal Warriors series would have

Hallo! Welcome to my book! It's in the writing, and I finally decided to show yall. I'd greatly appreciate it if nobody stole my book, but I know that's not possible as anything can happen online ^^

I'll post all the chapters every once in a while to give time for people to read it. I currently have 13 chapters done.

Without further ado, here is thy prologue!

Also I apologize for the first few chapters being messy, I was slowly getting better at writing while making this. I'm definitely going to have to edit a lot when I'm finished.





Sunclaw knew her daughter might become something that the Clans always frowned upon. Something everyone feared. And she knew that the possibility of that happening was only growing. She might one day die and be sent to the dark forest if it isn’t prevented somehow.

If this is my kit’s destiny, how can I ever call myself a good cat? I did bring her into the world, after all…

She padded across the field, tall grass waving in the breeze. Prey scent filled the air, and the warm breeze ruffled her pelt. She spotted multiple cats hunting, while others were sunbathing on the large, flat rocks.

She went into the forest, tasting the air for prey. She scented a vole. She soon saw a plump one sniffing through the bracken. She lowered into the hunter’s crouch, and crept towards the vole, dodging crunchy, dead leaves. When she was close enough, she pounced and caught the vole between her paws, and quickly bit it’s neck, killing it, tasting the warm blood of her catch spill out of it’s wound.

As she lied down at the edge of the forest to eat her vole, she thought about her kits. Why did Fadepaw have to be the cat who lost so much? It could be any other cat, yet it had to be Fadepaw!

She must feel so horrible when she remembers her father. I wonder what she thinks about me.


Foxtail had interrupted her thoughts.

“Come sunbathe with me,” he mewed, his fluffy, orange pelt glowing faintly with stars as he bounded up to her. “It’s a nice day out today!”

“It’s always a nice day, Foxtail,” She replied, standing up. “I've been lying around sunbathing the whole day… I mean we could hunt more…”

“You choose, then. Sunbathing or hunting?” he asked eagerly.

“Actually, we won't be doing any of that just yet,” said a new voice.

“Skystar!” Sunclaw exclaimed. “What brings you here?”

“Fadepaw’s prophecy,” Skystar explained, as she gave her shoulders a quick groom. “We have more information on it.”

“Oh, that. What have you figured out?”

“Well, since the last plan they tried didn’t work, we have created a new message. Hopefully they’ll be able to stop it soon…”


“Slowly creeping into the shadows of evil, the faded heart must be consoled and brought back to the light.”

“Just like all the messages. Mysterious and cryptic. The medicine cats are most likely annoyed at how the messages aren’t straightforward. They’ll dislike this one even more! Who would know if some cat was slowly turning evil?!”

“That's all we can do for now. Watch over your daughter, Sunclaw. I’ll see you soon,” Skystar turned and padded away, her see-through pelt shining with stars.

Foxtail sighed. “Hopefully your kit will be alright in the end,” he said, sitting down.

“How about we go hunting? That should clear our minds, and we should bring back some for the cats on the sunning rocks,” Sunclaw suggested, ignoring Foxtail’s comment.

“Okay,” Foxtail mewed and stood up. “Let’s go!”


~Chapter 1~


Fadepaw knew that she was odd to some cats. She could see it in their eyes. The way they looked at her just seemed to scream out, “Hey, you! Don’t come over and talk to me, because you’re weird!” She didn’t mind it though. She knew she was odd. She never talked with the other apprentices and usually just stayed away from them and the warriors.

First, her mother was killed in a battle with rogues, then her father disappeared. She felt like StarClan had cursed her with bad luck.

“Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather under the Great Boulder for a clan meeting!”

A meeting now? Really? She thought. She got up reluctantly from her nest and padded towards the Great Boulder. The leader, the deputy and a few other cats were already there. She recognized her mentor, Duskmoon, and padded over to sit beside her, just barely brushing against her fur.

It was going to be Leaf-bare soon. The air was getting colder every day, and the prey was going to start getting scarce soon. Brown and orange leaves cluttered the ground

“Today,” started their leader, Stormstar. He was a gray tom with flecks of white here and there. “We welcome one new warrior into the Clan! After a hard battle with the same rogues we fought many moons ago, they had come back! But we fought our way to victory!”

Yowls of happiness rang out under the Great Boulder, as their leader continued. “And one apprentice fought valiantly, and risked his life to save us.”

The Clan leader beckoned Scorchpaw to the Great Boulder with a flick of his tail. Then he spoke the ceremonial words with confidence. “I, Stormstar, leader of SunClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your life?” 

Scorchpaw nodded vigorously. “I do.”

Stormstar gave a small smile. “Then, by the powers of StarClan, I grant you your warrior name, Scorchtail.”

More yowls; this time everyone was calling his Warrior name. Fadepaw spotted the fire-colored tom puffing out his chest proudly. She wanted to be a strong warrior like him someday. 

Fadepaw’s mentor nudged her affectionately. “That’ll be you one day,” she mewed, as if reading her thoughts. She hoped it was true.

“Now,” Stormstar continued. “we have an important matter to discuss. On the dawn patrol today, me, Cherryclaw, Streamtail, and Barkpaw spotted a MoonClan border patrol. They had moved the border farther into our territory so w-”

Yowls of anger rang out, drowning out Stormstar’s mew. “Silence!” he growled as he lashed his tail. The yowls stopped. “We mustn’t choose violence. We will send a patrol to the MoonClan border, and then figure it out from there. Duskmoon, Fadepaw, and I will go to the border. You are in charge, Lightclaw,” he jumped off of the Great Boulder and headed toward the camp entrance.

As Fadepaw stood to catch up with their leader, she heard Dustpaw talking to a different cat. “Finally she’s doing something productive,” she said.

As she walked out of the entrance she heard Lightclaw start organizing hunting parties. She trudged out into the cool forest, hissing under her breath.

“Productive yourself,” Fadepaw muttered.

“Okay!” Stormstar mewed. “Follow me, and stay silent. We’re going to wait at the border that they marked, rather than the real one. We don’t want to make conflict worse than it already is.”

“But they pushed through our territory!” Duskmoon snarled. “They should pay for it!”

“We don't need to draw blood over something so simple.” Stormstar mewed sternly. “It's only a couple of tail-lengths.”

“Only?!” Fadepaw hissed. “MoonClan has been walking through our borders like it’s their own territory for the past moon! And now they've changed the border by a lot! We should attack or do something, so that they know we aren’t just letting them come freely into our territory without-”

“Fadepaw! We’re not attacking yet!” Stormstar hissed, losing his patience. “We will first negotiate with their leader, and if that does not help, we will attack!”

She merely grunted and they started padding towards the border again, leaves crunching below their paws. When they reached the MoonClan scent markers, it was a lot closer than she had remembered. They really got under Fadepaw’s pelt.

“Should we cross the ‘fake’ border or just wait for a patrol to stroll along?” Duskmoon asked bitterly.

“We wait,” Stormstar mewed again, looking straight ahead. He flicked his tail for silence right as Duskmoon was about to protest. He sat down and the other cats did the same.

Soon enough, a patrol started padding towards them, fur bristling. Fadepaw recognized Beechtail, Copperfur, Chestnutpaw, Beepaw and Amberclaw from their last gathering. 

“What are you doing here?!” Beechtail snarled at Stormstar.

“We've come to discuss the border change,” Stormstar mewed calmly. “Please bring us to Acornstar.”

Copperfur was about to protest, but Amberclaw spoke first.

“Of course,” she mewed kindly. “follow us.”

Chestnutpaw and Beepaw muttered behind them but followed Amberclaw.

“Thank you,” Stormstar acknowledged.

The MoonClan warriors and apprentices led them deep into their territory when Fadepaw heard queens scolding kits and warriors teaching apprentices; she knew they were nearing MoonClan camp.

Amberclaw led them inside. “Wait here for a moment,” she mewed. “Acornstar will be out shortly.” She then disappeared into a large den.

Soon enough, a large brown tom padded out of the Warriors den. “Hello, Stormstar!” he mewed pleasantly, with a grin on his face. “I was just helping to expand the Warriors' den! What do you-”
“Why did you push through our territory!?” Duskmoon snarled at him. Fadepaw winced. That wasn’t the correct thing to say in front of a whole Clan.

Acornstar’s grin quickly fell off his face, but Stormstar spoke before anything else happened. “Let’s discuss this somewhere else.”

Acornstar nodded and led them into a den under a ledge; most likely the Leader’s den. They stopped outside of the den.

“I will talk with Acornstar and we can settle this. Everyone else, you may wait outside.”

Duskmoon grumbled but eventually settled down outside. Fadepaw moved a leaf away from where she was going to sit with her tail. She pointed her ears towards the inside of the den, eavesdropping on the two leaders.

“Stormstar, we never pushed our border through your territory,” she heard Acornstar say.

“Then why is our territory smaller? I checked myself!” Stormstar growled. “Have you been to check that your border hasn’t changed? Because it has! Maybe if you payed more attention to what was going on in your Clan you would-”

“Stormstar!” Acornstar growled at the SunClan Leader’s mew, hushing him with a wave of his tail. “Please, calm down. I have been too busy to go out on border patrols, and I suppose you should know why.

“Twolegs have started building another den- a big one- and it’s scaring away our prey! I have yet to check the borders, because I have been too busy going out hunting in the heart of our territory to search for prey. So I don’t have an idea of what Adderfang has told the border patrols to do. And I’m guessing he’s trying to take your territory without me noticing.

“I am deeply sorry for this and I promise to correct this matter as soon as I can. You can re-mark your original borders.”

There was a small pause but Stormstar finally said, “Very well. We will re-mark our borders. If something like this happens again, you will definitely be hearing about it. I’ll leave now.” 

Fadepaw heard a shuffle and Stormstar came out. “Let’s go,” he mewed.

As Fadepaw was leaving with Duskmoon and Stormstar, she heard Adderfang mutter something like, “Oh, he will be hearing about it…”

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