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My plan to make slugcats in niche to get back to the game did not go as planned.


Your goal is to have one of each class of nicheling reach karma 10. Reach this goal by having the nichelings eat from several different healing fruits. Sounds simple, right? Well, you have to survive first



Lifespans: up to you (long lifespan advised)


Resources: 100+ food, no nesting material


You may disable rogue males and regrowing grass


This challenge will require dice rolls


Any number of starter nichelings


Any starting island except easy ones, crossing and home slander


Toxic body is not allowed, if a nicheling is born with it do not let it breed





If a nicheling is not on or in movement range of a shelter (nest) or echo (healing fruit), you must roll for whether they survive the rain


1-50 The nicheling found shelter

51-100 The nicheling was killed by the rain


(This rule will go in effect the day after the first permanest is found)

(Crafted nests function as temporary shelters)


If a dodomingo sits on a nest or is right beside it, that nest is unusable and will not count as a shelter


Whenever a vulture (bluebird) spawns, roll at the start of the day to see which type it is


Normal island roll

1-60 Vulture

61-90 King Vulture

91-100 Miros Vulture 


Snowy island roll

1-40 Vulture

41-60 King Vulture

61-100 Miros Vulture



Next, assign a number to every animal, meat pile and skeleton in your nichelings' field of vision and roll which creature the vulture attacks (Miros Vultures only target living beings and normal vultures cannot attack killer bearyenas). If a living creature is chosen, roll to see if the vulture succeeds


1-60 the vulture fails to snatch its prey

1-40 the vulture successfully snatches its prey (kill/banish creature)


This roll must be made for every day the vulture is in the sky (8 days if not damaged iirc).



If a nicheling is sickly, roll to see if it is Rot


1-70 the nicheling is just ill

71-100 the nicheling has the Rot


This applies to both wanderers and nichelings that are born


If a Rot nicheling infects one of your nichelings, roll to see what happens


1-50 the nicheling evades the Rot

51-100 the Rot consumes


If it's a rainy day, that means it's a shelter failure cycle. Any nest your nichelings are sheltering in cannot be used today


If a nicheling is hit by a predator, roll to see if it's a oneshot (even if a predator hits the same nicheling twice, roll only once)


1-80 it's just a flesh wound

81-100 it's a death blow


If a nicheling is attacked by a leech while in the water, roll to see if it drowns


1-70 the nicheling shakes off the leeches

71-100 the leeches drown the nicheling


(If a nicheling with underwater breathing rolls for drowning, just don't move them for the day)



Whenever a nicheling is born or joins, roll to see which class it is


Survivor (1-20)

Average, starts at karma 5. Cannot breed with Monk class

Monk (21-40)

Starts at karma 5, only class allowed to tame friendly bearyenas and pay peaceful bears, cannot breed with Survivor class

A survivor must be paired up with the first monk that is born/joins, they are considered siblings regardless of blood relation and will share food (viceversa also applies)

Hunter (41-50)

Starts at karma 5,  has 20 days to live as an adult before it has to be banished and start rot rolls anytime the day ends with it near your tribe. It can gain 5 more days by visiting an echo for the first time

Artificer (51-60)

Starts at karma 1, will attack bearyenas no matter their strength or safety. Permalocked at karma 1 if it kills a bearyena, lock is lifted by having two offspring reach adulthood without any damage (unlock progress is reset if an offspring of any age is killed)

Gourmand (61-70)

Start at karma 5, can last two days without food before the starvation cycle, any food it gathers is shared with the nichelings within its movement range

Rivulet (71-80)

Karma 5, its movement range towards shelters and echoes is doubled

Spearmaster (81-90)

Karma 5, can only eat meat. If it doesn't attack a creature it will enter a starvation cycle the next day. If it kills a creature it has an extra day before starvation 

Saint (91-100)

Karma 2, can only eat plants, will get oneshot by predators no matter what



If a nicheling doesn't eat (aka gathers food), it will enter its starvation cycle the next day. If it doesn't eat during the starvation cycle, it will die the following day

  • Love 1
  • Modiano changed the title to The Rain World Experience
On 6/5/2023 at 8:21 AM, Modiano Urania said:

I'm planning to add starvation eventually 

I did 

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