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Dear Drone Engineers,
We just released the update 0.5.3 for the Closed Alpha of Nimbatus!
We are currently doing the last bugfixes and improvements for the Early Access release in two weeks!

New Features

  • Added a Booster fueltank with large capacity
  • Added a Supercapacitor with large capacity
  • Fueltanks now explode and deal damage when destroyed
  • After completing a Sumo Tournament, you now see some global statistics
  • The game settings are now stored in an editable *.ini file. (previous settings are reset)
  • The current planet can now be restarted if you drone explodes
  • Added different loading screen tips
  • Added new music for the different planets and sumo tournament


  • Added Animations for the start screen
  • Balanced recharge rate and capacity of fueltanks and batteries
  • Replaced the SolarPanel with a Large Battery
  • Energy shields now need to recharge after some hits
  • Added more settings for the dynamic thruster to make it better usable
  • The dynamic thruster now starts with active thrust
  • Added new Icons for the Worldmap
  • Increased the spawnrate of blue minerals on lava planets


  • Fixed the Image Color when uploading a drone to the Steam Workshop. (You need to reupload your drones to fix it)
  • Fixed some spelling Issues
  • Fixed that the playtime was not synced correctly using Steam Cloud
  • Fixed Steam Workshop browser paging buttons

Thanks for testing, keep it up! 

Stray Fawn Studio

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11 hours ago, "Star" said:

The change to batteries and fuel tanks is quite nice. Though it kinda broke alot of drones.

We hoped that this change would break the least amount of drones possible :/

Do you mean the small fueltanks are now less useful? The problem was, that they were overpowered compared to the other fuel tanks to begin with and now with this new update the size scales the properties linearly. It was our mistake to leave it like this for so long, but we wanted to fix it before the Early Access launch. If we would fix it later, a lot more people would be upset :/ We're sorry for the inconvenience, but that's also a part of participating in a Alpha version. I hope in the end the game is more fun and challenging to play :)

Exploding fuel tanks. We have to check out how it plays out. Currently the explosion is not all that strong, so it only weakens your drone. But we assume you would have to be more deliberate when placing them (not all together, more in the center of the drone). It's a test, so please report your feedback :) 


Exploding fueltanks are too overpowered in Sumo.

We pushed a hotfix, so fueltanks no longer explode when they break off.
They only explode when they take direct damage from weapons or other explosions.

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