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I am trying not to duplicate previously brought up topics so I apologize if these have been looked at already.


The goal of the game is to survive as long as you can, but the game is not designed to be played after a certain point. I can only build so many buildings because my space is limited. I can only assign so many workers because each building has limits as well. The resources themselves are quite limited (which is good early on). It feels like the game is setup so that you just replay the first 50-100 days on harder difficulties. But I love playing on easy and just want to watch my city thrive and be efficient and enjoyable. But I have so little left to accomplish it feels a little underwhelming.


Don't get me wrong. I LOVE the game. But I just want to be able to keep playing it.

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I agree that the late-game needs more of something, but I don't think it's space. I'm on day 150 on my current playthrough and still have tons of space left, and one huge trunk left too.

I'd love to see a "Wheel" tech unlock, which would allow carriers to use push-carts, only on roads. I'd love to see brick-making. I'd love to see leisure activities (parks? harvest festivals? even just benches to eat on, instead of chowing down by the side of the road?). I'd love to see more uses for iron and glass. I'd love to see religion of some kind.

A lot of room for improvement in the end-game, but I have faith in these devs. They've put a lot of thought into what already exists in the game.

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