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When playing there is no indication of where enemy's are.
So why not put an enemy detector! (Not hives or anything stationary.)
It could only be cold/warm blood?

The file picture below shows a concept art of what it would look like.
3 Stages for campaign.
Small - It only shows an area which enemies are located. Not the width or depth. Just the place.
Medium - Shows a place which is safe (never underground.) still as a point - no width or depth.
Big - It's medium but shows the width and depth of the safe/enemy zones.

The Big Size Is About The Core Size.
The Medium Size Is About The Circle Armour Size.
The Small Is The Same Size As Medium.

BIG - Locates the area of safety and enemies.
Medium - Locates the place of safety and the place of enemies.
small - Locates enemies.

That's All!

By The Way The Concept Art Sucks. :/

Enemy Detector CONCEPT ART.png

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Thank you for sharing your idea. I'm not sure if I completely understand what you mean. Do you want a sensor which can output a signal if enemies are in a certain direction/distance from you? Or is it more like the minimap which shows enemies? Sorry for not understanding :) 

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Just place a Directional Sensor targeting the nearest enemy. You can set the nearest enemy for the main detection, and the mission target for the fallback.

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