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Questions about Ports and Traveling

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So, I know that harder islands are supposedly north, easier islands are west, and save level islands are west. BUT, is it always one level up or one level down?

For example I saw a Deadly Hills port to the north of Archipelago, and I traveled to Jungle Gate from Grass Adventure once. Is that normal?

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8 minutes ago, bostonlobstah said:

So, I know that harder islands are supposedly north, easier islands are west, and save level islands are west. BUT, is it always one level up or one level down?

For example I saw a Deadly Hills port to the north of Archipelago, and I traveled to Jungle Gate from Grass Adventure once. Is that normal?

im pretty sure the west port always go to an easier level island, but I think the others just mean that the island will be generally harder. like how to the north of the grass adventure, its archipelago, which is harder, but not a level above.

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2 hours ago, heyitsgeorgie said:

im pretty sure the west port always go to an easier level island, but I think the others just mean that the island will be generally harder. like how to the north of the grass adventure, its archipelago, which is harder, but not a level above.

In my experience, the ONLY time archipelago is ever above grass adventure is story mode.

also I firmly believe that archipelago is in fact easier, but whatever.

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Also @Philo or any other dev, is there a specific pattern for the islands sequence in story mode? It seems like it’s always, if going north, tiny green —> grass adventure —> archipelago —> swampy hill. And then there is no north port there, but there always seems to be a savanna to the west. 

Also, I feel like Whale Island is ALWAYS west, is this a lie? I was on summer mountains in story mode once and there was whale island to the west. And deadly hills sandbox mode too...

there are a few more questions I have but I would love to know how the game works with generating the island ports :D

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27 minutes ago, bostonlobstah said:

if going north, tiny green —> grass adventure —> archipelago —> swampy hill. And then there is no north port there, but there always seems to be a savanna to the west.

In the Niche Competition journal kingdom, they went in that order. Including Burning Savannah.

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The deadly hills always have a sleepy reeds port. The Archipelago is also fixed in story mode, as is Crossing after the melting ice and sleepy reads? after blocking roots. But I guess those are more obvious. Though whale island really does lie suspiciously west, now that you mention it... it also turns up quite often in story mode after the easier swamp, but that may be random. I get savannah too, but more rarely. 

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As said above I belive the islands are semi-fixed in story mode but they are wastly random in sandbox mode. You can literally go from peaceful meadow to a killer island if you get the right ports. I'd actually like a story mode like fixed island option for the sandbox mode *heads of to feature suggestions*

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