Chiyanna Posted December 23, 2022 Posted December 23, 2022 Prediction: Evepaw leads balance bear to clan
Peanutpup77 Posted December 23, 2022 Author Posted December 23, 2022 30 minutes ago, Chiyanna said: Prediction: Evepaw leads balance bear to clan Maybe... 1
Peanutpup77 Posted December 25, 2022 Author Posted December 25, 2022 Forestclan - Leader - Ripplesky (mentoring Dawnpaw) - Light brown calico tom with strange violet eyes, Mate to Foxglow. 8 Lives left. Deputy - Foxglow - Black tabby she-cat with green eyes, Mother to Wolfstorm, Articpaw, and Shadekit (currently queen) Medicine Cat - Webfoot - Chocolate brown she-cat with green eyes Warriors - Scarletfire - Red she-cat with blue eyes, Mother to Evepaw Spotflame (mentoring Articpaw)- Pinkish spotted she-cat with green eyes, Mother to Dawnpaw Nightmask - Beige she-cat with a black pattern and green eyes Wolfstorm - Gray tabby tom with green eyes Apprentices - Dawnpaw - Pink she-cat with golden eyes Articpaw - Black tom with red spots and violet eyes Kits - Shadekit - Black tom with red spots, violet eyes, and an unusually long snout Rouges - Evepaw - Chocolate brown tabby tom with blue eyes Dawnpaw and Spotflame were out hunting. Dawnpaw had just pounced on a rabbit and ended its life with a quick snap when she heard a growl in the bushes. She slowly turned her head, the limp body of the rabbit still hanging from her jaws when a bearyena pounced. She yelped and jumped out of the way, the bearyena's claws slamming onto the frozen dirt a fraction of an inch away from where she had just been standing. Dawnpaw was terrified, but she hissed and took a swipe at the bearyena anyway. Her sharp claws dug into its skin and opened a deep wound along its chest. It growled in pain and bared its teeth at the small apprentice. Dawnpaw was just swiping at it again when her mother lunged at the bearyena from behind. Spotflame's whirling claws slashed at its back ripping through fur and making blood wet the hard ground. The bearyena howled in pain and whipped around, slashing blindly with its claws. Spotflame dodged and yowled to her daughter. "Run, Dawnpaw!" Dawnpaw shot a fearful glance at her mother as she wove between the bearyena's claws. "I don't want to leave you!" She mewled hopelessly. "Go." Spotflame said. "Save yourself. Remember, I love you." Dawnpaw turned tail and ran. She felt tears stream down her cheeks, but she didn't stop. Her mother would be gone soon. She knew it. ... In the next moon, Scarletfire also passed. The clan was in mourning, diminished by two members. Five days after Scarletfire's death, Nightmask approached Wolfstorm, a white flower in her jaws. "Wolfstorm? Can I talk to you by the river?" Nightmask said around the flower "Of course, Nightmask!" Wolfstorm responded. The gray tom followed Nightmask's waving tail as she led him to a boulder near the river. Once they arrived at the muddy banks Nightmask turned and dropped the flower at Wolfstorm's paws. "Wolfstorm I've been meaning to tell you for a while now... I... I would really appreciate being your mate. I think you're a great cat and would love for you to be by my side for the rest of my life." Wolfstorm stared at her, shell shocked. "It's okay if you don't want to." Nightmask mumbled, scratching at the mud nervously. "No! No Nightmask I'd- I'd love to be your mate!" Wolfstorm exclaimed. Nightmask purred happily and the two wound their tails together. 2
Peanutpup77 Posted January 1, 2023 Author Posted January 1, 2023 Forestclan - Leader - Ripplestar (mentoring Dawnpaw) - Light brown calico tom with strange violet eyes, Mate to Foxglow. 8 Lives left. Deputy - Foxglow - Black tabby she-cat with green eyes, Mother to Wolfstorm, Articpaw, and Shadekit (currently queen) Medicine Cat - Webfoot - Chocolate brown she-cat with green eyes Warriors - Nightmask - Beige she-cat with a black pattern and green eyes Wolfstorm - Gray tabby tom with green eyes Apprentices - Dawnpaw - Pink she-cat with golden eyes Articpaw - Black tom with red spots and violet eyes Kits - Shadekit - Black tom with red spots, violet eyes, and an unusually long snout Rouges - Evepaw - Chocolate brown tabby tom with blue eyes Ripplestar and Dawnpaw were stalking some weird foxlike creatures. They were pure white with long curling horns coming from their heads. Ripplestar had never seen anything like them. "Stay back" he told his apprentice before stalking closer. As the white fox lifted its nose to the air, Ripplestar pounced. The fox yowled as he dragged his claws along its side. It whipped around and barred its teeth at him. Ripplestar growled and leaped at the at the fox. When he was in midair the fox raised its claws and plunged them deep into Ripplestar's chest. Ripplestar's eyes widened before he collapsed to the ground his claws scrabbling to get a hold of the fox's fur. Dawnpaw drew back as the fox advanced forward. She had to follow her mentor's orders! But before she could run, the fox leaped at her. Out of instinct she sunk her claws into the fox's fur. The fox growled as blood dripped from its wounds, staining its white fur red. "Help!" Dawnpaw called as the fox started to move towards her again. She whimpered, ready to feel its claws sink into her skin, when a blur of black and red shot out of the grasses and landed on top of the fox. The fox howled and barred its teeth at Articpaw, but stayed focused on Dawnpaw. She yelped as it clawed at her back. Articpaw sunk his claws into its neck. The fox howled in pain before it fell limply into the ground. The two apprentices barely had time to take a breath before another fox leaped out to confront them. Articpaw moved fast though. He bit the fox's foreleg, and well it was distracted, he called out. "Run Dawnpaw! Your injured and need healing. Go find everyone else and... and tell them my father is dead." ... The clan finally managed to take down the pack of foxes. As soon as the last one fell, Foxglow called a meeting. "I am too old to be a leader." She told the clan. "I know I was deputy when... When R-ripplestar died, " Her voice faltered slightly at the thought of her dead mate. "But I'm going t-to have to announce myself as an elder." The clan whispered as she said those words. "Before we announce a different leader, I'm going to make Shadekit an apprentice. Shadekit, do you wish to follow the path of a warrior?" Shadekit took a deep breath and said in a small voice. "N-no" Foxglow flinched in surprise. "Do you want to be a medicine cat?" "Yes, I-I do" "Then from now until you become a full medicine cat, you will be known as Shadepaw. May Starclan accept you." The clan cheered "Shadepaw! Shadepaw!" "Wolfstorm, Nightmask?" Foxglow asked. "Yes?" the two cats said at the same time. "Do either of you want to be leader?" Wolfstorm and Nightmask exchanged a glance. "I'll do it." Nightmask said. "Thank you, Nightmask." Foxglow purred. "Nightmask! Nightmask!" the clan called. ... "Wolfstorm?" Nightmask asked her mate. "What is it Nightmask?" Wolfstorm asked. "Are you nervous about your leader ceremony?" "Well- Yes. Kind off. Not really." Nightmask said awkwardly. "I-I need to talk to you by the river." "Okay." Wolfstorm said, getting up to follow his mate. As soon as the two cats reached the river, Nightmask turned took a deep breath and started to talk. 'Wolfstorm... I'm expecting a kit." "Y-you are?!" Wolfstorm said. "B-but you're going to be leader soon! You can't be a queen as well!" "I'm going to have to manage." Nightmask said dully. "Hopefully I can do it." "I believe in you" Wolfstorm said, though he was watching his mate with a concerned expression. 1
Peanutpup77 Posted January 10, 2023 Author Posted January 10, 2023 (Sorry I haven't updated in a while) Forestclan - Leader - Nightstar- Beige she-cat with a black pattern and green eyes (currently queen) Deputy - Wolfstorm - Gray tabby tom with green eyes Medicine Cat - Webfoot (mentoring Shadepaw)- Chocolate brown she-cat with green eyes Warriors - Apprentices - Dawnpaw - Pink she-cat with golden eyes Articpaw - Black tom with red spots and violet eyes Shadepaw - Black tom with red spots, violet eyes, and an unusually long snout Elders - Foxglow - Black tabby she-cat with green eyes, Mother to Wolfstorm, Articpaw, and Shadepaw Rouges - Evepaw - Chocolate brown tabby tom with blue eyes Nightmask awoke in a beautiful meadow, a chocolate brown tom sitting next to her. Stars sparkled in his fur. "F-father?!" Nightmask asked, scrabbling to her feet. "Hello, Nightmask" Duskstar purred, looking affectionately at his daughter "I've missed you." "Why am I here?" Nightmask asked looking around. Suddenly, she was worried that Starclan had brought her here to chastise her for becoming a queen just as she became leader. "You're not in trouble." Duskstar reassured his daughter, as if reading her mind. "Leaders have had kits before." Nightmask relaxed. "Oh. Then I guess I'm here to receive my lives'?" "You are." Duskstar said. "I will give you your first life." Nightmask sat down and braced herself. She remembered her father telling her that the lives ceremony hurt. "Nightmask, I give you a life of sacrifice." Duskstar said. "May you use this life to save your clan by sacrificing yourself." Nightmask felt warmth leave her body. Pain dug into her heart, and she whimpered slightly. However, throughout all of this, she felt worthy of being a leader. When the pain finally receded, Nightmask looked up shakily. Her father had disappeared, and in his place, was her mother. "M-mother?" Nightmask said in a strangled whisper. Strange emotions coursed through her. She had never met her mother. She had died in the bearyena attack that had occurred during Nightmask's birth. Nightmask only had faint memory's, of yowling and flashing claws. She barely knew what her mother looked like. "Nightmask." Her mother said, showing no signs of love. Nightmask was hurt. Did Nightclaw even care that it was her daughter who stood before her? Did she even care that Nightmask had had to grow up without a mother? "I bestow upon you the life of courage." Nightclaw said. "May you always have the courage to fight for what you believe." Nightmask felt pain and sadness tear through her. Although, the sadness might not have been because of the life. The pain tore at her, until Nightmask was laying on the soft ground, clenching her teeth and trying to stop from yowling in pain while spots danced before her eyes. Even through all the pain, Nightmask could feel courage coursing through her blood. It was the only reason she wasn't whimpering like a kit trapped in a falcon's claws. Finally, the almost unbearable pain ended, and Nightmask looked up to see another cat. The rest of the night passed in a blur of pain and love and other unnamable things. Finally, Nightmask awoke, now named Nightstar. ... "It's over!" Webfoot called from the nursery to an anxiously pacing Wolfstorm. Wolfstorm looked up and hurried inside the nursery. He spotted his mate laying in a nest next to a small cream-colored kit. He hurried over and Nightstar looked up wearily smiling at him. "I was waiting for you before we named her." Nightstar said. Wolfstorm smiled. "Thanks for waiting." "What do you think we should call her?" Nightstar asked. "I was thinking Snowkit. You know, after her fur coloring and that time we slept out in the snow together." Wolfstorm purred at the memory. "Thats the perfect name for her." He said. "Snowkit." 1
Peanutpup77 Posted January 21, 2023 Author Posted January 21, 2023 Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I'm not feeling very inspired by this right now, but I'll start posting on this as soon as I'm feeling more motivated. 2
Peanutpup77 Posted April 30, 2023 Author Posted April 30, 2023 Forestclan - Leader - Nightstar- Beige she-cat with a black pattern and green eyes, mother to Snowkit (currently queen) Deputy - Wolfstorm - Gray tabby tom with green eyes Medicine Cat - Webfoot (mentoring Shadepaw)- Chocolate brown she-cat with green eyes Warriors - Apprentices - Dawnpaw - Pink she-cat with golden eyes Articpaw - Black tom with red spots and violet eyes Shadepaw - Black tom with red spots, violet eyes, and an unusually long snout Kits - Snowkit - White she-kit with a long nose Elders - Foxglow - Black tabby she-cat with green eyes, Mother to Wolfstorm, Articpaw, and Shadepaw Rouges - Evepaw - Chocolate brown tabby tom with blue eyes "Let all cats old enough to hunt gather beneath this rock!" Nightstar yowled. Articpaw and Dawnpaw pranced out of the apprentice's den, beaming. They had both completed their warrior assessments just the day before, so they knew what this meeting was about. Snowkit tumbled out of the nursery, eyes wide as she gazed up at Nightstar sitting on the rock. "What's mommy doing up there?" She mewled. "Shh, Snowkit." Wolfstorm said, "If you can't be quiet, you're going to have to go back inside the nursery." He looked up at Nightstar, eyes sparkling with laughter. "We should have named her Loudkit." He joked. "No!" Snowkit squealed, burying herself in her father's tail. Finally, the rest of the clan emerged from their dens. "Dawnpaw, Articpaw you are ready to become warriors. Dawnpaw, step forward." Dawnpaw pranced up to the base of the rock, staring excitedly at Nightstar as Nightstar leaned down to touch her shoulder. "Dawnpaw, from now on you will be known as Dawnflame. Starclan honors your courage and kindness." Dawnflame licked Nightstar's shoulder and stepped back respectfully. Articpaw stepped forward. "Articpaw, from now on you will be known as Articfeather. Starclan honors your willingness to help your clan and your fighting skill. Articfeather licked Nightstar's shoulder and stepped back to stand beside Foxglow. "Dawnflame! Articfeather! Dawnflame! Articfeather!" The rest of the clan cheered. Snowkit bounded up to the newly made warriors, shaking melting snow from her nose. "You'll still play with me even though your warriors, right?" She asked. "Of course!" Dawnflame purred. "Being warriors won't stop us from playing with you!" Snowkit purred, and turned around as she heard her mother's voice behind her. "Snowkit! Let's go back to the nursery. It's too cold for you to be outside." "But I don't want to go to the nursery!" Snowkit wailed as her mother started ferociously licking the snow off of her pelt well herding her into the bramble entrance of the nursery. ... Evepaw crept into the dark nursery trying to make sure that his paw steps were soft and light so as not to awake the Nightmask. He walked right up to the nest in which she was curled up in, with a tiny white kit sleeping next to her. He hissed in the darkness, anger washing over him again as he gazed at the cat who had betrayed him. "Nightmask." He whispered to himself. "You have ruined my life. Because of that, I will take yours." He took a deep breath, the anger threatening to send him into a silent rage. "You have taken all that I could have given to this clan away. I now longer have anything to do with this clan. Now, I am Eve." Eve unsheathed his claws, and, silently, slit Nightmask's throat. ... Nightstar had been dreaming, lost in the silent depths of sleep, when suddenly she awoke in a beautiful hunting ground. The grass was bright green, and the air was warm, unlike the tall stone mountain where Forestclan lived. She blinked in surprise as Duskstar appeared next to her, along with a shadowy figure that seemed to be Nightstar. "What's happening?" Nightstar asked. "I'm not dead, am I?" "No," Duskstar said gently. "You're just losing a life." "But... How?" Nightstar asked. "I'm not sick, I didn't have any wounds... What happened?" "Eve happened." Duskstar said grimly. "You mean Evepaw, right?" Nightstar asked. "No" Duskstar said. "He has given up on the clan completely. Any loyalty he once had is gone." "This is all my fault!" Nightstar wailed. "I should have let him become a warrior!" "No, you did the right thing Nightstar." Duskstar reassured the worried leader. "You can't make a warrior out of a cat who is not ready." His expression grew grimmer as he said. "But beware. The evening can turn into a darkness without stars. Eve walks a very dark path." Duskstar started to fade away, and the Starclan hunting grounds were replaced by a dark forest, with tall, sickly trees and no light except for a dull moon. Nightstar jolted awake staring into the dark nursery, her heart sinking. "Oh Starclan." She whispered into the darkness. "What have I done?"
Peanutpup77 Posted May 1, 2023 Author Posted May 1, 2023 Forestclan - Leader - Nightstar- Beige she-cat with a black pattern and green eyes, mother to Snowkit (currently queen) Deputy - Wolfstorm - Gray tabby tom with green eyes Medicine Cat - Webfoot (mentoring Shadepaw)- Chocolate brown she-cat with green eyes Warriors - Dawnflame- Pink she-cat with golden eyes Articfeather - Black tom with red spots and violet eyes Apprentices - Shadepaw - Black tom with red spots, violet eyes, and an unusually long snout Kits - Snowkit - White she-kit with a long nose Elders - Foxglow - Black tabby she-cat with green eyes, Mother to Wolfstorm, Articfeather, and Shadepaw Rouges - Eve - Chocolate brown tabby tom with blue eyes Eve awoke in a forest with no stars. The moon glowed dully in the sky, barely seeable through the drooping leaves of the tall redwoods. Glowing fungi shimmered at the base of the trees, lighting the dark forest with an eerie glow. Eve got up, stretching, and strolled through the seemingly endless trees. He seemed perfectly at ease in this place. Occasionally, he would stop and open his mouth, as if trying to scent something through the dank smell of rotting wood. Finally, he came to a slimy river that was moving smoothly through the forest. The ground was scuffed up here, and something besides river water was splashed in the brown grass. It filled the air with the metallic tang of blood. As Eve was starting to sit down, a cat slunk out of the trees. Their pelt was white with thin light gray bands running through it. Their amber eyes glowed brighter than the moon in the darkness. "Your late Evepaw." They hissed, tail flicking in irritation. "I'm sorry Slatestripe." Eve said, "It's just I wa-" "Sorry catches no prey!" Slatestripe growled angrily. "From now on, you are always on time. No matter what!" Eve's eyes flashed. "I killed Nightmask!" he snarled. "And also, it's Eve now not Evepaw. That name was given by Starclan, and I want nothing to do with Starclan. "Fool!" Slatestripe yowled. "There is no Nightmask." "Not anymore!" Eve meowed triumphantly. "I killed her." "There is no Nightmask." Slatestripe repeated. "There is only Nightstar." Eve froze in shock, his blue eyes widening, before racing away through the dark tree's, desperate to get away from the cat who told him the truth. 1
Peanutpup77 Posted June 17, 2023 Author Posted June 17, 2023 Forestclan - Leader - Nightstar- Beige she-cat with a black pattern and green eyes, mother to Snowkit. 8 lives left. (Currently queen) Deputy - Wolfstorm - Gray tabby tom with green eyes. Mate to Nightstar Medicine Cat - Webfoot (mentoring Shadepaw)- Chocolate brown she-cat with green eyes Warriors - Dawnflame- Pink she-cat with golden eyes Articfeather - Black tom with red spots and violet eyes Apprentices - Shadepaw - Black tom with red spots, violet eyes, and an unusually long snout Kits - Snowkit - White she-kit with a long nose Elders - Foxglow - Black tabby she-cat with green eyes, Mother to Wolfstorm, Articfeather, and Shadepaw Rouges - Eve - Chocolate brown tabby tom with blue eyes A moon after Eve's attack, Foxglow passed away due to greencough. The clan mourned her death, especially her kits, Wolfstorm, Articfeather, and Shadepaw. The days got colder and colder as leaf-bare progressed, and soon the whole clan was shivering from the intense cold, staring outside as the snow poured on and on. Even Snowkit wasn't going outside. Nightstar, Wolfstorm, Dawnflame, and Articfeather tried their best to feed the clan, but prey was scarce, and the clan quickly started to starve. Finally, the endless snow stopped, and new-leaf started, but the clan was greatly weakened from the long and harsh leaf-bare. ... "Let all cats old enough to hunt gather beneath this rock!" Nightstar yowled. Articfeather, Dawnflame, and Wolfstorm walked out of the warrior's den, yawning sleepily and blinking their eyes against the bright sunlight. Snowkit bounded out of the nursery, her pelt freshly groomed and her eyes shining in excitement. Once all the cats had gathered, Nightstar began to speak. "Snowkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and therefore are ready to become a apprentice. Do you wish to follow the path of a warrior?" Snowkit looked up into her mother's eyes, trembling in excitement. "I do." She said clearly. "Then from now on, you will be known as Snowpaw. Your mentor will be Wolfstorm." Snowpaw bounded over to her father and touched noses with him. "Wolfstorm, even though you are Snowpaw's father, I trust you to treat her like any other apprentice and pass on your loyalty and skill to her." The clan started to cheer "Snowpaw! Snowpaw!" And Nightstar leaped down from the rock to congratulate her daughter. 1
Peanutpup77 Posted December 30, 2023 Author Posted December 30, 2023 (WARNING - It's a bit dark.) Forestclan - Leader - Nightstar- Beige she-cat with a black pattern and green eyes, mother to Snowpaw. 8 lives left. (Currently queen) Deputy - Wolfstorm (mentoring Snowpaw) - Gray tabby tom with green eyes. Mate to Nightstar Medicine Cat - Webfoot (mentoring Shadepaw)- Chocolate brown she-cat with green eyes Warriors - Dawnflame- Pink she-cat with golden eyes Articfeather - Black tom with red spots and violet eyes Apprentices - Shadepaw - Black tom with red spots, violet eyes, and an unusually long snout Snowpaw - White she-cat with a long nose Rouges - Eve - Chocolate brown tabby tom with blue eyes Shadepaw was exhausted. Snowpaw had been talking to him all day, about her warrior training of course, while he had sorted herbs. Eventually he had just asked her if she had anything she should be doing. Wasn't she supposed to be hunting? Or going on a border patrol? Or just doing something warriors do? But she had just told him, " Wolfstorm gave me a day off!", and went on ranting. Eventually Nightstar had called her off, telling Snowpaw that she was doing the morning border patrol, and that she had to be well rested. Snowpaw had bounded off to her nest chattering excitedly, just to the air? Shadepaw didn't know. He was too exhausted to think about it. ... Shadepaw awoke in a beautiful forest. He sat up and looked around alertly, looking for some sign of where he was. The tree's were tall and healthy, and Shadepaw could here the rustles of prey moving around in the lush undergrowth. His nose twitched as he noticed a mouse chewing on a chestnut right in front of him. He regarded it, considering catching it, but dismissed the thought, knowing he was a lousy hunter. As he watched the mouse, he suddenly became aware someone was watching him. He turned around and was shocked to see his mother and father. "Mom! Dad!" he cried rushing up to them and burying his nose in their fur. They purred and Ripplestar wound his tail around his son, who had just been a kit when Ripplestar had passed. Foxglow began licking her youngest son's fur soothingly. "I miss you so much." Shadepaw whispered his voice breaking slightly. "We know" Foxglow purred soothingly to her son, slowly grooming his ear. ... Eventually, Shadepaw broke away from his parents. "Why am I here?" he asked them. Their eyes immediately clouded over, and they looked at eachother sadly. "Shadepaw." Ripplestar began, his spotted tail swishing from side to side. "Forestclan needs to leave this island." "WHAT!" Shadepaw exclaimed. "Leave the island? How could we do that! Most of the clan was born here! We can't just leave!" "Listen," Foxglow said desperately. "Please, listen Shadepaw. Eve is studying in the Dark Forest. He had become one of the most powerful fighters Forestclan has ever seen, and he won't rest until he causes Nightstar as much pain as possible. He has already taken one of her lives, and will soon take the life of her daughter." Foxglow's voice broke. "Of Wolfstorm's daughter." Ripplestar licked his mates ear soothingly. "It's okay Foxglow." he said "Our son's daughter will be happy in Starclan." Shadepaw listened, horror growing within him. "He can't kill Snowpaw! Send me back! Please! I'll stop him." Foxglow and Ripplestar exchanged disbelieving looks, and then faded away into darkness. ... Shadepaw woke up just in time to hear Snowpaw's screech of pain. 1
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