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Unfortuantely I can't really catch this kind of thing in a screenshot, but there was at one point a time when a peaceful bear failed to protect a baby right next to it despite being replete on the turn both before and after (I had plenty of nesting material and made sure to check the tooltip).

One thing I should explain though: the peaceful bear DID successfully protect a bunch of babies for quite a long time from being surrounded by two killer bearyenas and a couple of other normal bearyenas. The one that killed the baby was a killer bearyena specifically. I'm aware there are hidden parameters for enemy creatures like fear, hunger, etc. so it makes me curious that instead of this being a bug, this is because the killer bearyena got hungry enough to override its fear to attack my baby anyway? (especially since a killer bearyena would probably have less fear than a normal bearyena?)

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I bring this bug up because I had the same problem but with a blue bird ! The screenshot is not very efficient but here you are one if you want : 


The empty nest had a baby before, riiiight next to the Peaceful Bear, and a blue bird managed to kill him. Is it a bug or I didn't understood how Peaceful Bear worked... It was replete too !!

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@Cataries I had a similar problem when a defender bear attacked a baby that was next to the Peaceful bear. I just don't use the Peaceful bear anymore because I don't see it's use now other than maybe scaring Bearyena's away.

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Has the Peaceful Bearever ever kept bluebirds at bay? I thought it just deterred bearyenas...

Anyways, the bearyenas probably did get really 'hungry' and just went after the baby.

I never will and never have liked Peaceful Bears...

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Thanks for the feedback!
Bluebirds and Defender Bears will also be scared of Peaceful Bears in the next update.

Also yes, the Bearyenas probably got very hungery and attacked anyways. 

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