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Please don't limit us like Besige did.


The amount of buttons on the keyboard is very limited. That limits component comunikation in drones. Single button clicks should only be reserved for player input, and components should comunicate with custom variables so that you're not limited in amount of different signals that you can use.

Analog Signals

Right now if you whant your drone to smothly approche something you need a lot of sensors. The closer you get the more sensors activates and the more engines activate to counter the momentum. With analog signals you only need one sensor and one engine. Thats how I would imagine it would be done:

You activate "advanced control" setting and take, lets say distance sensor. First you diclare the variable that sensor uses. For example "distance_to_container". Than you choose "point zero", what I mean by that I'll explain in a sec.  Let's take distnce 100 as your point zero. That's a distance that you would whant to keep your drone away from container. Than you choose what kind of function your signal should be. Let's take a slow growth of 0.01*x^2. That means for distance of 100 away from point zero you'd get a value of 100. For distacne of 1000, value of 10 000. You'd see a nice plot showing you the function. Now you take this value, hidden in you variable "distance_to_container" and send it to engines. But you engines now can take an analog signal. Let's say engine gives 100% of thrust when gets a value of 10 000 or above and 0% when 100 or below. In that way you could simply control your drone with way bigger precision and smoothnes than ever before.

Well I can understand that analog signals is a lot of work for not that big amount of users, but variables? Oh come on. They're a must-have!

Thank you for your time, cheers.

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For the variable names, you can use tags, but I love that idea for an analog signal. That would be dope af.

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Analog signals would be a great enhancement!

We would need some additional logic to make use of the possibilities.

add, sub, mult, div, comp, select, s+h, ...

Don't forget an op amp 😄

  • 0
On 5/27/2020 at 5:49 AM, STM said:

Analog signals would be a great enhancement!

We would need some additional logic to make use of the possibilities.

add, sub, mult, div, comp, select, s+h, ...

Don't forget an op amp 😄

maybe you could explain this in your own post

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