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medicine cat

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I changed the settings to have x16 enemy, x8 hunger, x4 environment and x2 healing. We'll start with three nichelings. Our clan is based off of the bulbasaur evolutionary line i pokemon. Bulbclan focuses on a close connection to nature, being peaceful, and on respecting elders. They prefer living in meadows.

Our starters are Bulbstar, Ivykrill and Tawnyseed.
Bulbstar is the she-cat of the clan. She worried about being called to be clan leader, but knows that she was chosen by Starclan. She often prays for their strength. She secretly was once a kittypet, but nobody knows. She is shy and careful with her actions, but is capable of being in battle if she is absolutely pushed to.
Ivykrill is her mate. He is gentle and easygoing, and it is very hard to annoy or anger him. He was once a loner before he joined Bulbstar in her adventures. He is rather strange-looking in the face.
Tawnyseed is the close friend of Bulbstar and Ivykrill. He is quiet and mischievous, and is a medicine cat.
After a bit on the island, Bulbstar takes in a young warrior named Tinyyarrow. He is timid and mischievous.
Bulbstar becomes close to Tinyyarrow and treats him as if he were her own son. However, one day he is out hunting when he is attacked by a bearyena. Bulbstar rushes in to save him, but is gravely injured. She survives, but knows she won't survive for much longer after a fight like that. She names Tinyyarrow as her deputy.
"Earn this," she says. "I nearly died for you. Prove yourself to be worth it."
She still has some time, though, and uses that time to have a kit with Ivykrill. She announces to the clan she is pregnant.
While patrolling one day, Tinyarrow comes across a beautiful albino she-cat.Her name is Coldkill. She is only named this for her fantastic hunting skills- she is gentle and only a bit mischievous. Tinyarrow finds himself attracted to her and they quickly become mates.
Bulbstar gives birth to a unique looking young tomkit and names him Mystickit for his unusual appearance. He is jolly and brave and has a close bond with Tawnyseed,.
Tinyyarrow excitedly informs the clan that he and Coldkill are expecting their firstborn.
Mystickit grows into Mysticpaw and becomes an apprentice under Tawnyseed to be a medicine cat.
Coldkill has a beautiful son who she names Zenithkit. He shows promise of being a great hunter like his mother.
Zenithkit grows into Zenithpaw, and as a result needs a mentor. Bulbstar assigns Ivykrill to the job,  hoping it'll give him something to focus on doing instead of mourning when she dies.
Mysticpaw grows into an adult, but out of respect for Tawnyseed decides to wait before becoming an official medicine cat or asking for his medicine cat name.
Bulbstar dies. It hits the clan hard, especially for a leader to die so unusually young.
2006325837_ScreenShot2019-03-07at8_27_16PM.png.54788e0511b22e1b32a091b6367cd98a.pngIt is time for Tinystar to take over. He is scared, but he is ready.

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Zenithpaw grows into a strong warrior. He is renamed Zenithgrowl.
A new she-cat joins the clan. Her name is Goldenmoon. She is very careful and very beautiful, but evidently shows very little interest in any potential mates in the clan. 
Shortly after the shift of leadership, Coldkill becomes pregnant again. She has a daughter, who she names Mothkit. Mothkit is impulsive and timid, often rarely talking to other cats aside from her immediate family.
A bearyena attacks the clan. Just like Bulbstar before him, Tinystar is gravely wounded defending his clan. Merely days left to live, he chooses his deputy carefully.
"Ivykrill," he calls weakly, urging the cat into his den.
"Yes, Tinystar?"
"I want to thank you." He winces as he tries to stretch. "You took me in years ago, and I am forever in your debt for giving me a good life. Had Bulbstar not found me, I highly doubt I would have survived to now. I was practically carnivore bait." He averts his eyes from the older tom. "Sad to say I got myself in danger again. Still..." He looks up slightly. "I'm honored to go the same way she did for me."
"She loved you very much," affirms Ivykrill. "She loved you just as much as she loved Mysticpaw."
"I want to repay who she loved most, though," Tinystar says weakly. "I want you to be the next leader."
Ivykrill, taken aback, flattens his ears. "I... I don't know what to say."
"Please," says Tinystar. "Take my place."
Speckled paws approach older, more experienced ones. Mysticpaw sits beside his mentor.
"I'm telling you, Tawnyseed," he contests, "There is something more to this. "Two leaders in a row die the same way."
"An attack is a common death," explains Tawnyseed calmly.
"But don't you fear that the stars are trying to tell us something? That Bulbstar is trying to tell us something?"
"I pray that whatever it is doesn't require another bloody death."
Tinystar dies mere days later, and Ivystar takes his place. He makes his deputy Coldkill.
Mothpaw is old enough to become an apprentice now, and Ivystar assigns her mentor to be Zenithgrowl, thinking that having the siblings bond will allow the pain of their father's loss to heal a bit. What should be a happy ceremony is a solemn one for Mothpaw, and she speaks even less than she did before.
Mothpaw does grow up, though, and is named Mothmirror.
The clan is attacked by another bearyena, but no one is injured or killed. They take this as a personal victory.
The clan is later joined by an apprentice named Heatherpaw. However, since she's been on her own, she has named herself Heathervulture. Everyone just goes with it- they're simply happy to have a new member. She is calm and jolly and makes for a good warrior.
Heathervulture becomes an adult, and decides that she is attracted to Zenithgrowl. She asks him to be her mate, and he says yes.
The clan is joined by a young warrior named Morningmane. He is serious and quiet, for he fears one day dying a gorey or painful death.
Heathervulture annouces that she is kitting.The clan, who hasn't seen a newborn kit for many moons, is overjoyed.She has a she-kit named Ramkit. She seems mild, but has a dark side to her, for Mysticpaw reveals to Ivyseed that he has had dreams of the kit growing up to become a dreadful killer.

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Ivystar dies peacefully of old age. Coldkill takes over, becoming Coldstar. She names Heathervulture her deputy.
One morning, Tawnyseed calls Mysticpaw into his den.
"Mysticpaw," he begins, "You have been dedicated to the cause of caring for Bulbclan ever since you were a kit." He flicks his tail. "It's time to do something I should have done long ago. You have a deep connection to Starclan; one that even I envy. It's time for you to take your position as Bulbclan's medicine cat."
Mysticpaw is overjoyed. "I'm honored, Tawnyseed."
"You're going to be called Mysticpelt from now on." It is made so, and Tawnyseed retires to the elder's den.
Meanwhile, a romance is sparking between Morningmane and Mothmirror. 
"I was wondering if you would like to patrol with me?" Asks Mothmirror. Morningmane is caught off guard, for he has never seen the she-cat speak out a full sentence before. 
"I would love to," he stutters out. The two of them quietly begin courting each other. It isn't long before they become mates and Mothmirror announces that she is to have a kit soon.
Around this time, it comes to the attention of Coldkill that it's time for Ramkit to become an apprentice. She assigns her to Goldenmoon. Mysticpelt, who is still bothered by his prophecy of Rampaw, decides to watch her apprenticeship from afar to make sure everything is going smoothly.
Finally, Mothmirror gives birth to a son, who she names Blizzardkit. He's naive and mischievous, but seems to have adopted his grandmother's hunting prowess.
Rampaw begins to find herself jealous of the beautiful white fur displayed by the rest of her family members.
"Goldenmoon, why can't my fur be that pretty?"
"Not everyone inherits the same traits, dear," says Goldenmoon gently.
"But they look royal. I mean, even my grandmother has it! She's clan leader!"
"But your mother is clan deputy- and look, even without white fur, she's still beautiful."
Heathervulture announces that she is once again kitting. She gives even less attention to her daughter than when she did when declared deputy. Furious, her hidden resentment increases.
Rampaw grows into a warrior and is promoted to the name Ramtooth. Not long after, her mother gives birth to a she-kit; Thunderkit, for it was thundering when she was born. Thunderkit is impish and relaxed, often trying to slack off.
Blizzardkit grows into Blizzardpaw . Eagerly, Zenithgrowl volunteers to mentor him.
"Come on, mom, let me mentor him! It's been so long since I mentored a kit. It'll be just like old times when I mentored Mothmirror! She IS his mother, after all."
Coldstar smiles. "Go on, then. He's yours to mentor."
An angry dark brown figure lures in the tall grass near them. First her mother, now her father too? She isn't going to let this apprentice take all of her pride from her. When he grows up, he will surely be stronger than her. Unless...
Blizzardpaw is found lifeless on the borders of clan territory. It seems as if he was attacked by a horned animal. Heartbroken, all of the clan gathers in grief over his loss and shares comforting words with one another.
All except Mysticpelt, who rushes into the elder den like a frightened rabbil.
"Tawnyseed, we need to talk. I need your advice."
"Ah, but mister medicine cat, I am but an old elder. You must make decisions on your own." The ancient tom smiles up at Mysticpelt with a clever grin.
"No, I am serious. Blizzardpaw died. And it wasn't by a horned animal. Do you not remember that prophecy I told you about ages ago? When Ramtooth was a kit?"
"You still think that's true?" The tom's tone is calm and fatherly.
"...Yes. I know so. My question is what should I do? I mean, she's the leader's granddaughter."
There is a pause for a moment. Tawnyseed looks up at Mysticpelt with serious eyes. "Blizzardkit was the leader's grandson as well, though. Coldstar is wise and logical. As long as you are considerate with your words I think Starclan's light will reach her and show her the truth."
"I am afraid, Tawnyseed."
"Have a few poppy seeds. That's all I really can suggest." The old tom rolled over in the den, once again closing his eyes like they were before. "You can do this, Mysticpelt."

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The clan is joined by a young warrior named Keenowl. He is calm and quick-witted. 

The clan is also joined by a senior she-cat named Eldernose. She joins the clan's elders. Though she has rather bad nerves, she is still loved and tries her best.
Shortly after the ceremony of Thunderpaw's apprenticehood (she was assigned to Morningmane), Mysticpelt approaches the den of Coldstar. As a trusted medicine cat of the clan, he should have a valued opinion-- but does he have such luxury? Who knows what Coldstar will say?
"Coldstar. I need to speak to you."
"Mysticpelt! Come in." the she-cat is curled up in her bedding comfortably. "What news do you bring?"
"I have been given a grave message from Starclan. I should have told you a long time ago."
"What would the message be?" She sounds concerned, but her voice isn't necessarily too upset.
"I know the cause of Blizzardpaw's death, and it isn't what we thought it was. Starclan has given me visions, Coldstar, and these visions are never wrong. Starclan has never misled me."
"This I know, Mysticpelt. What have the stars told you?"
"Blizzardpaw was killed by his own blood. Jealousy has possessed Ramtooth. I have been warned of this since she was a kit, Coldstar."
The old she-cat is uncharacteristically silent. The fur raises on Mysticpelt's back. Starclan, do not abandon me,  he prays within his mind.
"Are you willing to testify to this in front of the entire clan?"
A trial is held. As soon as Mysticpelt's eyes meet Ramtooth's, she knows what is going on. Ramtooth accuses Mysticpelt of trying to take back power since his father died and he is the last of his bloodline, but the clan rules her guilty and she is exiled. Still in shock, the clan relives the loss of Blizzardkit all over again.
Not all is lost, though- new beginnings occur for cats of all ages. Tawnyseed becomes close with Eldernose, and Eldernose announces that she and Tawnyseed will be having a kit. Heathervulture and Mothmirror are also pregnant. New life will hopefully paint over the pain of old loss.
Even so, there are still some tensions with Morningmane and Thunderpaw. Thunderpaw bears the appearance of her older sister, which reminds him of the lost he suffered at Ramtooth's cruel claws. He is a harsh mentor, sometimes pushing Thunderpaw to tears.
Mothmirror has another son, this one strongly resembling the appearance of Zenithgrowl. He is named Snarlkit, to match Zenithgrowl's name. He has the fearsome hunting skills that most of his family has and is known for being a calm, brave tom.
Starclan sends Mysticpelt an omen signaling him that the clan needs to move territories. He informs Coldstar.
"After these kits become apprentices- then we will go," she says.
Eldernose and Tawnyseed's son is named Ivykit, after Tawnyseed's dear friend Ivystar. Ivykit is sweet and docile.
Meanwhile, Vultureheather's kit is named Lithekit. He's a bit naive, but has promise.

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The clan moves to another island. Two new kits are born, as well; Mottledkit, an abrasive she-kit, and a shy and awkward tomkit named Toilkit.
Snarlpaw grows into Snarlhowl, Ivykit into Ivyunder, and Lithekit into Litheurn.
Coldstar steps down and Heatherstar becomes leader. She makes Morningmane her deputy.
Keenowl becomes mates with Thunderhush and Thunderhush announces she will be having a kit.
Toilkit becomes an apprentice and is renamed Toilpaw. He is assigned to Mothmirror.
Thunderhush has a boy named Zephyrkit. He is a very gentle soul, always concerned with the feelings of those around him.
Mottledkit grows into Mottledpaw and is assigned to Zenithgrowl.
A bearyena comes and attacks the clan. Together they manage to take it down, but it kills Litheurn in the fight.
Zephyrpaw grows into an apprentice and is assigned to Ivyunder.
Toilpaw grows into a warrior and is renamed Toilbramble.
Mothmirror dies peacefully of old age. However, it is a hard loss for other clan members, especially Morningmane.
Mottledpaw grows into a fine warrior and is named Mottleddust. She becomes the mate of Ivyunder.
The clan is also joined by a she-cat named Dandidrift. She is jolly and talented, though a bit of a trickster.

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