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Posts posted by pewpew1212

  1. First of all, I love the game. Cant wait for the steam release.


    Here is a little proof of concept

    "Smart Weapons"


    I love the game but watching the game play itself is even more fun. just like minecraft you automate things to make it convenient.

    So here is a Drone that uses sensors to "track" enemies


    I know there are Heat seeking and Homing weapons but wheres the fun in that?  8)




    The Weapons are independent from one another but the "Pylons" are not so you can see three of them "tracking" a ghost target while an actual pylon is tracking a real target. A middle Sensor is just to fire the weapon.

    I could make the Pylons independent of each other ( it is possible) but i'm afraid that i might run out of keyboard buttons.  ;D


    There is also a problem of returning to original scanning path, after they track a target they resume a path relative to their current position not the initial starting places. I thought about Making it rotate in a 360° but that would just take the pylon longer to acquire a target.


    PS (Possible Bug? Hope not)

    I found out that The Sensors override the gates (in this case Not gate) and the impulser. That's why the Drone Tracks any target and resumes Scanning if there's not any.


  2. Here is a very crude Drone that can patrol any planet. it just uses sensors to readjust its positioning without directional sensor. Other form of logic and sensors used are Speed sensor and NOT gate. its used to constantly move the drone forwards and limits its speed.




    It can even Scale vertical surfaces. As long as there is High Resistance



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