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The Niche Strategies List

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I shalt now make thy list of showing niche strategies! Felt freeth to continuation, so I may addeth them to thy list! 01001100 01101101 01100001 01101111

Hereth the list:

Leading - The process of attacking a predator and then fleeing just inside the predator's range. This strategy is usually used for leading predators away from the pack, or leading them towards stronger nichelings.

Gene farming - Gene farming is the process of doing a specific action over and over again in order to unlock a certain gene. I. e. Collecting from stinky fruit trees and licking the nicheling multiple times in order to unlock purrsnout and stinky tail.

Sacrificing - This strategy is mostly used for story telling purposes, but not always. When a nicheling is on their last day, they sacrifice themselves to do something. I. e. Collecting from poison berry bushes without poison resistance, using all of their moves attacking a predator, drowning, etc. 

Rogue Children Murdering - Whenever a rogue male child is born into the tribe, some players will use it to unlock certain dangerous genes such as spiky body. They will also pick from cacti, swim in the water without underwater breathing, pick from poison berries without poison resistance, etc.

Main breeders - Whenever a tribe is running low on a certain gender, the few nichelings left of that gender will usually become main breeders. Main breeders breed with most of the nichelings in the tribe. Main breeding may also be used when one nicheling has compatible immunities with multiple other nichelings.


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