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So, I am a history buff, particularly in World War II, but the strategy and military aspect of it. Whenever I say I like studying WWII or something similar, most will ask about the Holocaust, and I honestly don't know what to say. If I say I'm not interested in that part, I might offend them (which idc about but still), but if I listen, I get bored. Don't get me wrong, I think the Holocaust was horrible and all that, but I'm just simply interested in a different part of it. I read a book from a British historian called "Patton, Montgomery, Rommel: Masters Of War", and now I'm reading War As I Knew It by Patton (sort of because he died...). I don't know why I find the tactics and strategy of WWII interesting, but I do. though not the pacific front, I find that boring.


I just wanted to rant about this, so if you're not interested in this stuff, you can just move on, I don't mind.

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I think it is great that you are interested in something else than the holocaust. Being from Germany you hear almost nothing else about WWII than the holocaust and how horrible the NS regime was (and that is true) but I would have loved to learn more about the strategies and stuff (of course we talk a little bit about that but not as much about the holocaust).

I'd say just stick with your interests. Who cares if you offend people? You aren't on this planet to make other people happy but to make yourself happy :)

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1 hour ago, Lurkily said:

I would just tell people that the focus of your interest is on strategy and combat tactics; you don't have to say the holocaust is uninteresting, to say that your interests are elsewhere.

Good idea, thanks. :) Also thanks @Jojo, I agree

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I’m also a huge history geek as well, but would it be disappointing to say I prefer the ancient times then other popular topics like European History and such? I love places like Ancient Persia and all those civilizations over east, but I’d say it’s just as cool to love researching battle tactics in WWII.

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