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It would be cool if there were different types of manes. Think of a nicheling with the mane of a lion! Here are my ideas:


Small mane: Just few tufts of hair on the head

+1 attractiveness

Medium mane: The current mane

+1 cold resistance

Big mane: The mane of a lion

+2 cold resistance

-1 heat resistance

+2 attractiveness

Tuft mane: Like medium mane exept this comes with ear tufts and if you have medium tail, it gets a tail-tip-tuft and double effect. Females display eartufts (and tail tip) they also get effects.

+1 hearing

Double effect for medium tail

+ attractiveness


Dominance order:

Medium mane > Small mane > Big mane > Tuft mane


Edit: 23rd of February 2020

Updated artwork!

For comparison, no mane (so basically females with any mane type other than tuft-)


Small/short mane:


Medium mane:


Big/lion mane:


Tuft mane:

(male:)                                                                                                                               (female:)


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Just a little idea here, but maybe more vibrant, exotic manes could contribute to a male's attractiveness, just like the peacock tails currently do?

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I think the tail tuft should be it's own thing instead of an add-on for the fishing tail; maybe call it "tuft tail" or something. Since it's based on a lion, perhaps the only buff could be heat resistance.

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Yeee I want those caracal tufts! also maybe a tail-tuft for the large mane since lions and lionesses have those as well?

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maybe manes take time to grow? big manes go through small mane then medium then big mane

but tuft  go's through small to medium to tuft.

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hmm well thinking about it now stinky tail is already the most fluffy
but here is what i was imagining for the fishing tail!

basically, it would be very lion-like, (and i have an opinion that tail tufts should be shown on males as well? because fishing tail with tail tuft, and big mane could be a very awesome lion look!)

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12 minutes ago, cinnacat said:


hmm well thinking about it now stinky tail is already the most fluffy
but here is what i was imagining for the fishing tail!

basically, it would be very lion-like, (and i have an opinion that tail tufts should be shown on males as well? because fishing tail with tail tuft, and big mane could be a very awesome lion look!)

I'm pretty sure that would lover their fishing ability, because fish wouldn't be so attracted to this fluff

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 @Lilytuft hmm.. maybe if there was a gene for tail tuft colors, if it was a specific color fish would see it as food, because when fur is wet it's of course not going to be so fluffy anymore
or well, tail tuft maybe isn't always on fishing tail and there's a gene for no tail tuft or some tail fluff
if the person playing is going more for looks, they can breed the tail tuft in, but if they're not and is just going for fishing they can breed it out
usually when i get fishing tail im not actually trying to get it, i mostly try to breed it out actually. and maybe the tail tuft on the fishing tail makes the fishing tail give only +1 fishing, and +1 attractiveness?

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2 hours ago, Lilytuft said:

I edited some nichelings to have different types of manes


My brain can't handle the fact that now a male is pregnant and another one just gave birth.

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On 7/5/2018 at 4:00 AM, Ancestor Nature said:

Perhaps mane types could work by giving it a new gene slot and disabling it for females?

That's how it's supposed to work :)

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1 hour ago, Zixvir said:

(don't forget that you can edit!)

I know. I'm just hesitant to add new things to my posts

1 hour ago, Zixvir said:

females should only get the stats of the mane if it is a tuft mane, otherwise nothing.

I'm considering making most of the manes cosmetic anyways. It'd be weird if males always had bonus stats

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I could dig it. since males already have manes in the game, i'm assuming they would be the only ones to display a majority of the mains? other then the ear-bits for females?

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16 hours ago, TamTroll said:

I could dig it. since males already have manes in the game, i'm assuming they would be the only ones to display a majority of the mains? other then the ear-bits for females?

Yes. That's why only the tuft-mane has female version in it

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absolutely love this idea!! and it could be all different colors, and give attractiveness
i think the tail tip thing can go on more tails though

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I thinkit would be a bit weird if fishing tail or stinky tail had tufts on them. Do you have a spesific (I don't know how to spell this word XD) tail in mind?

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11 hours ago, Dinocanid said:


Fishing tail with a tuft, since I think medium tails have too much fur on them for it to look right.

I think it would be good if there was just a long tail with short hair (+1 heat resistance). The tuft is part of the mane gene and it would appear on long tail, giving it cold resistance

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1 hour ago, Lilytuft said:

I think it would be good if there was just a long tail with short hair (+1 heat resistance). The tuft is part of the mane gene and it would appear on long tail, giving it cold resistance

That's what I said xD
By the fishing tail I meant it's appearance, which is a long tail with short hair like a lion. It would only have the heat resistance buff, not anything else. Since the lion-like tail only has most of it's fur on the end, it wouldn't do so well in the cold.

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