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Stray Fawn Community

New Genes

Niche Beast

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1. A new gene called beak that is like a parrot beak that could crack nuts and have 1 smelling, 3 attack, and when you click on them instead of a dog like noise you would hear like a squawk.

2. A new gene called fingered feet legs and new hands called climbing paws that would enable you to climb trees for food and safety but you can only stay up there for 2 day then have to come down and rest for 2 days.

3. Feather tails, bird legs, and wings. The tail would only be useful with the wings and would let you fly for longer, the wing will let you stay in the air to escape predators but only for a few days, and the legs will let you land on trees but there would also be a new creature called a bark climber that are aggresive that live in trees so it would be a little risky and the legs would only let you walk 2 tiles on the ground. Also in the air you can move 3 tiles in the air and the tail would also let you move 1 extra tile per day. I hope you enjoyed this suggestion.  :)

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