GreenTheGreat Posted April 30, 2023 Posted April 30, 2023 Angel was still out cold. But after a bit, he slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes and analyzing the room around him. As he did this, he grew to look visibly uncomfortable, as he looked around for something. My mask, where is it?? He thought frantically as the doctors surrounding him continued to take notes and say things he wasn't paying attention to.
ItzFadeDaNightWing Posted May 1, 2023 Posted May 1, 2023 On 4/28/2023 at 6:15 PM, ItzFadeTheTheTheTheThe said: Jayden was getting tired of this- very very quickly. She felt annoyance building up inside her. She had slightly remembered what she was here for but it was almost as if it was faded out like a dream, which maybe made her think that it was a dream. She sat up, whacking the scientist-doctor-whatever people away as she looked around wildly- it was all good until a wave of dizziness crashed over her and she fell over onto the ground, face flat on the floor. She let out a loud curse. Jayden was very uncooperative and was too busy being annoyed at the fact that she fell that she didn’t care that the scientist doctor idiot people were putting her back on the hospital bed. She was pretty sure the scientist idiots were annoyed. She hoped they were. She just lied there thinking about god knows what as she slowly started to remember what was actually happening. Oh, right. She thought it was something about some…. syrup? Wait, no.. that sounded wrong. Serum. Yes. Man, now she was craving syrup and pancakes. Or waffles. When was the last time she had waffles? Hey, wait… which serum did she apply for? Or was it random? Oh well. She just thought about how many waffles she was going to eat when she got home. Wait. Wasn’t there some sort of attack? She hoped she had just imagined that in her dream. Dreams were stupid. A waste of time and energy. And brain juice. What was brain juice? It didn’t matter. She almost made the impulsive decision to flop onto the floor again. Be extra annoying and crispy. Like waffles. What the heck did she want waffles for? She cursed again. Very loudly. She isn’t sure what she said, but hoped it was enough to annoy people. WHY WAS SHE HERE. Nevermind. Her brain filled with waffles, she lied there like an embodiment of chaos (and waffles). She felt like a waffle. Circular and filled with square indents. And crispy. Oh my god. Stop thinking about waffles, Jayden!!! 1
Star Starless Posted May 1, 2023 Author Posted May 1, 2023 On 4/29/2023 at 11:14 PM, Star Starless said: Sullivain groaned groggily as he was finally able to sand upright without help. He turned to one of the doctors, scientists, he still didn't know, next to him. "What happened?" The doctor scientist turned to Sullivain and shouted to another doctor scientist "Linguistics normal, breathing normal, heart rate 71 bpm, blood pressure 85/130." Sullivain cleared his throat. "Ahem? What's going on?" The doctor scientist turned to him. "I'm not allowed to disclose that information. Please wait for your briefing with Doctor Ranzowksi." Sullivain rolled his eyes. "Can you at least tell me if the serum was sucessful or not?" The doctor scientist smiled. "No." And proceeded to walk away from Sullivain without a further word. Rude. He thought. After lots more prodding and long words said by the doctor scientists, another person approached Sullivain. He was tall and thin, and had dark brown hair with streaks of gray in it. The corner of his mouth formed crevices when he smiled at Sullivain, which bothered him for some reason. Everyone here smiles too much for people living through an apocalypse. Sullivain thought. The doctor outstretched his hand. Sullivain did not shake it. The doctor man brushed it off. "Hello Sullivain, I am doctor Kevin Ranzowski, head researcher of this experiment and developer of three of the four serums. Considering all appears to be well, may I be the first person to congratulate you. From this moment on, you will go down in history as the first person to ever be injected with the Shadow serum." Sullivain could have also sworn he heard the doctor mumble something along the lines of "And also the last, based on our inability to replicate the serum." Sullivain brushed it off. None of my business. The doctor continued talking. Sullivain zoned out somewhere in the middle between the doctor talking about side effects of the serum and how he might be in excruciating pain for the next 12-14 hours. Fun. he thought. The doctor completed his rant with a small "Meet me in the conference hall in one hour from now. You have been cleared to return to your room. There, you will meet with the rest of the staff, and we will discuss your training as well as the continuation for the infusion of other humans with the serum." The doctor smiled again. "See you soon, Sullivain." Why does everyone here smile so much. It's unsettling. Sullivain thought as he turned away and walked towards the elevator to the -3rd floor, where his living quarters were.
Idi0tArtz Posted May 2, 2023 Posted May 2, 2023 “Wha-“ Callisto groaned and glanced around, still very much dazed and confused…. He sort of looked like a lost kid in a grocery store looking for their mom..
GreenTheGreat Posted May 2, 2023 Posted May 2, 2023 Angel got the same directions and comments from some other personnel, groaning slightly at the different things. What even was the 'Wind serum?' And why wasn't it explained? Angel could only wonder as he proceeded to snatch a roll of bandages before heading towards the elevator to go to the living quarters.
ItzFadeDaNightWing Posted May 2, 2023 Posted May 2, 2023 Jayden, as well, got the exact same directions. Jayden was busy thinking about waffles and honestly, could not care less. But also, cared a bit. Light serum? Would she become a living human glowstick? Would she be able to create light? How did that even work? Oh well. She hadn't been paying attention to the directions she was given, so she just followed this dude with brown hair to the elevator quietly. Her gaze was fixed on him for whatever reason. Her eyes, in all honesty, looked dead and tired. Maybe a hint of waffles, though... or maybe that was just her. She stayed dead silent, almost like a ghost.
ItzFadeDaNightWing Posted May 2, 2023 Posted May 2, 2023 16 hours ago, Star Starless said: After lots more prodding and long words said by the doctor scientists, another person approached Sullivain. He was tall and thin, and had dark brown hair with streaks of gray in it. The corner of his mouth formed crevices when he smiled at Sullivain, which bothered him for some reason. Everyone here smiles too much for people living through an apocalypse. Sullivain thought. The doctor outstretched his hand. Sullivain did not shake it. The doctor man brushed it off. "Hello Sullivain, I am doctor Kevin Ranzowski, head researcher of this experiment and developer of three of the four serums. Considering all appears to be well, may I be the first person to congratulate you. From this moment on, you will go down in history as the first person to ever be injected with the Shadow serum." Sullivain could have also sworn he heard the doctor mumble something along the lines of "And also the last, based on our inability to replicate the serum." Sullivain brushed it off. None of my business. The doctor continued talking. Sullivain zoned out somewhere in the middle between the doctor talking about side effects of the serum and how he might be in excruciating pain for the next 12-14 hours. Fun. he thought. The doctor completed his rant with a small "Meet me in the conference hall in one hour from now. You have been cleared to return to your room. There, you will meet with the rest of the staff, and we will discuss your training as well as the continuation for the infusion of other humans with the serum." The doctor smiled again. "See you soon, Sullivain." Why does everyone here smile so much. It's unsettling. Sullivain thought as he turned away and walked towards the elevator to the -3rd floor, where his living quarters were. (are their living quarters all on different floors, or the same?)
Star Starless Posted May 3, 2023 Author Posted May 3, 2023 9 hours ago, ItzFadeTheTheTheTheThe said: (are their living quarters all on different floors, or the same?) (they can be on whatever floor you want, and their rooms can also look however you want) 1
Star Starless Posted May 3, 2023 Author Posted May 3, 2023 On 5/1/2023 at 7:19 PM, Star Starless said: After lots more prodding and long words said by the doctor scientists, another person approached Sullivain. He was tall and thin, and had dark brown hair with streaks of gray in it. The corner of his mouth formed crevices when he smiled at Sullivain, which bothered him for some reason. Everyone here smiles too much for people living through an apocalypse. Sullivain thought. The doctor outstretched his hand. Sullivain did not shake it. The doctor man brushed it off. "Hello Sullivain, I am doctor Kevin Ranzowski, head researcher of this experiment and developer of three of the four serums. Considering all appears to be well, may I be the first person to congratulate you. From this moment on, you will go down in history as the first person to ever be injected with the Shadow serum." Sullivain could have also sworn he heard the doctor mumble something along the lines of "And also the last, based on our inability to replicate the serum." Sullivain brushed it off. None of my business. The doctor continued talking. Sullivain zoned out somewhere in the middle between the doctor talking about side effects of the serum and how he might be in excruciating pain for the next 12-14 hours. Fun. he thought. The doctor completed his rant with a small "Meet me in the conference hall in one hour from now. You have been cleared to return to your room. There, you will meet with the rest of the staff, and we will discuss your training as well as the continuation for the infusion of other humans with the serum." The doctor smiled again. "See you soon, Sullivain." Why does everyone here smile so much. It's unsettling. Sullivain thought as he turned away and walked towards the elevator to the -3rd floor, where his living quarters were. As Sullivain walked off the elevator, he only then realized he was dressed in a hospital gown, which drew quite a few stares from the people in the halls. He just smirked at them all, and pressed his thumb to a plate on the wall, which caused a heavy metal door to open, and slipped into his room. He flopped down on his bed and groaned, looking at his drab walls. When he came to this sanctuary, he wasn't able to grab anything from his home, not that their was much left of it anyway. He had a few posters and pictures on his drab gray walls, all of which were cold to the touch and made of metal. The entire base was. Earthborn can't manipulate metal, so its the only safe place to hide from them, in theory at least. No one dared try anything else. Sullivain's eyes drifted to his metal desk built into the wall, which was littered with papers and books. On the wall behind his desk was a large monitor screen, which was really just used for emergency broadcasts. Someone looks dead inside. a voice said. Sullivain shot up off his bed. Relax, it's just me Sullivain. He turned around to see the flickering, almost translucent ghost laying down on the other side of Sullivain's bed. "Cedric, for the billionth time, please knock or something." Sullivain begged. The ghost boy raised his hand dramatically and trust it entirely through the mattress. Can't. Ghost. he remarked. "And yet you're able to sit on my furniture perfectly fine." Sullivain replied. Cedric shrugged and smirked.
GreenTheGreat Posted May 3, 2023 Posted May 3, 2023 Angel walked through the halls, bandages in hand, not paying attention to the people around. He audibly stomped by other rooms, going to his own. He hated this. He wanted to see the world again, not be trapped in this metal box. He didn't feel like himself, and he hated it. Angel's room was surprisingly small for the one with the 'air Serum.' A large screen was propped up on the wall, along with many posters he had managed to save. Angel rummaged through his closet, grabbing his usual outfit along with his beanie and mask. But before he put any of it on, he wrapped his chest with the bandages. (Don't do this, bind safely kids) He put on his usual garb, not giving a damn if he was 'supposed' to keep the hospital gown on. He put on his beanie, mask, and jacket before proceeding to look at himself in a mirror. This felt better.
ItzFadeDaNightWing Posted May 3, 2023 Posted May 3, 2023 Jayden quietly made her way to a room that said something with "Light" on it and entered. She (accidentally?) slammed the door behind her when entering and looked around the room. Seemed normal enough. It would have been even better with a waffle maker. Or a toaster and freezer waffles. Maybe she could ask for some. Or not. She rather disliked interacting with other humans. She noticed she had her own bathroom. Great! She didn't need to share a terrible bathroom with a bunch of random idiots! It... actually wasn't as exciting as she thought, as the bathroom was kind of pathetic anyways. Oh well. It was a bathroom. She sighed and flopped onto the bed. She wasn't tired. She was just thinking. And bored... Was there anything to do? She'd just wait for now.
Star Starless Posted May 5, 2023 Author Posted May 5, 2023 On 5/2/2023 at 9:05 PM, Star Starless said: As Sullivain walked off the elevator, he only then realized he was dressed in a hospital gown, which drew quite a few stares from the people in the halls. He just smirked at them all, and pressed his thumb to a plate on the wall, which caused a heavy metal door to open, and slipped into his room. He flopped down on his bed and groaned, looking at his drab walls. When he came to this sanctuary, he wasn't able to grab anything from his home, not that their was much left of it anyway. He had a few posters and pictures on his drab gray walls, all of which were cold to the touch and made of metal. The entire base was. Earthborn can't manipulate metal, so its the only safe place to hide from them, in theory at least. No one dared try anything else. Sullivain's eyes drifted to his metal desk built into the wall, which was littered with papers and books. On the wall behind his desk was a large monitor screen, which was really just used for emergency broadcasts. Someone looks dead inside. a voice said. Sullivain shot up off his bed. Relax, it's just me Sullivain. He turned around to see the flickering, almost translucent ghost laying down on the other side of Sullivain's bed. "Cedric, for the billionth time, please knock or something." Sullivain begged. The ghost boy raised his hand dramatically and trust it entirely through the mattress. Can't. Ghost. he remarked. "And yet you're able to sit on my furniture perfectly fine." Sullivain replied. Cedric shrugged and smirked. Sullivain sighed. "How did we end up in this hell." Cedric shrugged. "You're complaining? You just got some sort of super cool superpowers and I'm dead. Seems like if anyone should be complaining its me." Sullivain chuckled. "Well if you were alive I wouldn't be in this place." "Sure, blame everything on the dead guy. Hey, at least you can see me. Do y'know how hard it was going around without anyone to talk to?" "Yes, your inability to shut up is one of your key traits." Sullivain said dryly. "Shut it." Cedric groaned. "So, did you happen to eavesdrop on any of those scientists? Any idea on how I can use these supposed superpowers?" Sullivain asked. Cedric shook his head. "Nope, but hey, after you fix this crisis and all you know what would be really cool? If we became superheroes! Like, I can be this super cool ghost hero that can teleport and is intangible, and you can be my shadow man sidekick, if the shadow serum does give you shadow powers!" Sullivain raised an eyebrow. "Whatever, man. All I want to do is bring you back. I mean with this technology, resurrection should be possible too. That's the only reason I'm hanging out in this crummy place. And once I figure out how to use these powers, you and me are leaving this place and going back to how things used to be." Cedric sighed. "Okay, but this bed is comfy. It is a considered safe place, you know. you could just stick around and still be all emo and edgy." Sullivain's face turned red. "Shut up, that's not how I am." "Eh, kind of." Cedric flopped over onto his stomach.
GreenTheGreat Posted May 5, 2023 Posted May 5, 2023 On 5/3/2023 at 7:12 AM, Artificer -Green- said: Angel walked through the halls, bandages in hand, not paying attention to the people around. He audibly stomped by other rooms, going to his own. He hated this. He wanted to see the world again, not be trapped in this metal box. He didn't feel like himself, and he hated it. Angel's room was surprisingly small for the one with the 'air Serum.' A large screen was propped up on the wall, along with many posters he had managed to save. Angel rummaged through his closet, grabbing his usual outfit along with his beanie and mask. But before he put any of it on, he wrapped his chest with the bandages. (Don't do this, bind safely kids) He put on his usual garb, not giving a damn if he was 'supposed' to keep the hospital gown on. He put on his beanie, mask, and jacket before proceeding to look at himself in a mirror. This felt better. Angel was hungry. Of course he was, whatever that was just happened and he needed food. Too bad nothing here is good... He could easily get Food delivered to this room, but he needed to move around, he was going to the cafeteria himself. He stretched before leaving, walking through the halls with his head held higher than before. He went to the cafeteria, getting some food and going to one of the corners of the large room before sitting and taking his mask off to eat. (TLDR: I went to the cafeteria so I can interact with ppl lmao)
ItzFadeDaNightWing Posted May 6, 2023 Posted May 6, 2023 13 hours ago, Artificer -Green- said: Angel was hungry. Of course he was, whatever that was just happened and he needed food. Too bad nothing here is good... He could easily get Food delivered to this room, but he needed to move around, he was going to the cafeteria himself. He stretched before leaving, walking through the halls with his head held higher than before. He went to the cafeteria, getting some food and going to one of the corners of the large room before sitting and taking his mask off to eat. (TLDR: I went to the cafeteria so I can interact with ppl lmao) Jayden decided she wanted to find something to eat. No, she needed to find something to eat. Preferably waffles. But was it even breakfast time? She forgot to check the clock before she started to aimlessly walking around halls, getting many strange looks from people who noticed her in a hospital gown. Oops. Maybe she should have changed. But she just gave them a rude glare before continuing on her way. After a good ten minutes, she found herself at a cafeteria looking place. She immediately walked over to the food and she almost screamed when she saw waffles. OH MY GOD. WAFFLES. She looked like a person right out of an insane asylum staring intently at waffles. She stood there for a solid fifteen seconds, just staring at the waffles. She looks delusional.
Star Starless Posted May 6, 2023 Author Posted May 6, 2023 23 hours ago, Star Starless said: Sullivain sighed. "How did we end up in this hell." Cedric shrugged. "You're complaining? You just got some sort of super cool superpowers and I'm dead. Seems like if anyone should be complaining its me." Sullivain chuckled. "Well if you were alive I wouldn't be in this place." "Sure, blame everything on the dead guy. Hey, at least you can see me. Do y'know how hard it was going around without anyone to talk to?" "Yes, your inability to shut up is one of your key traits." Sullivain said dryly. "Shut it." Cedric groaned. "So, did you happen to eavesdrop on any of those scientists? Any idea on how I can use these supposed superpowers?" Sullivain asked. Cedric shook his head. "Nope, but hey, after you fix this crisis and all you know what would be really cool? If we became superheroes! Like, I can be this super cool ghost hero that can teleport and is intangible, and you can be my shadow man sidekick, if the shadow serum does give you shadow powers!" Sullivain raised an eyebrow. "Whatever, man. All I want to do is bring you back. I mean with this technology, resurrection should be possible too. That's the only reason I'm hanging out in this crummy place. And once I figure out how to use these powers, you and me are leaving this place and going back to how things used to be." Cedric sighed. "Okay, but this bed is comfy. It is a considered safe place, you know. you could just stick around and still be all emo and edgy." Sullivain's face turned red. "Shut up, that's not how I am." "Eh, kind of." Cedric flopped over onto his stomach. Sullivain stood up. "I'm hungry." Cedric flopped off the bed and teleported next to Sullivain, who was throwing on a black hoodie and sweatpants. "Okay, I'll go with you too. I've been craving some pound cake, even though I haven't actually eaten anything in 6 years. But hey, you never know. Maybe I can digest this food." Sullivain chuckled. "Maybe." As he walked towards the cafeteria, Cedric was rambling about how much he missed eating food, specifically cake. As Sullivain rounded the corner, he was too distracted by Cedric's rambling and accidentally crashed into a kid. Right? That was a kid? If they weren't, Sullivain towered over them. That's embarrassing. Cedric said "Sorry kid." Sullivain said. (@Artificer -Green-)
GreenTheGreat Posted May 6, 2023 Posted May 6, 2023 25 minutes ago, Star Starless said: Sullivain stood up. "I'm hungry." Cedric flopped off the bed and teleported next to Sullivain, who was throwing on a black hoodie and sweatpants. "Okay, I'll go with you too. I've been craving some pound cake, even though I haven't actually eaten anything in 6 years. But hey, you never know. Maybe I can digest this food." Sullivain chuckled. "Maybe." As he walked towards the cafeteria, Cedric was rambling about how much he missed eating food, specifically cake. As Sullivain rounded the corner, he was too distracted by Cedric's rambling and accidentally crashed into a kid. Right? That was a kid? If they weren't, Sullivain towered over them. That's embarrassing. Cedric said "Sorry kid." Sullivain said. (@Artificer -Green-) Angel shook his head as he slammed headfirst into this person. He looked up "Sorry kid" He had said A look of annoyance appeared on his eyes, but his emotions were hard to read with that mask. "I am not a kid" He growled quietly in his higher-pitched voice.
Star Starless Posted May 6, 2023 Author Posted May 6, 2023 5 minutes ago, Artificer -Green- said: Angel shook his head as he slammed headfirst into this person. He looked up "Sorry kid" He had said A look of annoyance appeared on his eyes, but his emotions were hard to read with that mask. "I am not a kid" He growled quietly in his higher-pitched voice. Sullivain fought back a laugh, and by the looks of Cedric's face, he was too. "Okay then how old are you? Because puberty clearly hasn't hit yet." Sullivain chuckled.
GreenTheGreat Posted May 6, 2023 Posted May 6, 2023 1 minute ago, Star Starless said: Sullivain fought back a laugh, and by the looks of Cedric's face, he was too. "Okay then how old are you? Because puberty clearly hasn't hit yet." Sullivain chuckled. "..17.." he said nervously. Angel was embarrassed. This is exactly why he didn't talk. His head sunk into the shoulders as he pulled his beanie down and started to quickly walk towards the elevator.
Star Starless Posted May 6, 2023 Author Posted May 6, 2023 9 minutes ago, Artificer -Green- said: "..17.." he said nervously. Angel was embarrassed. This is exactly why he didn't talk. His head sunk into the shoulders as he pulled his beanie down and started to quickly walk towards the elevator. Sullivain smirked. "Damn, I'm 18. Why's your voice like tha-" SULLIVAIN. SHUT UP. LOOK AT THE POOR KID. HE LOOKS SO UPSET. YOU'RE MAKING HIM UPSET. SHUT IT. Cedric hissed. Sullivain rolled his eyes. "So kid, what's your name? Should I know who you are?" Sullivain asked.
Star Starless Posted May 6, 2023 Author Posted May 6, 2023 Just now, Star Starless said: Sullivain smirked. "Damn, I'm 18. Why's your voice like tha-" SULLIVAIN. SHUT UP. LOOK AT THE POOR KID. HE LOOKS SO UPSET. YOU'RE MAKING HIM UPSET. SHUT IT. Cedric hissed. Sullivain rolled his eyes. "So kid, what's your name? Should I know who you are?" Sullivain asked. (also for those of you who don't know only sullivain can see cedric. he doesn't know why, but he can)
GreenTheGreat Posted May 6, 2023 Posted May 6, 2023 11 hours ago, Star Starless said: Sullivain smirked. "Damn, I'm 18. Why's your voice like tha-" SULLIVAIN. SHUT UP. LOOK AT THE POOR KID. HE LOOKS SO UPSET. YOU'RE MAKING HIM UPSET. SHUT IT. Cedric hissed. Sullivain rolled his eyes. "So kid, what's your name? Should I know who you are?" Sullivain asked. His response couldn't be heard. It was too muffled by the mask. He continued to walk. Trying to not look at Sullivain. (SULLIVAIN TRANSPHOBIC REAL 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨 /j)
Star Starless Posted May 6, 2023 Author Posted May 6, 2023 4 hours ago, Artificer -Green- said: His response couldn't be heard. It was too muffled by the mask. He continued to walk. Trying to not look at Sullivain. (SULLIVAIN TRANSPHOBIC REAL 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨 /j) Sullivain followed him. "Hey, I was talking to you. What's your name." He was ignoring Cedric yelling at him to leave the boy alone.
Star Starless Posted May 6, 2023 Author Posted May 6, 2023 4 hours ago, Artificer -Green- said: His response couldn't be heard. It was too muffled by the mask. He continued to walk. Trying to not look at Sullivain. (SULLIVAIN TRANSPHOBIC REAL 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨 /j) (HES NOT I SWEAR, SULLIVAIN IS A PROUD SUPPORTER OF TRANS PEOPLE)
GreenTheGreat Posted May 6, 2023 Posted May 6, 2023 2 minutes ago, Star Starless said: Sullivain followed him. "Hey, I was talking to you. What's your name." He was ignoring Cedric yelling at him to leave the boy alone. "...Angel" He grumbled, continuing to walk towards the elevator. 2 minutes ago, Star Starless said: (HES NOT I SWEAR, SULLIVAIN IS A PROUD SUPPORTER OF TRANS PEOPLE) (RRRRRRRR TRANSPHOBIC REAL /j)
Star Starless Posted May 6, 2023 Author Posted May 6, 2023 5 hours ago, Artificer -Green- said: "...Angel" He grumbled, continuing to walk towards the elevator. (RRRRRRRR TRANSPHOBIC REAL /j) "Huh, never heard that name before." Sullivain remarked. Cedric was still screaming at him, begging him to just leave and go get food. Like usual, Sullivain was ignoring him.
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