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Alphabet Tribe


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First I will start of with the rules:

  • Every creature must have a name in the order of A B C D..
    • ex. Our first 2 will have names that start with A and B. Their first child will be C. 
    • When we reach Z it will start over. Also, the last three letters will go to a new isle
  • A tribe limit of 26.
  • A creature must have a showing gene that starts with that letter. 
    • This at points may be justified. Ex: Water body may be Dorsal fin (It has one!)
    • If a creature fails to do this, they will be killed using console. (their letter will not be skipped)
    • X and Q (and possibly other letters without justifications) do not have this rule
    • Inviting has the same rules.
  • If a creature prematurely dies, it's letter will be skipped (ex. if L dies (as the newest one) the next will be M)
  • The first three stages of life are normal, but the adult stage lasts 26 days


For the starters there are really no rules but I put everything that started with an A on A and for B the same

(A is Alexandri and B is Bellatrixx)

I also started on the Burning Savannah because in counting it is the 26th island.


I left things that had no A or B (for their respective creature) random. As well as giving A immunity to Alaxandri and B to bellatrixx while making them still compatible.



Blind baby...





yes... immunities count (Dork didn't have it) (Also I renamed the child Daedalus)


Some bad child with no genes that start with E


Epic attack (He has 8.) 

Like I said. Justifications.



We started to move and got this baby. 


The naming/gene rule does NOT count for bearyenas


Great Fertility, Gravedigging paw


When two children are born the same day you take their random names and see which one is higher alphabetically. If they are twins they can have the same letter.



image.png.1ae2ca6a25eac85dae35e63d420cc151.pngRouge baby with a self-explanatory name.

(I actually wanted him to be H so I could say No Hygene.)


She has no I gene as well! She's so beautiful as well...

I couldn't think of an I gene (other than the immunity gene) so I took a blow and made a creature Infertile...


(I checked Unlock All Genes) *Name changed to Idas


Jungle black


I give up on K

I actually want to add a challenge: When you give up on a letter, the creature who takes the letter's mom dies... 


Good-bye Bella (You weren't my favorite anyways! Sirius is! ... In HP and Astrology)


Ahh... my first Gen is gone... I guess it is time...













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21 minutes ago, AMEcco said:

What a fascinating challenge! I wonder how long it'll last 😮

It’s pretty hard. If a fire starts near my tribe it’s game over. There are all blind and the ones with good eyesight are slow... (I am trying to refrain from using the mutation menu)

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