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when I was 7 years old, I was sitting and it was near a pole, I got startled, then I bumped my head on that pole's corner, and BAM! cracked my skull open! It hurt alot so I was wailing VERY loudly,  (still hasn't healed fully yet,  but I know it will eventually, anyways, back to the story),   I didn't lose consciousness, and I was bleeding from my forehead (I was at school by the way)eventually  I got taken to the medical room, it hurt alot, and they patched it with tape and cotton, it still hurt, and I cracked my  skull,  eventually my dad got to school and picked me up,  we were driving to the doctors office so that I could get stitches, the hard part was supposedly getting the shot witch didn't hurt very much and the sewing was done, after that me, my mom and my dad got some pizza that was practically right next to the doctors, and I orderd a bunch of toppings, it turned  out delicous, but before we got pizza they had to wrap an itchy anime band-aid around my head, and they taped it off, once the skin healed I had a harry potter scar(only lasted a week) and some pimple things, when I was on the bus me and my friend were pondering why and how the pimple things got there, he noticed that they were there, and he jokingly said that a hand came out of the pole and pinched me and some other stuff too, and then we all laughed, then I theorized that the rust on the pole hit my nose so hard that it created  those pimples, and I think that's all, there might be more, but you will have to ask questions to figure the rest out, but I would like it if you shared your injuries too, so please share, and ask questions about my injurie.


  • Sad 6

Hhhhhhh I haven’t had a bad injury yet but I probably just jinxed that and now I’ll break my leg or something which I hope doesn’t happen bc she would I want to break my leg? But yeah. No bad injuries yet, I have been dehydrated several times and had to go to the hospital and get an iv to pump fluids into me. I got a popsicle though so it was okay I guess. But dehydration isn’t an injury f

  • Sad 1
1 minute ago, Flower said:

Hhhhhhh I haven’t had a bad injury yet but I probably just jinxed that and now I’ll break my leg or something which I hope doesn’t happen bc she would I want to break my leg? But yeah. No bad injuries yet, I have been dehydrated several times and had to go to the hospital and get an iv to pump fluids into me. I got a popsicle though so it was okay I guess. But dehydration isn’t an injury f

it kinda is, an internal injury that is.

  • Like 1

Once at summer camp, we were playing something down on the mini basketball court, (not basketball, I know that much.) and some kid ran full speed into me and I got launched at the concrete ground. Yea, that hurt, nothing was bleeding so my neighbor who worked as a medic there came over and gave me an ice pack and I went into the only air conditioned room in camp. I was getting really dizzy so my mom got me picked up and I went home. Thankfully it was one of the boring days a camp so I didn't miss much. I was still getting dizzy in my freezing cold house so we went and got my head checked out and OH BOY NOW I HAVE A MINOR CONCUSSION. So I had to miss a lot of camp and I was really sad cause camp is one of the only fun things to do outside in summer. Also I never found out who the kid was cause he was wearing a hoodie (somehow) and he never said anything. The reason I know it was a boy cause only the boys wear hoodies with their hoods up and shorts at the same time at camp... That was a fun story to tell! Hopefully you learned nothing from this as I did the same!

  • Sad 7

during summer I can wear 3 layers of clothes, one long sleeve shirt, one hoodie, and one winter coat.


someone pushed me off a 3ft tall tree stump when I was eleven and broke my finger, almost broke all of my fingers

and now I have chronic pain in most of my fingers (specifically my right pinky finger) if I use them too much, usually if I write too much/ too fast

  • Sad 5
1 minute ago, heyitsgeorgie (she/her) said:

someone pushed me off a 3ft tall tree stump when I was eleven and broke my finger, almost broke all of my fingers

and now I have chronic pain in most of my fingers (specifically my right pinky finger) if I use them too much, usually if I write too much/ too fast

you should see a doctor, because you might have joint pain, and joint pain can lead to perment joint damage.


I tend to get more concussions than anything--


But uh- My thumb. A sprain mixed with hyperflexible limbs doesn't work well- Now the joint of my thumb normally rests in a position it shouldn't be

  • Sad 4
1 hour ago, Zixvir said:

when I was 7 years old, I was sitting and it was near a pole, I got startled, then I bumped my head on that pole's corner, and BAM! cracked my skull open! It hurt alot so I was wailing VERY loudly,  (still hasn't healed fully yet,  but I know it will eventually, anyways, back to the story),   I didn't lose consciousness, and I was bleeding from my forehead (I was at school by the way)eventually  I got taken to the medical room, it hurt alot, and they patched it with tape and cotton, it still hurt, and I cracked my  skull,  eventually my dad got to school and picked me up,  we were driving to the doctors office so that I could get stitches, the hard part was supposedly getting the shot witch didn't hurt very much and the sewing was done, after that me, my mom and my dad got some pizza that was practically right next to the doctors, and I orderd a bunch of toppings, it turned  out delicous, but before we got pizza they had to wrap an itchy anime band-aid around my head, and they taped it off, once the skin healed I had a harry potter scar(only lasted a week) and some pimple things, when I was on the bus me and my friend were pondering why and how the pimple things got there, he noticed that they were there, and he jokingly said that a hand came out of the pole and pinched me and some other stuff too, and then we all laughed, then I theorized that the rust on the pole hit my nose so hard that it created  those pimples, and I think that's all, there might be more, but you will have to ask questions to figure the rest out, but I would like it if you shared your injuries too, so please share, and ask questions about my injurie.


This reminds me of a boy in my grade- Except when he hit his head he started laughing and it freaked out some of the students-


well I got my left hip sprained when I was in 3rd grade, I was trying to do a handstand, but instead I fell on my hip joint, and got a sprain, a very minor one at that.

  • Sad 3

When I was in gr.3 I went to my friend's house he jumped off his playhouse and by then I had done it before but the snow melted. So I jumped and injured my heal it wasn't broken of spranged. But now I have permanent heel damage 😢

  • Sad 5
1 minute ago, FireXspotted said:

When I was in gr.3 I went to my friend's house he jumped off his playhouse and by then I had done it before but the snow melted. So I jumped and injured my heal it wasn't broken of spranged. But now I have permanent heel damage 😢

well wear the heel thingy and,hmm, I'm trying to think of a way to solve this...


try crawling without your feet, just arms and knees, or try rolling inside of a ball


I've managed to avoid injuries, but still get scars and weird joints--


Like- one of my fingers was burnt on a tray and now when the skin grows back it's burnt- 


When I open my eyes all the way one of them starts trying to close and it makes people think that my eye is twitching-- My sister said it's a tick from medicine or somethin' but spsppspspspspspsp


I have a small hole inside my mouth, and when I go into a chlorine-filled pool, it fills up with the weird chemicals and hurts like heck-

  • Confused 1
  • Sad 3
  • Eek! 1
24 minutes ago, Dysfunctional Numbers Foxy said:

I have a small hole inside my mouth, and when I go into a chlorine-filled pool, it fills up with the weird chemicals and hurts like heck-

where? also getting burn't also count's as an injury

24 minutes ago, Zixvir said:

where? also getting burn't also count's as an injury

Top of the mouth- It's next to a scratch but uh- meh


Oh- Well then. 


Nothing exciting. I got into a lot of trouble, but always "had more luck than brains." Otherwise...

-- skiing accident. I got really lucky and only my ribs ended up bent. Lots of bruises. Much drama.

Still, mild concussion. Hit by the spine and spleen... which was alarming at the time, as a young boy died and made headlines just a day ago after a very similar accident. So I still got to see the ER. And become paranoid that the helicopter is going to take my head clean off.

-- glass. Cat got into my room and made some noise. Me, an idiot, stood up in a hurry and took a step back right into a glass carafe. 

It was pretty late and they don't do stitches in the nearby hospital. It did heal well enough with no skin dying off, to my mom's vocal surprise and my "it could have what?!". 

-- cracked bone in the upper arm just a cm below the cut off for surgery. Stupid incident, really. At least it gave me a reason to avoid someone I seriously didn't like for no reason. Yay!

8 year old spacecat was such a nice person... argh, but the bad part was the doctor. He believed I was faking it, grabbed my arm and swung it up and down multiple times. I don't think I've been in more pain at any other point in my life. Of course, it did not heal well.

Made for a good weather detector all throughout primary and middle school, right into the second year of high school. Lifting myself up too long on my arms hurt for way too long of that. 

-- metal door to my face? Head? As a child. I don't remember that one, but apparently it knocked me out for a while. That might have been from the fall though, as the floor by the door is seriously unforgiving. 

-- metal door to the back of my skull. Yes, again. Since we were in the middle of no where, on holiday, I'd just have died if anything bad had happened. Enough blood collected under my skin that movement wasn't really an option. I might have had light sensitivity and mild trouble reading for a while??

Anyway, vacation moved to my bed for a few days. I was so depressed and unmedicated at that time, though, that I can't really tell what was due to what. With me already having sensory issues, I mean. Of course you'd feel bad right after, but... yeah, ow.

I still don't think I can ever trust a door again. 

Honorable mention: the time they got a newbie to do my CT and she by mistake interpreted an anomaly. The kind that usually means brain tumor. Or that kind of stuff anyway, they'd used a weird umbrella term that evades google. (It became "they" when she called a superior to discuss the weird, unknown spikes. At least they got to be confused together...)

Since CT scans are used to detect migraines, I called my mom, who was far away and surely not at all worried. Since she sees some of these herself, I asked if it might be related to sensory issues. She did not know and they took their good time to let me know "it was nothing". 

Apparently, asking busy people if you are or are not suffering from a brain tumor makes them angry. My assigned doctor (as opposed to the friendly one from the CT) couldn't believe she had to convey the information I actually never asked for?? all they way from down there. That woman was weird.

  • Sad 4

I once stabbed my toe with a pipe

I was at my friend's house across the street from my house and it was hot. So we tried to find ways to cool down besides going into the house.

We tried filling a tub up with water. I don't what happened but I think their father told us not to use it.

Then the youngest and only boy of our trio tried making a sprinkler from pipes and there one pipe that was broken on one end.

He tried using it but tossed it aside. Me, a dumb yet smart kid, grabbed it and started stabbing the ground.

And you probably know what happened next. They didn't have any bandaids so they gave me a paper towel and I went home where I put a water proof bandaid because it was summer and I was definitely going to be in my pool.

I still have the scar like 3 or 4 years later!

  • Sad 5
17 minutes ago, Spacestar TheThundersuncat said:

He believed I was faking it, grabbed my arm and swung it up and down multiple times. I don't think I've been in more pain at any other point in my life. Of course, it did not heal well.


  • Paw up 1
19 minutes ago, Spacestar TheThundersuncat said:

"it was nothing". 

 LIES! it's called brain fog,  there are pills to help but not now as they also make you lose weight

  • Thanks 1

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