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Waste of space? (Free Proffesional Drone)


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As i've noticed, drones that people share here, usually dont use logic gates, while they are really useful.

People usually follow this pattern:

W - few thrusters on back to accelerate

D - fewer thrusters placed vertically down, usually on front of drone

A - -||- up, usually on front of drone

S - few thrusters to go back

This set isnt very efficient, waste of space, you could reach higher speeds and turn sharper with same amount of thrusters

Mentioned over set i call "Movement level - 0"

Changing it to level 1 is very simple and increase your efficiency [Picture 1]

The 2 rockets touching the drone brain are set to W, while other 2 upper are D and 2 on bottom are A

The 2 logic gates are (IF W -> A) and (IF W -> D)

Level 1 make you reach higher speeds, but turns are very sharp, not recommended for people who cant control so swift drones

Level 2 uses 5 logic gates, is a bit harder to introduce, but give very satisfying effects [Picture 2]

Logic gates are continously: (A OR D -> Alpha1) (NOT Alpha1 -> Alpha2) (W AND Alpha2 -> Alpha3) (A OR Alpha3 -> L) (D OR Alpha3 -> R)

Thrusters marked with red LED are set to L and ones with cyan LED are set to R. The two rear ones are W

Steering is very easy and satysfying

Level 3 is hardest of them all, usually it uses over 10 logic gates, but all depends on what kind of drone are you making

I can't exactly explain how to create it, but i will give link to download one of my drones that uses level 3

Only minus in level 3 is that you have to use gorgeous massive amount of logic gates. In Nixie 1.2 i solved the problem by putting most of them into armored detachable module. After detaching it drone is very swift and effective

*Alpha1, Alpha2 and Alpha3 is how Nimbatus calls 1 2 and 3 whose are above (not next to) qwerty part


Nixie 1.2 is drone where i thought about everything, steering:

W - accelerate

A - turn left

D - turn right

Q - toggle shields

E - toggle mouse control

LMB - aim and shoot



Ctrl - release logic gates module

Shift - toggle emergency module weapon

S - tiny engines to eventually turn back


Other pros

-Have anti-crash module, so won't crash into walls with full speed

-Mouse mode is changable both by "E" button or middle mouse button so you dont have to worry if you want to scratch when something itches you, but there is action on the screen, you no longer have to pause, just switch to mouse mode :P


Before going with it on a mission check it out few times in test flight




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