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48 minutes ago, Philo said:

Started working on customizable sandbox mode :D
Woop woop!


*keels over and dies* this is amazing! The longer lifespans!!! Everything I want! *resurrects and dances happily*

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On 11/1/2018 at 11:44 AM, Philo said:

Started working on customizable sandbox mode :D
Woop woop!



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Does this mean if you increase the length of time a creature is a baby/teen they're going to spawn in to the game as such?


(reading this back sounds confusing, i mean if you change the ages and then go into the game, are your first two creatures going to spawn in as kids/teens?)

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On 11/1/2018 at 9:44 AM, Philo said:

Started working on customizable sandbox mode :D
Woop woop!






On an unrelated side note: I’ve been oddly obsessed with Super Smash Brothers lately


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7 hours ago, wolfhowlmay said:

also is there an estimate to around what month this will come out? 

I guess around March/ April as they said first quarter of 2019 but we have date or any estimate from the devs yet :)

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Currently, yes. But we'll maybe also add the option to choose the starting age or (again maybe!) even make the starting creatures customizable :)
The only estimated time frame currently is Q1 2019 for the customizable sandbox update.

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@Snowy Owl
Nope, these settings are defined at the start of the game and will remain the same.
What you suggest sounds like a thing we could consider adding for the console :) 

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sad, but as long as the console does not bug out the game i might use it.

also the age thing is it only our nichelings or the wanderers to? 

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5 hours ago, Philo said:

Currently, yes. But we'll maybe also add the option to choose the starting age or (again maybe!) even make the starting creatures customizable :)
The only estimated time frame currently is Q1 2019 for the customizable sandbox update.

Please do make the starting creatures customizable. One time I started in a cold biome and the game gave me heat resistance. In a cold biome.

Also, do you think you could make the console less buggy? Like, just remove the forever dawn thing where the game's stuck loading a new day and I'll be happy. I know you're not supposed to use the console it's just that sometimes it's annoying having to constantly stress over how longer you have left to live to set up a thing in your file. 

Also, recommendation for the console: Ability to give your creatures infinite energy.

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15 minutes ago, Kepa-Shanyang said:

Also, do you think you could make the console less buggy? Like, just remove the forever dawn thing where the game's stuck loading a new day and I'll be happy. I know you're not supposed to use the console it's just that sometimes it's annoying having to constantly stress over how longer you have left to live to set up a thing in your file. 

Also, recommendation for the console: Ability to give your creatures infinite energy.


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12 hours ago, Philo said:

Currently, yes. But we'll maybe also add the option to choose the starting age or (again maybe!) even make the starting creatures customizable :)
The only estimated time frame currently is Q1 2019 for the customizable sandbox update.

That used to seem so far away but not anymore....I'm so hyped!!

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@Philo question: 

with the sandbox customisation of the age revealed.

On 11/6/2018 at 1:37 PM, Philo said:

@Snowy Owl
Currently, it would be both. And also the Rogue Males xD
But maybe it makes sense to add seperate options for them?

 what happens if you make one of your creatures a wanderer.  but both the wanderers and your nichelings have different age amounts, will they keep the age they had in the tribe? or will they get the one set for wanderers? 

it also works the other way around, what happens if you invite a wanderer? A. nothing, they keep the age, or B. will it change?

  • Like 2
On 11/6/2018 at 7:37 AM, Philo said:

@Snowy Owl
Currently, it would be both. And also the Rogue Males xD
But maybe it makes sense to add seperate options for them?

I feel like due to the fact they're all the same species they should have the same life length. the only thing that worries me about the whole increased or decreased age is the fact the health bar is their age bar, so creatures are going to become easier/harder to kill because of their lifespan which personally I don't think makes much sense. perhaps a health bar with the same amount of health as a normal life nicheling (25 days I think? so they can only take 25 damage) should be added in. 

so to make this a little less confusing i mean: if you set a nicheling to be able to live 50 days that means it would take 50 damage to kill them, and if rogue males and wanderers are the same it would take 50 damage to kill a rogue male, which sounds pretty insane. hopefully this makes sense, if it doesn't I can try to explain it more clearly. 

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