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Warrior cats-ish playthrough


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Soo...With my last playthrugh failling, I've decided to do a warrior cat-ish challenge. Sooo...

* age settings are:

Baby: 2



Adut:60 ( seems long enough..)

* Using This and This ( For the Personailty bit. Not the rest )

* damages settings are:

Enviorment: 50

Enemy: 5

Healing: 2


LezzGOOO ( attempt number 2 for a playthroughimage.thumb.png.9ec47ce9890d8ffd3ed97b2d1ad6309d.png

KarpFin awoke, her chin resting in the flowers, she sat up and relised the tom next to her, who was panicing.

"Hello?.." She managed to get out, her throat felt dry and her body felt weak.

" Gh..Y-You're alive! I was certain you were dead.!  W-who are yo-..Wait..Karp-"

Karpfin nodded, The two had been sent into the ocean after a huge earthquake shook their island. It sent them clean off it.

" WoodpeckerFur, We nedd to find food. " Karp said, starting to regain her strength.

" Mhm.." He said,  the two of them leaping into the grasses.


Karpfin, Now KarpStar descovers SnailPaw in the bushes. Snailpaw says he was a former Medicine Cat apprentice before being exiled for something he didn't do.

He becomes the clan's new Medicine Cat.


WodpeckerFur and KarpStar had fallen in love, decide to have a kit. His name Is FlakeKit He wants to become  a master fisher and is stern.


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I played a bit more yesterday, So here are some screenshots!



WoodpeckerFur notices an odd pink-speckled she in the grasses. Her name is MudSpots. After she digs up some roots for him to try, he invites her into the clan with a smile.


KarpStar gives birth to a she, Named DandelionKit.  She wants to become leader and it cheerful.


" SnailPrickle, come quick! I've found a kit! " MudSpots says, wrapping her tail around the kit, who is trembling.

SnailPrickle slowly goes up to the kit and places some berries infront of it. The kit is small and slim, and eats them in a matter of seconds.

The kit looks around, curious about theese strangers.

"Do you have  a name? " Says MudSpots.

The kit nods, now more relaxed. " NightKit." she yawns, resting her head on MudSpots's fur.

"  Can we keep her? " Says Mudspots.

"Sure. she seems to have taken a liking to you. "


Meanwhile, on the other side of camp..

FlakePaw finds a beautiful she, named RubyPaw, the two instantly take a liking to eachother.


KarpStar gives birth to another kit, named FireKit, he is strong and full of energy.


KarpStar has her last kit for awhile, named SandKit, She has began to think about moving islands.


Everyone was headed to the ports, as it was time to move. SnailPrickle Voulenteers to stay back and makes MudSpots the new medicine cat.


Time to go!



Our new home!

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