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Posts posted by Aether

  1. 10 minutes ago, Sky said:

    the problem with this is that anyone could be triggered by anything. For all i know someone could be triggered if I post a picture of my stuffed animal. I wouldn't think anyone would be scared of those at all, or at least wouldn't think about it when posting. I'm sorry you don't like dragonflies, I think they're really cool. but you're cool too ; )

    If you don't know then it's ok, but if you do know and don't put a tw, that's when it's a problem.

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  2. 6 minutes ago, Foxy Kaza said:

    Like putting it before dogs and dragonflies. :)

    Or,, large objects.

    Or images that could possibly trigger trypophobia (I can’t spell it ack.) like wasp’s nests etc.

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  3. /pos is another good one. It implies positive intention onto something that could be misunderstood negative?

    ”HOW DID YOU DO THAT? /pos” is a pretty bad example but it should let you be able to understand it. 

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  4. So after a little talking around, I figured we should do something to prevent more misunderstandings to happen again.

    we can use tone indicators! It’s something the MCYT fandom uses a lot and it might help us a little.

    tone indicators are like /j /lh that you see at the end of posts.

    here’s a little key to help you understand them better

    /j - joke, put it at the end of a joke.

    /hj- half joke, put it at the end of a joke but half of its not really a joke? Kinda like sarcasm but not. It’s really a feeling on this one

    /lh - light hearted, when you say something that is meant to be taken not seriously. 

    Like “We’re all idiots here. /lh” means that they’re cannot actually calling us idiots but using it as a more endearing term.

    /srs - Serious, when someone is asking a serious question or making a serious statement about something about something.

    there are more but those are the ones that are most commonly used. If you have any questions about them, I’ll try to answer ASAP. 
    also you don’t have to use them on everything, only on stuff where the tone might not be very clear.

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  5. I’m putting this in my thread to avoid reviving the thread where this drama happened.

    but why is it everytime I leave for like 2 days drama happens?? 
    it’s important to remember that both Silver and Georgie are neurodivergent. Silver is autistic and I’m not exactly sure if Georgie is though. 
    Silver tried to peacefully resolve the conflict by blocking Georgie. Then for some reason everyone jumped on the bandwagon???

    if two people are arguing over something that doesn’t effect you then don’t join in. 

    there are a few things I don’t understand about the conflict like why Georgie originally replied to what Silver said? 

    silver can’t take insults very well, or anything that could possibly be an attack on her, so it’s important to be nice to her. 
    that should be a given for anyone, be nice. 


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  6. Just now, SilverHowl said:

    Roasting actually makes me feel worse knowing I failed others like I did before. I'm at a point of crying.

    Well, we aren't the same in every way, i guess it's kinda good ^^,

  7. Just now, SilverHowl said:

    Really? -.- I wont say much about that other than I don't do such displeasing things to others. No hate, but I am frustrated.

    nah, I do it in 'controlled' environments like games etc. (usually, today is a rare exception)

  8. Just now, SilverHowl said:

    And I don't want them happening, roasts just show that these people didn't do a thing to resolve this and only made my job of helping them unnecessary...

    sometimes people need to be taken down a notch, roasts are a fun way to do that and actually destress me.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Polly said:

    like 5 year olds

    41 minutes ago, UWOaether said:

    I know multiple discord servers with little to no moderation that work out better than this. 

    These are god tier roasts.

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  10. 1 minute ago, SilverHowl said:

    Aye, I shall take your word for it, and do a better job that way lol. What do you think about this server now, should it close or delete entirely?

    definitely not. even though it's been the centre of a few conflicts, it's been wonderful to be on an smp.

  11. Just now, SilverHowl said:

    You should be mad, they didn’t do anything to help make my resolution job easier.

    I think for now, you should solve... less intense... and less long running conflicts than this one ^^,

  12. 1 minute ago, SilverHowl said:

    Don’t be causing people like me stress either, I had so much stress I didn’t know how to solve this properly...

    ... It's happened multiple times and I'm already super stressed outside of this. I'm done with this. I'm not mad at you, only the people who started this conflict.

  13. guys. I heard some drama happened here. I am angry and disappointed. I just took a break and this happens. 

    3 hours ago, Sky said:

    Sorry I got here late. Looks likes things have pretty much solved themselves.

    I recommend putting in place a set of rules for the server (maybe make a board of signs at spawn?)--even if it's unlikely that anyone will break them (again), it will be a helpful reminder. And you can set some consequences too-- some things may be okay with a warning for first offenses, but temporary bans for others. For example, griefing (what Pancake did) could earn a week's ban from the server, along with more severe consequences if it happens again. Along with that would be an apology, and if possible a reconstruction by Pancake of the destroyed build, using their own materials. (If not, someone can go into creative and replace it.)

    As an example-- once upon a time, I joined a Minecraft server. When I started off a staff member introduced me to the server. They actually went invisible and watched me, which I didn't know. I took someone's crops thinking "oh, I'll replace them, they'll grow back before they ever see it." I got a ban from the server, since I broke a rule so quickly. (I probably would have had less severe consequences if I'd been playing for a while and was more trusted.) (I cried for like 20 min lol) However, I was able to make a ban appeal on their forums, telling them that I was sorry, understood what was wrong, and would never do that again. They approved my appeal and I was able to come back in a week (it took them a while to get around to my appeal).

    P.S. If another big fight happens, I recommend @ing Philo too. I'm online more and will help if I can, but I'm not very good at helping in big (active) fights like this one. Philo also actually knows what to do xD

    yes. I thought I already stated 'rules' pretty well enough. 

    I know multiple discord servers with little to no moderation that work out better than this. 

    if you guys can't keep a hold of this, I will personally go sapnap on all of you guys. (for all you who don't know, Sapnap kills every pet he sees.) (and this is also a joke, but please for the love of me, sky, and philo, pleaaase be mature.

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