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I'll be quick

Add NOR and XNOR

Maybe add possiblility to somehow compress logic gates, becouse to fix few simple problems i need 5-7 logic gates


Add delay (similiar to impulse giver) (useful)

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Yep... I might have gone to far with the 'code in core'-idea, many people just dont know how to do so.

But i really would like some sort of logic-block where the entire logic of the drone can be placed into. Some sort of logic-compression into one block.

Maybe give the core some space for about ten gates, if more is needed there is a bigger placeholder (2x2 to 4x4?) to add (near infinite?) space for logic.

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A Delay would be nice to have. 

Adding more logic parts should be a win for all who know how to use it, so i dont think that 'build around limitations' is always an appealing way to play with logic.

Sometimes i wish that all the logic could be in the core as a bunch of code. Python, Java, Basic... something like that, probalby in a simplified version. 

Btw: How about a sound-module? Synths playing the soundtrack of planetary meltdown while playing Snake or Tetris on the Drone in Nimbatus. :)

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Now that there are tutorials ingame, the code part or the logic gate oart could ve locked away behind an expert logic tutorial without much help fr the game, an a logic part i would like to see would be rising edge, falling edge and dual egde monostable circuits

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Can you make a list of which logic parts you think you need to add? I think those are relatively easily to implement so there should be no problem to add them :)

Compressing Logic is understandable. I also want to make crazy logic to build more crazy drones, automate everything xD It's a compromise between easy to use for beginners, user-friendly in general, powerful and not frustrating/limiting for the power-users. We're not sure how we want to help and address the power-users currently. We know big logic constructions are hard to build.

Maybe it's also a design decision: The game just works the way it is and you have to build around the limitations, because that's half the fun of it :) It's a challenge to build a 7segment display and therefore it's rewarding :) 

Maybe we can add a option in a menu somewhere where you can freely place logic parts somewhere in the scene and use those in a sandbox more, just for the hardcore "create a computer in a game" freaks :) But this should be locked away from the normal players. What do you people think?

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I whole heartily disagree with having actual coding in the game. The lessons learned from making work-arounds in the system that Markus mentioned is a good thing imho. As far as a compromise for reduced space usage - maybe just have a "programmable chip" part that is either restricted to certain parts of the game or extremely hard to unlock. Something like it can only control parts connected to the main unit, takes up 2x4 space but can have unlimited logical units in it. 

Sound modules might be fun! - similar to the ones in Mario Maker I assume. Could be used sparingly, or if someone wanted to make an elaborate equivalent of a mario maker auto-level that played music - you could make something that did that. *Immediately thinks of Close Encounters of the Third Kind*

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Sound Creator sounds awesome. Maybe our Sound Designer and Programmer can find a cool solution for that. In this field I have no experience so I have to leave that up to them completely :D

Good discussion about the logic parts. I'm really not sure yet whats the right way of or rather, which way we should choose to go eventually. I really want to let the experts go wild :)

I can see the appeal of being able to totally program in a programming language - for the same reason that I choose text-based languages and not visual scripting :) Maybe we can find a solution to implement both, but the normal players will only use the block parts, and somewhere hidden is the option to program classically? I mean, this would appeal to a lot of programmers or robot-nerds if you could program and simulate complex drones/robots in a sandbox :)



Here's an interesting video which discusses how games implement difficulty/help modes/sandbox modes, etc. It talks about how the gamedesigners envision a certain way of playing and have that as a "normal" option, and if you want to play differently, you can, but not as a upfront option, but hidden in a menu so that it is clear you are violating the game mechanic. If you're into game design, check out the video below. I'm not sure if I agree with his opinion, but interesting take :)


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I generally like the idea of an assist-mode.

It could help those who just want to play the game without worrying to much about beeing good at it.

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On 9.05.2018 at 9:13 AM, STM said:

Yep... I might have gone to far with the 'code in core'-idea, many people just dont know how to do so.

But i really would like some sort of logic-block where the entire logic of the drone can be placed into. Some sort of logic-compression into one block.

Maybe give the core some space for about ten gates, if more is needed there is a bigger placeholder (2x2 to 4x4?) to add (near infinite?) space for logic.

Good idea may be storing the gates in the core, with upgrading system. For example, for 8000 gems you may upgrade core to store twice more logic gates than version before.

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Omega, take a look at this one.  This part can fully replace a number of logic gates, as well as compress the function of multiple and complex conditions into a relatively simple table.


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On 5/8/2018 at 10:53 PM, Markus said:

What do you people think?

This is a response to a bit old post, but anyways I think I would prefer a separate space where you put all the logic parts almost in the way STM mentioned in this thread (no real coding involved, but installing logic parts within separate space so to speak). Drone Core could have some space for Logic parts only (for example 6x6 space or so), and you could have subprocessors to add more logic space and to give logic to logic splitted areas of the ship/drone. (If this is implemented, sumo battle would likely change quite a bit as a side effect). Current system sounds weird, when our cell phones have more logic in them than Nimbatus planet killer drones.


Ehm, well, this is this newbie's opinion anyways. :)


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I like the suggestion, but if you are in desperate need of logic space today you could put it on a decoupler and launch your big computer block into orbit. Equally valid in Sumo I would expect, since only the drone core triggers the sumo border. 

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