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Enjoying the game so far!  The mechanic of Onbu walking to create different environmental challenges is incredibly creative, and it's just fun, to boot.

I do have one suggestion based on an experience I had, if you'll indulge me.

In my case, I'd just left a long stretch of desert that caused a number of my villagers to starve to death, and prioritize as I might, I just couldn't get the trebuchet built in time.  Onbu was beginning to starve just as the end of the desert was finally in reach, and to my great hope, there was a mushroom patch just ahead!  It looked like he (is Onbu a he?) would reach the mushrooms *just* before starving!  I was saved!  😄

Then the bro decides right then is a perfect time to take a nap, and he starved to death there while sleeping, mushrooms in plain sight. 🙃😵

It was incredibly disheartening -- first, to realize he was taking a nap when salvation was within reach -- but second, to watch his health continue to drain away just as quickly while sleeping as it did when he was awake.  My humble suggestion is to give him slightly smarter behaviors -- need prioritization so that he'll go for the food instead of the fatal nap, or different speeds of health draining depending on whether he's asleep or awake, etc.

Some sort of "final stretch" mechanic that changes his behavior when his health is critically low would give those of us with poorer management skills at least a false sense of hope when we're down to the wire. 😜

Again, enjoying the game a ton and looking forward to see it progress!

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Hi ScoobyDeezy!

I totally understand what you are saying; I just lost mine due to a Scorching Sand in the desert, even though his six legs were burning he refused to run  😭

I *think* I took good care of him; feeding, petting, curing infections, not harvesting much spikes but he would never follow the path I asked him to do and sometimes refused simple commands such as 'run' or 'sit' in order to avoid a storm right in front of him or run away from danger.

I understand this is part of the gameplay but could use a little tuning, if possible, in these exceptions.  



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I totally see what you mean, thank you for sharing your ideas and experience. Lots of tweaking needed to make it feel perfect.

It's a discussion we had in the team as well. I'm not sure if it's like this at the moment, but if Onbu is 100% exhausted, Onbu WILL sleep, no matter what, be it burning sand or poison :D So it's your job to plan and let Onbu rest and feed in time, so that if bad things happen, Onbu still has some strength left get out of it :)




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Posted (edited)

Hey Markus, thanks for replying!


I agree with Onbu fainting and going into deep sleep when exhausted; I also agree that is the players job to plan ahead and expect the unexpected - I don't think this should be changed.

I my case, Onbu had plenty of stamina left but just walked and walked in Scorching Sands while I was begging to run, then another Scorching Sands came and his health was depleted before I could act upon  😭

Of course I should stock up more Herbs, lesson learned - it is my responsibility to take good care of Onbu.

I just think it makes sense for Onbu to neglect the affinity meter and agree with the players request in some very specific scenarios.


EDIT:  out of coincidence, look what has just happened to me.

Onbu was 86% tired and decided to sleep right before a Flower field, since i saw it, I was asking Onbu to keep walking just a few meters more..

If the gauge at 100% or very close, I would understand but 86% and only one or two steps more?


Cheers!   :onbu_wink:

86% sleepy.png

Edited by zaru
inserted picture.
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