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Foxleaf's Den where the herbs get messy... And my brain


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Skyseeker's pelt glowed in the dim light as she awoke from her den. The sounds of crickets rang in her ears and the colours of her purple fur's stripes shifted from green to blue. Her aqua eyes looked around at the leaves and brambles surrounded her. Her eyes adjusted to the haze as the entrance to the den seemed to appear. Coco had led her here the day before but didnt introduce her to anyone. Skyseeker wondered if there was a reason for that. The beat of paws got her attention and she clawed her way out of the den from the small entrance. A pale yellow cat stood outside. "Good Morning." His voice rumbled. "We heard from Coco that we would see a new face today." She took a moment to look around as she stood outside her den. It was a flat space. There were several other dens inside the hedge boundary that seemed to be in bloom. Butterflies flittered overhead, an array of colours on an insect. There were several other trees and other plants inside. Skyseeker noticed moving shapes as other cats waked around the camp. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is mayor." Mayor's breath smelled like fish. Perhaps he likes fish? Skyseeker wondered. "This is a nice place to live in." Skyseeker asked cautiously and she slowly looked from side to side. Mayor nodded and shrugged "You might find us as a friendly bunch of cats. I live in that den.. over there" He purred and pointed with a forepaw over to a place with several trees, a den and a small stream flowing around it. The den was put neatly in the middle of the small island and pressed against the hedges. A tree next to the den held a sign. Although she was too far away to read, it, Skyseeker could see that it said something like, 'PRIVATE PROPERTY'. Stepping stones leading to the den over the wide stream were placed as if how a normal sized cat would step. They were old and mossy-looking and very wet. Skyseeker doesn't like wet.

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"You will wish to talk to Ember. She's our friendly shopkeeper down on the opposite side of my den. She has lots of items you shall need." Mayor's voice continued. Skyseeker spotted what he was talking about, and spotted an orange tabby cat counting mews as well as sorting birds with her tail. The cat seemed to notice Skyseeker watching her and raised her head to give a nod of greeting.

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"Doc is an elderly bluish grey cat. He is our healer and is a very good one at that." Mayor's voice continued. "I will be at my den for anything else you need." Mayor finished and walked away. His thick pelt shone a sliver-gold in the summer's light and she saw one last glint in his sky-blue yes before he turned from her.

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Skyseeker must have looked like a flower when her pelt's stripes had gone green and blue, as a butterfly began to fly softly towards her, it's azure wings glistening like a flowing river or stream at sunhigh. (Yes, its warrior cats based) Skyseeker squatted down and then suddenly leapt up to skewer it o her claws. It was beautiful. She took it back to her den and placed it neatly to one side. The sun was high in the sky but it wasn't midday yet so she decided to meet her new colonymates.

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Skyseeker walked over to ember, and felt the warmth of Ember's green gaze rest on her pelt. "Wow! I've never seen a cat with a pelt so pretty and purple before! Its like its shifting..." She trailed off. Skyseeker could already tell they were going to get along. "And those dots?" Ember continued "Those dots look like shimmering stars! Your eyes match your beautiful pelt so well!" Ember's voice said in gasps. "My name is Skyseeker" Skyseeker said, before she could be praised any more. "You must be ember, for your pelt looks like flames, especially in this dawn light!" Skyseeker exclaimed. Ember laughed. "Well, sorry i didn't introduce myself sooner! It seems as if Mayor already told you everything!" She said with a small giggle. Skyseeker shook her head. "Only about you and doc. He didn't tell me much about anybody else, just that everyone here is friendly." Ember nodded with a smile and a slight purr, then went back to sorting out mice types. Before Skyseeker walked off, she noticed a small crate of squirrels close to Ember's den. The large carpet Ember was on was woven from vines and quite old, as if shopkeepers had used it for years. It omitted a smell that made Skyseeker think of marshes and mountains and a time of peace. Skyseeker liked that smell and held it in her head as she lifted herself proudly and walked to find doc.

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Skyseeker followed a smooth rocky path downward and smelt the sharp and tasty tang of herbs and felt herself float towards it. She rounded a bush and crashed into another cat doing the same thing in the opposite direction. "Oh im so sorry!" His rasping voice mewed. This cat had to be doc, for he smelled of unusual herbs and was an elderly blue and grey cat. Pale green eyes sparkled as he got up. "I was just going out for herbs, but i don't believe we have met before!" the cat said. "Doc, right?" Skyseeker asked, shrinking from his size. "Oh, has Mayor told you? Well yes i am." Doc seemed slightly disappointed but his smile hardly faded.

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"Can I come?" Skyseeker asked. Doc regarded her with a thoughtful expression before nodding. "Of course! The more the merrier!" He purred. "Follow me!" He called and dashed off. He was fairly quick and agile for his age as he darted between trees, narrowly avoiding branches and tricky undergrowth. They passed through patches of thick ferns, brambles, tall flowers and bushes and groups of glowing mushrooms. The canopy soared overhead as the two cats eventually slowed on their search for the healing plants. A joyous smell hit Skyseeker's mouth as she opened it to scent herbs. There was a distant tang of goldenseal and other herbs but there was one juicy smell that she was keen on finding. Doc was a few fox-lengths ahead and didn't seem bothered of the overpowering sweetness. Skyseeker carefully traced the scent and nosed her way through a patch of thick ferns and her nose almost burst. She realized that she had smelt catnip and decided to nip off a few stalks to show Doc.

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"My! You found these catnip stalks?" Doc exclaimed when Skyseeker dropped them in front of him. "Yep!" She said proudly. Why was Doc so surprised? Skyseeker had also found some liquorice root that smelt almost cloying to her sharp nose. Doc had found several bushes of goldenseal and around ten marigolds. He had stored them in a small leather bag tied around his back. "The sun is setting. We should rest before heading back." Doc was right. Skyseeker blinked in surprise as she realized that streaks of flame had spread across the sky from the fading sun. Birds were chirping good-bye calls and settling down on their nests. The first flashes of fireflies glinted in the darkened forest. Skyseeker suddenly felt hunger drop on her like a weight, and a chill spread across her whiskers as she realized Doc was gone. "D-Doc?" Skyseeker tried. The Pitch silhouettes of trees darkened as the last fires of sunset faded. An eerie silence had engulfed the forest completely. Howls and hoots rung as a rustle of ferns in front of her echoed in her ears. Prey-scent filled her nose as Doc stepped out, green eyes flashing. A rabbit dangled from his jaws. "I thought we might share" He mewed sweetly. "Oh. I thought you..." Skyseeker trailed off as Doc dropped the rabbit and his whiskers twitched with amusement. "Thought i would abandon you? I would never!" He purred in amusement and fake triumph.


Skyseeker felt dew splash on her nose and she opened her eyes to see Doc prodding her with one paw. "Wake up" He sung cheerfully. Skyseeker had managed to make a fairly comfortable nest in some ferns and moss to sleep in. She sneezed when another drop of dew splattered on her nose. Doc laughed and Skyseeker sat up, rubbing her muzzle with a forepaw, ears flat.

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Skyseeker blinked away the dazzling light and stretched. Bits of moss had stuck to her pelt and she shook them off. Doc had put his leather pack back on and, was only a minute sooner, they were darting through the forest. Skyseeker's eyes had adjusted to the early morning light and enjoyed the music of songbirds in the trees, the cracking of nuts as squirrels hurries along and the scent of fresh air. The forest colony's entrance opened up and Skyseeker leapt upon Doc's back and quickly pinned him. "Hey!" He called, laughing, "Cheater!" He growled playfully, and heaved her off. Dazed, Skyseeker sat up to see he was getting away. She chased after him but instead rounded a corner too quickly and accidently crashed into Mayor as she skidded off her paws. His angry, solemn gaze shot to her and two other cats had been discussing something serious with him. Mayor fixed his furious glare like it had never happened and pushed her playfully off. Skyseeker just sat up quickly and nodded her apologies and strayed back to Doc's den. She could feel the other cats eyeing her and realized that doc, a tabby brown cat, and another sturdy-built mossy brown tabby cat where there.

(This is where i edited it in word)

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Skyseeker sat out-front of Doc's den and pondered over why they acted so odd around her. Did i anger them? No, i couldn't have! Or maybe i did? They wanted me to meet the others... Mayor just said that i should talk to Doc and Ember so they shouldn't be mad about that. Maybe they have special customs about things like going out with each other to collect herbs and prey... would they? Wouldn't they? Or are they trying hide something from me? Coco mentioned other colonies not liking each other! They must be battle planning! Skyseeker squeaked when she realized a cat was standing over her. She was white and well-groomed. She looked like she thought she was the most important cat in the forest. Skyseeker was vaguely aware of Doc galloping towards them. "Um what are you doing, freaking out like you did when you totally distracted Mayor from the battle planning? You're so weird ya know? Because, like, Mayor needs to battle plan, send out scouts, hunting patrols and herb patrols. He doesn't need to fuss over unfashionable, dumb kittens like you!" The pure cat hissed, high-pitched.

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"Battle planning?" Mayor asked. "Yes, we were doing battle planning but its only your second day, so we didn't want to concern you with it!" Mayor yowled. "B-uuuuuuuhhh-t um she was just asking me about um..." Skyseeker slinked away and went south out of camp while the cats were arguing. The breeze ruffled her fur as mice and squirrels scurried among the undergrowth. Skyseeker felt relaxed as she headed west.

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A voice shocked Skyseeker as she saw a blue cat with a white tail-tip, underbelly and paws. He had very pale green eyes, like ferns during winter. He was lying on a rock outside a den. The entry way was covered with crystals and there was a small pool of water next to the crystals against the hedge. He looked tired as if he had just woken up, but in a cheerful way that warmed Skyseeker's fur. The cat had said, "What is this?" He asked. "Ah, like a breeze in spring, a new face has come to enlighten my soul like a flame to a mid-summer forest. My name is Lyrus. We have never met, but we can change that now. I do hope you may stop again?" Lyrus asked. His smile had made her unease melt away instantly. "Of course i could" Skyseeker replied. "Why is your den so..." She trailed off, unsure how to finish her sentence. "So remote?" Lyrus asked, whiskers flicking with amusement and fondness. "How could i get a good night's sleep with cats streaming around the camp as if they were badgers protecting their young?" Lyrus answered. Glowing mushrooms shimmered pink behind him and turned half his fur indigoes, violets and other various purples and blues. His den appeared to be made of colours and exotic insects. Large clumps of marigold gathered at the base of his hen and he appeared to be wearing a daisy-chain but with marigolds around his neck. Lyrus dipped his head respectfully and walked slowly off to camp. 

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Skyseeker decided to go hunting as it was nearly sunhigh and prey would be lying on rocks or foraging among roots. Skyseeker crouched down and slithered across the terrain. She was directly west of the colony and was keen on catching squirrels to eat. A rustle and the smell of hazelnuts crossed her mouth as she spotted a squirrel greedily shoving them in it's tiny mouth. Leaves crackled underpaw as she stalked it. The furry creature was alert from the noise but then began to crack its nuts on a nearby rock. Skyseeker darted forward and sprang toward the squirrel. Brown legs leapt as Skyseeker's paws closed in on top of empty air. The furry animal was swiftly climbing a tree. Skyseeker hared toward the tree and the squirrel panicked and stopped for a moment in shock before speeding up a branch to its home. Skyseeker shot upward and felt her claws slither around it's tiny body. She fell backward, losing her grip on the tree and landed with a thump on a root. She had managed to swiftly kill the squirrel before it could escape and she wheezed as she got up.

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"I'm Skyseeker anyways" Skyseeker purred. The dry canopy rustled overhead and she enjoyed the sour tang of the herb-y wind. Her tail flicked out a wad of moss embedded under the fur. "Ugh" She mumbled toward her stinky fur. The trickle of water sounded nearby and she found a small puddle. It was full of mud and she wouldn't be able to get much mud out of her fur from it.

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The afternoon started to cool as Skyseeker had walked back to camp after finishing the squirrel. The same moss-brown tabby she had seen before was standing guard. He sat in a handsomely proud way that made Skyseeker want to collapse from the thought of safety and nothing could harm her, but he also made her feel unsettled like there was always something outside, ready to attack her. "Good evening," His voice rumbled. Pine-green eyes were watching her, even if they appeared to be watching the forest.

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"I am the guard of the forest colony. My name is Sarge. Watch your tail around here... or it'll have a problem." He spoke as if he was joking, but there was only solemn behind his mew. Unsettled, Skyseeker walked casually back to her well-woven den and placed the few items she had gathered that day.

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She had gathered some lavender, a fair amount of goldenseal, liquorice root and two more butterflies. The first streaks of dusk had slowly pelted across the darkening sky and the small eyes of stars had started looking down from the twilight-painted sky.

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Skyseeker had walked out of her den to find Mayor heading her way. "I hope you had a pleasant day?" Mayor asked, a nervous glint in his eye. Skyseeker regarded him for a moment, then nodded. "I have had the most wonderous day a cat could have!" She exclaimed. Mayor smiled, and walked off.

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