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Posts posted by Minimanta

  1. This sounds like a great idea! Maybe deeper freshwater lakes could accommodate more types of fish and plants.


    I would love to make concept art for this. Would that be alright?

    Of course! Draw all you want :D


    This would be great, more depth to the oceans, content-wise, would be amazing to make it more viable to have an entirely water bound tribe. I don't know if it's possible, once you have the genes, to have a tribe survive just in the water. I don't know if there are enough resources, and it would be awesome to be able to play that way.


    Oh, also! Maybe Nichelings with underwater breathing could have detrimental effects if they come on land? Either it slows them down, or it begins to kill them because they can't breath on land.

    Underwater breathing nichelings already are slow on land, at least if they have webbed hind legs, but it makes a lot of sense that they wouldn't be able to breathe on land. They could probably take a similar damage to drowning damage. The only problem is just going from land nichelings to underwater nichelings would damage the babies until they can get in the water. Not sure how to tackle that issue.


    I would love to see this! Even just one "island" that was predominately underwater, like a reef environment would be fantastic.


    The water-going genes are among my favorite in the game, but it's somewhat disheartening that they don't seem to have that great a payoff. It seems I always need several land based nichlings to gather resources just to sustain my tribe of water dwellers.

    A few "islands" dedicated to underwater survival would be awesome! :D

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  2. It would be really nice if the underwater world would be improved upon. It's such a shame our underwater nichelings are just roaming a mostly barren world.


    Here are some ideas I have thought about:

    *Underwater biomes that correspond to the island.

    *Underwater predators of varying strength.

    *More underwater prey.

    *Underwater permanent nests.


    Here are a few examples of what I'm thinking about:

    *Warm islands would have oceans with lush, colorful coral reefs with tough shark-like predators and some type of smaller predator, like piranha or electric eel. Several types of hard-to-catch prey items, like fish and the like.

    *Oceans around cold islands would be more barren with tough orca-like predators and smaller seal-like predators. Prey items would be fewer and far between, but would maybe be easier to catch.

    *And finally oceans around temperate islands would be somewhere in-between the warm and cold oceans. There would be more rocks and seaweed everywhere instead of coral reefs. I don't have any specific ideas for predators, but a different type of whale or shark predator could probably work or maybe a sea lion or something like that. And then a moderate amount of prey items.

    *Permanent nest would be scattered similarly to permanent land nests.


    These are just my suggestions. The oceans could easily be different if other people have better ideas, I just really wish there were more to do under the sea!

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  3. Came to suggest this, but decided to simply support this thread instead =3


    I'd love at least as many gem colors as there are immunity genes. It would be so nice to be able to color code your immunity genes.

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