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I think that like cats and dogs in real life, Nichelings should be able to hold their kits in their mouths. The baby could be carried as soon as it is born, and can be carried up until two gems. Maybe also big bodied or large bodied creatures could carry lean bodied creatures like how in the wild sometimes animals will carry the weaker members of their packs or family. It would really help out when you have this one baby that runs out of energy before making it to the port, and you can just pick them up and leave the island. It would also make it easier so that the blue birds couldn't reach the baby. :) 

- Niches can only carry their babies till 2 gems!

- Babies that are carried up until two gems will not grow, and the child may take slight damage due to not being able to grow. They will be dropped onto available tiles next to the mother, if none than baby will stop growing until put down. 

- You CANNOT do anything besides walking when holding a kit in its mouth.

- Rare chance that a bluebird may still attack a scruff carried nicheling, however parent can fight back. 

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I love this idea too. Especially because I think it is immersive as well. Also I don't think it negates the function of the bluebird. Just because you can carry babies around doesn't mean you don't accidentally forget one (or with twins) maybe only a Nicheling with all three action points can carry a baby and if it does so it's movement speed is reduced (let's say the nicheling usually has a speed of 5 and then only a 3 or even 2 similar to how it works in WolfQuest where your stamina drains faster when you carry a pup). I think that would make it more balanced.

Not to say that a kangaroo body wouldn't be cool as well :)

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Wouldn't that completely negate the function of the bluebirds, though? I think that the idea is solid but should be done differently.

Instead of being able to carry an animal by the scruff, I think that something along the lines of a 'kangaroo body' would fit much better, since it still allows the bluebirds to retain their influence on game difficulty while providing a safe baby carrying method to some, but not all nichelings. A nicheling would have to have a kangaroo body in order to do this.

There's my two cents

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Yeah I like Jojo's idea of reducing speed so there's some type of negative to it, another idea could be that you can't do other actions while carrying the baby besides moving, so no attacking or picking from berry bushes, that way a player wouldn't just constantly carry pups until they reach the age where birds can attack them unless they were already planning on having the creature be idle and sit next to the baby. also the baby should still be able to be attacked when being held. I really really like the idea of being able to carry babies and I think all creatures should be able to do it, it would make gameplay more realistic since in the wild creatures do carry their young all the time. 

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What about this:

Some head types give the option of 'carrying'. Not all of them, but the ones that would make sense. For example, beak wouldn't but purr snout would. 

It costs one action point to pick up a baby/child. You can set them down on a free tile next to you for one action point. While carrying the child you have:

-2 speed (min 1)

-2 swimming (min 1)

-3 flying

And any strength, collecting, cracking, distasteful appearance and so on you get from your head and paw genes would be rendered useless. You'd still have purring or cold resistance.  

The child has:
Warmed up by pack

+1 defense

And can be carried around

Bluebirds won't attack but other predators can still kill the child. 

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Perhaps the act of picking up the pup/kit would not take an action, but the adult would drop them into an adjacent tile immediately after moving? I also like the idea of applying this to larger nechelings somehow, like being able to drag another a tile, or at reduced speed.

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3 hours ago, Rainwater said:

I think big-bodied teens should be able to carry lean-bodied or non big-bodied kids too.

To me, the size difference isn't quite big enough for that.

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This is a good suggestion! I think movement on land and water should eb reduced and other things along the line of @Mulan the Cat's post:

On 11/2/2019 at 12:49 PM, Mulan the Cat said:

What about this:

Some head types give the option of 'carrying'. Not all of them, but the ones that would make sense. For example, beak wouldn't but purr snout would. 

It costs one action point to pick up a baby/child. You can set them down on a free tile next to you for one action point. While carrying the child you have:

-2 speed (min 1)

-2 swimming (min 1)

-3 flying

And any strength, collecting, cracking, distasteful appearance and so on you get from your head and paw genes would be rendered useless. You'd still have purring or cold resistance.  

The child has:
Warmed up by pack

+1 defense

And can be carried around

Bluebirds won't attack but other predators can still kill the child. 

And you can't do other moves such as attack, pick berries ect like this person suggested:


On 4/29/2018 at 1:09 PM, wolfhowlmay said:

Yeah I like Jojo's idea of reducing speed so there's some type of negative to it, another idea could be that you can't do other actions while carrying the baby besides moving, so no attacking or picking from berry bushes, that way a player wouldn't just constantly carry pups until they reach the age where birds can attack them unless they were already planning on having the creature be idle and sit next to the baby. also the baby should still be able to be attacked when being held. I really really like the idea of being able to carry babies and I think all creatures should be able to do it, it would make gameplay more realistic since in the wild creatures do carry their young all the time. 

And finally, as regards to big body creatures being able to pick up lean-bodied ones. Maybe big-body (or any creature with an equivalent or bigger size body) creatures can pick up 2-gemed nichelings. Or mayeb just 2-gemed lean body/normal body nichelings. They would also have less movement when picking up a two-gemed nicheling than even babies, like -3 movement on land an inability to fly/swim. Two-gemed child picked up by big-body adult should still have +1 warmth or maybe 2 and maybe only 1 or even 0 defense.

Even if big-body nichelings get to pick up no extra nichelings, this idea is a good idea in it's own right. And yeah creatures with bird beak and maybe bat face shouldn't be able to pick up their offspring, only those with some sort of snout/mouth that could actually realistically do so.

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I saw this idea suggested in the first community voting, and was disappointed when it was overlooked, so I am glad it is getting proper recognition now. Carrying baby nichelings would be an immersive and useful addition to the game, and would save many tribes from extinction, so it is definitely something I would want.

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How do you edit please? Im not sure if it was a problem with forums, just with my brain xD

And Jojo that would be a good idea!

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Hmm, I just tested it and it worked for me (signed in as a test user).
Is there no edit displayed for you where the red is in my image?

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