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Stats: 3+ cold resistance, 1+Heat radiance and 1+ Seeding (allows to the extra wooly like extra coat of fur automatically fell out from the creature’s body when in hot climate biomes and in normal/regular climate biomes the option to shed it (by clicking on the creature), so in both options it can provide nest materials (of course the wool and it’s materials points are 5 to 10) but the extra coat of fur will only grow back in a certain period of time (every 2 or 3 days) if the creature are in a normal/regular climate biomes and will instantly grow back if the creature comes to cold climate biomes (it cannot be shedded while in cold climate biomes); when the nicheling with this gene losses the extra wooly coat of fur it’s stats will temporary change until it grow back again like the cold resistance is replaced by heat resistance, and gains the 1+ stats of scentless and the heat radiance stat is replaced by the speed stat (because i’m trying to follow the criteria of genes from the game wiki and try to make it balanced); showing that this body has the “winter coat state/form” (3+ cold resistance, 1+heat radiance and 1+ seeding) and the “summer coat state/form” (3+ heat resistance, 1+ speed, +1 scentless and the seeding ability is temporary disabled on this state until the winter coat grows back depending on the biome)). To unlock this gene is necessary to invite creatures with this gene to your tribe (this creatures can be wanderers or my herbivore entity idea “the baahger” (wild mountain sheep + badger) that lives in the “taiga” biome (one of my 2 biome ideas along with the mesa one)).

(you guys can draw concepts of this gene to help me with this idea if you guys want :) )

((Corrections notes: made some changes to this gene in order to make it more acceptable, more balanced and at same time trying to follow the criteria of the body’s genes according to the game’s wiki; i hope to this makes it more balanced and acceptable, if there’s something else that needs to change and improve tell me)).

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11 hours ago, giugirl said:

Stats: 3+ cold resistance, 1+ stealth, 1+ speed, 1+ scentless, 1+ Seeding (allows to the extra wooly like extra coat of fur automatically fell out from the creature’s body when in hot climate biomes and in normal/regular climate biomes the option to shed it (by clicking on the creature), so in both options it can provide nest materials (of course the wool and it’s materials points are 5 to 10) but the extra coat of fur will only grow back in a certain period of time if the creature are in a normal/regular climate biomes and will instantly grow back if the creature comes to cold climate biomes; when the nicheling with this gene losses the extra wooly coat of fur it’s stats will temporary change until it grow back again like the cold resistance is replaced by heat resistance, and gain a extra 1 point for stealth and speed and gains 2 extra points for scentless; showing that this body has the winter coat state and the summer coat state). To unlock this gene is necessary to invite creatures with this gene to your tribe.

(you guys can draw concepts of this gene to help me with this idea if you guys want :) )

I don't like the stealth/speed stats because they don't make sense and are a bit OP, but I love the idea of a coat that sheds!

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41 minutes ago, Bostonlobstah said:

I don't like the stealth/speed stats because they don't make sense and are a bit OP, but I love the idea of a coat that sheds!

Thanks and the creature can use it’s shedded coat as nest materials also, based on some animals that use their own fur as a option to build nests.

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Could be a presestoric gene

But if that was the case, no added speed/stealth, no prestoric gene adds speed (maybe thats how they all froze hmm)

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I had a Woolly Body included in this (really old, but I still want it in the game) suggestion.


the drawings are so bad xD and the pictures of the drawings are even worse...

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Alright, I’m going to make some corrections on this gene because i want make sure to it to be present in my one of my 2 biome ideas which is the taiga one check it out: 

As well on my upcoming herbivore entity idea that can generate hybrids (new hybrid genes) which lives on the taiga, the mountain and rarely on grassland biomes: the “baahger” (wild mountain sheep + badger).

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Guys, I did the corrections I hope to this be ok. 🙂

tell me if there’s something more to be done so I will correct/improve it. ^.^

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5 hours ago, Alfamangle said:

Could be a presestoric gene

But if that was the case, no added speed/stealth, no prestoric gene adds speed (maybe thats how they all froze hmm)

As you see in the updated description of this gene is a “regular” one that can be obtained by wanderers or by my upcoming herbivore entity that can give new hybrid genes idea in one of my 2 biome ideas (taiga) despite that there’s also ice blocks in there  (so my taiga biome is like a bit a mix between grassland, mountain and woodland biomes with few features based of the tundra).

check out the woodland biome idea from this user is cool and I love it: 


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10 hours ago, random cat said:

I had a Woolly Body included in this (really old, but I still want it in the game) suggestion.


the drawings are so bad xD and the pictures of the drawings are even worse...

Looks a bit cute to me after all, but i already drawn some concepts of how this gene would look like (i need to make sure that the creatures with this gene don’t look like nichelings in a mix between sheep and poodle breed dogs clothing too much) do you have any ideas when i decide to draw the next concepts of this gene? Specially how the winter coat form and summer coat form would look like (both male and female) so I can draw the concepts (but they will appear in my art style in a certain way)? 🙂

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