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Just a little too late..

Oh well


A sorrowful female who appears to have poison fangs and a stinky tail

She has a habit of thinking out loud

The only thing she remembers well is that she was quite lonely in her life. Not a surprise she ended up here

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  • Eek! 1
1 minute ago, forgotten said:

She heard something. A hello? Someone else...?

-Hello? Is someone else there?

She remembered...something. Calling out. Calling out for someone else. Anyone. Before...this. Before this, she had been alone. She had always been alone.

-Who are you? Where are we?

  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, Broken said:

-Who are you? Where are we?


4 minutes ago, forgotten said:

She heard something. A hello? Someone else...?

-Hello? Is someone else there?

She remembered...something. Calling out. Calling out for someone else. Anyone. Before...this. Before this, she had been alone. She had always been alone.

-another two! 
she bounded over to them.

  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, Broken said:

-Who are you? Where are we?

-I don't know...

Just now, Flower said:


-another two! 
she bounded over to them.

-Do you know?


(gtg and do homework)

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(Stopping by to drop off this song)

(I'll add that one character and go to bed for good)

Do you still remember when we were little?
We were playing in the park,
And you asked me what happens when you die.
I said you forget everything... everything.
'Even you?' you asked.
Yes, even me.
You did not want to die. Never forget.
The remains of what we used to have were taken away with the softest squeeze.
How did I forget? How...
-himininn er að hrynja en stjörnurnar fara þér vel
  • Like 2
22 minutes ago, gamingcookie said:

Just a little too late..

Oh well


A sorrowful female who appears to have poison fangs and a stinky tail

Added! Now I'm off to bed!

  • Paw up 1
Just now, Forgotten one said:

The forgotten nicheling looked over to where the sound came from, then saw the glowing eyes

"Hey! Over here!" 

She came over

"Phew, I'm not alone.. I have a lot of questions, if you're a good person to ask?"

  • Like 2
Just now, Forgotten one said:

"I can answer a few questions, but the Guiding Spirit is the one who knows mostly of what's going on." 


"Where are they? Who are they? Who are you? What is this place? How did I get here? Why can't I remember anything?"

"Whoo sorry that was a lot"

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, gamingcookie said:

What do I do if I wanna keep roleplaying but my character was talking to someone

Hmmm... A good question. I guess someone else can join the conversation



This cautious spirit has what looks like a deformed paw, antennae and a tail that resembles.... a fish? He seems to have a fear of water.

  • Eek! 2
2 minutes ago, zukii said:


This cautious spirit has what looks like a deformed paw, antennae and a tail that resembles.... a fish? He seems to have a fear of water.


(The front page looks so nice with all of these different styles)

  • Like 1
13 minutes ago, gamingcookie said:

Time to not wait anymore


She looked around at the dark landscape when she noticed a pair of glowing eyes

"Wait I think there's someone else here, I'm going to go see them!"

She approached the fish-tailed nicheling and simply said, "Hi"

The fish-tailed nicheling, startled by the noise, turned around and noticed the other silhouette. It was almost too dark to see, but he could just about make out a pair of glowing eyes, fangs and a big, fluffy tail. 

Wait- I'm not alone?

-hi... W-who are you? And do you know where we are?

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, zukii said:

The fish-tailed nicheling, startled by the noise, turned around and noticed the other silhouette. It was almost too dark to see, but he could just about make out a pair of glowing eyes, fangs and a big, fluffy tail. 

Wait- I'm not alone?

-hi... W-who are you? And do you know where we are?

"I don't know who I am or where we are.. I saw another nicheling who told me there's a "Guiding Spirit" who knows a lot, maybe we should try to find them"

(also nevermind that I deleted the thing I said)

  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, gamingcookie said:

"I don't know who I am or where we are.. I saw another nicheling who told me there's a "Guiding Spirit" who knows a lot, maybe we should try to find them"

(also nevermind that I deleted the thing I said)

-I don't remember anything about my past either... but the 'Guiding Spirit'... maybe they could help us?

  • Like 1
14 minutes ago, The guiding spirit said:

Looks like this place is flooded with nichelings again...

She noticed the familiar glowing eyes all nichelings here had nearby.

"Hey maybe that's the Guiding Spirit?"

She approached and said,

"Are you the Guiding Spirit? If not do you at least know where they are or what this place is or who are we.. Sorry I've got a lot of questions"

  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, Forgotten one said:

"That is the guiding spirit. I'm pretty sure they have a lot to do, I can answer a few questions."

"Well I asked them about a minute ago"

"The questions that is"

  • Like 1
30 minutes ago, Forgotten one said:


The nicheling looks back to where they found another nicheling, and sees that there are two of them now. The nicheling walks over

"Hey, you new?" 

Another one..?

-uh...hello? Are you another one of us? I- just arrived here a while ago. I'm so confused - do you know where we are? How did we get here? Why is it so dark?

  • Like 1
9 minutes ago, gamingcookie said:

She noticed the familiar glowing eyes all nichelings here had nearby.

"Hey maybe that's the Guiding Spirit?"

She approached and said,

"Are you the Guiding Spirit? If not do you at least know where they are or what this place is or who are we.. Sorry I've got a lot of questions"

-You've come to the right place. What's in your mind?

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