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Posts posted by Rustoration

  1. A simple tweak to family trees to have nichelings manually moved stay in place upon closing the game. It's super helpful to keep track of potential mating pairs by moving the nichelings next to each other in the family tree, but it's super annoying to have it reset when you close the game and have to do it every time you open it back up. And as I've mentioned before, it'd also be very useful to have age shown somewhere in the family tree instead of having to find each nicheling on the map and check them individually to figure out who to bring to the next island in bigger tribes.

  2. I've mentioned this before on steam, but I think it would be super fun to have the Nicheling explorer also show the genes used to create the random nicheling so we could try to breed it ourselves; essentially adding an endless amount of the special Let's Player achievements to the game,

  3. Simply put, it's pretty annoying to go through the family tree to decide which genes to take to the next island, and have to close it and track down the right nicheling to check its age- which often look very similar and make it difficult to find the right one. Also, maybe a bit of a filter for the names? As funny as it is to end up with twins both named Koko, it can get a bit confusing at times. I know I can easily rename them, but part of the appeal of the game for me was not having to think up my own names since I'm usually incredibly indecisive when it comes to naming things. I also ended up with a 3rd Koko shortly after...

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