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Warrior Cat book/animation


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  • 3 weeks later...
5 hours ago, Moon_Animations said:


eek ! :3 (also i lied im making way more than one lmao)


clan cats


dawnmist -- shoreclan warrior -- a paralyzed light orange and light brown mackerel torbie tom, with a white lower half. amber eyes. shorthair. often seen on patrols, and is a bit of a know-it-all.

beechleap -- woodlandclan warrior -- a cream classic tabby tom, with an almost entirely white face and chest, and white paws. silver eyes. shorthair. greatly enjoys climbing trees, and is quite insecure.

peachspeckle -- shoreclan medicine cat -- a black and orange caliby molly, with high white freckled with dots of color. blue eyes. longhair. a kind molly, always playing mossball with the kits or giving them badger-back rides.

mallowskull -- woodlandclan warrior -- a brown sealpoint tom, born missing his back left leg. green left/yellow right heterochromia. shorthair. a smug warrior--if only to cover up his secret nervousness.

juniperfleck -- woodlandclan permanent queen -- a ginger bengal molly. emerald eyes. longhair. despite her role, says kits are "annoying" and "good-for-nothing". why did she choose to become a queen's apprentice...?

duckfeather -- darkclan warrior -- a dark ginger bengal tom, with white patches. yellow eyes. shorthair. a cold, reclusive, and secretly bloodthirsty cat. rarely talks, and when he does, he frequently growls and hisses.


cats outside the clans (if theyre allowed, if they arent just ignore them :3)


 argenti -- loner -- a strikingly pure red tom, with a white locket on his chest. green eyes. longhair. doesn't seem to be able to stop talking about beauty for more than a few moments...! often compliments other cats.



EEK duckfeather picture!


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hi tis me. i have  more :3


clan cats


bluebone -- woodlandclan warrior -- a gray-blue ticked tabby tom with a tiny patch of white on his chest. olive green eyes. longhair. he has an odd affinity for fighting, and takes perhaps too great of an interest in the dark forest.

crowcall -- auroraclan warrior -- a black (brown with black stripes) marbled tabby tom with rex-type fur (only the layer of down fur) and white on his face that looks oddly like a mustache. greenish-yellow eyes. childish and easily distracted, but a good cat nonetheless.

jackdawsong -- auroraclan medicine cat (senior warrior) -- a pure black tom. hazel eyes. shorthair. very clever, and a great teacher to boot. quite charismatic as well.

ferntumble -- auroraclan warrior -- an orange broken mackerel tabby tom, with large patches of color among a faded white web-like pattern on his back. born with a bobtail. olive green eyes. longhair. a loyal cat, always trustworthy.

daisystride -- woodlandclan warrior -- a red ticked tabby karpati tom, with rex-type fur. dark yellow eyes. an adventurous young tom, fascinated by prophecies and starclan. one almost wonders why he didn't become a medicine cat.

elkprance -- darkclan warrior -- a black (brown with black stripes) broken mackerel tabby karpati tom. dark yellow eyes. longhair. very thoughtful, and very good with kits.

almondkit -- darkclan kit -- a paralyzed gray-blue molly with a tiny patch of white on her chest. green eyes. shorthair. always going around insulting the warriors for whatever reason, and loves splashing in puddles.


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On 12/8/2023 at 6:09 PM, takoyamaaaS said:

jackdawsong -- auroraclan medicine cat (senior warrior) -- a pure black tom. hazel eyes. shorthair. very clever, and a great teacher to boot. quite charismatic as well.

AuroraClan already has all medicine cats spots filled sorry


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On 12/8/2023 at 6:09 PM, takoyamaaaS said:

almondkit -- darkclan kit -- a paralyzed gray-blue molly with a tiny patch of white on her chest. green eyes. shorthair. always going around insulting the warriors for whatever reason, and loves splashing in puddles.

Also, should i add a queen for her or?

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ok I hbe one 

her name is thunder willow and she is a queen for dark clan 

I don't think they have many 

she is a calico

and her mate is elk prance was it? 

she is shy and also kind 

she was really good at hunting


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On 12/8/2023 at 1:20 PM, takoyamaaaS said:

argenti -- loner -- a strikingly pure red tom, with a white locket on his chest. green eyes. longhair. doesn't seem to be able to stop talking about beauty for more than a few moments...! often compliments other cats.

EEK i drew him


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...
On 11/14/2023 at 9:54 PM, Merp_The_Derp said:

Hi, I will be returning to Youtube and I am currently working on a book series which I will be starting soon. I got the clans and camp and will also be turning this into an animation. If you would like to join, give me a picture or detailed description of your oc, personality, clan, rank, and age. Here are the clans, and I will be adding updates to the clan allegiance.


ShoreClan (Like RiverClan)

AuroraClan (Like WindClan)

WoodlandClan (Like ThunderClan)

DarkClan ( Like ShadowClan)

(Please dont copy T-T)

I've always loved Warrior Cats and your project looks like a lot of fun. I could join my OC but I'm swamped with my legal tasks right now. It was hard to balance everything, but I found this really useful resource that I would like to share https://essays.edubirdie.com/law-assignment here are professionals who get the job done quickly and efficiently. This made it a lot easier for me, so maybe I'll finally find the time to work on an OC for your animation.

This sounds awesome! Can't wait to see the animation! Thanks for sharing!

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