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Posts posted by faytleingod499

  1. No matter how you sort it currently, you always get a giant list of drones. Now, separating them into individual folders, while reducing the total number listed wouldn't necessarily fix this, you could at least separate them by type, or whatever organization method you want. This would make sorting through them much easier for you and give you a level of control over their grouping. That's why there's Documents, Music, and Videos folder. You want to be able to easily group and separate the different types right? 

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  2. 50 minutes ago, Ookami-sama said:

    You can instead move each branch stemming from the component you want to replace to another part of your ship, change said component, and graft each branch to the shiny, brand-new piece of tech. Though it does feel a bit bothersome.

    Yeah... you CAN move each branch. But that doesn't solve the issue. I want to be able to select all of a type of part and update one setting all at once. I also want to be able to , for instance, ctrl+click the specific parts I want to delete, instead of finding the nearest common point and deleting everything.

  3. Yeah I have a naming convention now that basically does this, but its like saying you can just rename all the files in your computer instead of breaking them up into folders. A very inefficient way of organizing. 

  4. 40 minutes ago, corona_wind said:

    The first tank placed is NOT the first depleted.  It often acts that way, but the rules are actually a lot more byzantine.  Controlling which tank gets depleted first means building your craft a very specific way then conducting the Fuel Tank Dance - something between a rain dance and the way bees wiggle to talk to each other - to inform your tanks which order they are supposed to tend towards.

    This is very inefficient, accidental behavior;  we have no way to know what we just did without flying our craft.

    A better way would open up opportunities for multistage craft which eject tanks.

    Precisely. Being able to make multistage drones that can eject tanks in a specific pattern would greatly enhance your speed and mobility during flight. There is a way to manipulate tanks into the order you want. But as corona_wind hilariously illustrated, it is complicated and inefficient.

  5. It would be sooooo nice to be able to select all of a certain block like all of your engines or something and then update the same setting all at once. Quite often I forget to set the keybinding of engines and have copy pasted them a bunch of times. Not only is it tedious to go through each one and rebind, but even deleting them has to be done one by one. Also, being able to drag and select a certain area of blocks would be helpful.

  6. Eventually you build up quite a few drones. It would be nice to be able to tag them and then have a tab for each type of drone, (e.g. Racing, Sumo, Catch, etc...) This way, you aren't scrolling through dozens of drones.

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  7. Perhaps this has already been discussed, but I couldn't find it in the forum. I know there is a way to manipulate which fuel tanks get used first, but it would be nice (especially for racing) if you could assign the order that they get used. I think this would dramatically increase the variations of effective drones you could make.

  8. I think the game overall would be duller without a little randomness too, but I think racing specifically demands precision. I don't think that it would detract from the fun of it at all. You see a good design and you try everything you can to beat it. It forces you to get more creative with your design and in the process, figure out how to manipulate the physics just a little bit better than your opponent. Instead though, good just means you make something that hopefully will randomly break itself less than your opponent. I've beaten many opponents that were technically faster because they got unlucky and blew up (usually on that tight turn). 

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  9. I see what you mean, but it also kind of eliminates fine tuning. When you're trying to squeeze every last bit of efficiency out of your drone, randomness makes it:

    A: Tell if what you did makes it better or worse and

    B: More or less eliminates any good side effects of doing said fine tuning.

    Sure, it can eliminate the bad side effects too. But having a large degree of control removed in favor of random chance during a competitive event kinda of makes me not want to even bother. I can face off against an obviously inferior drone but still lose because my drone decides this match to do things slightly differently? Seems kinda broken 😕

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  10. While I managed to make a drone that consistently finishes the race track in around 11.7-11.9 seconds, sometimes, it will just suicide against the wall on that famous hairpin turn. It will go like 10-15 races just fine, then suddenly it decides to just not turn. It's very aggravating that there is so much what appears to be randomness in the performance of your drone.

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  11. 6 hours ago, OmegaDeltaZero said:

    Gliders are smart Dodgers
    Pushers are smart Rammers
    and Spinners are basically mtfkn Center seekers but with cringe
    I've contacted with Micha and luckily he started working on changing the system how sumo drones workshop will work
    copying drones online is pretty hard to make it flawless on the first try


    Yeah ive managed to modify my pusher to beat it now. I originally created the blender to take out another spinner called the Sawblade. that thing was pure cancer.


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  12. That's fine. I don't think anyone did it maliciously, just something I noticed. As far as the digger drone is concerned, it has the right weapons on my build, but I have noticed on occasion with downloaded drones that sometimes it changes the weapon type. I will reupload it to see if it fixes the issue.

    P.S. I was just surprised it showed up under a different name and then sad when I got defeated by my own drone. 

  13. I created a sumo drone that won a tournament and uploaded it. I later fought my drone in the tournament that was under someone else's name. I don't know if they downloaded it then won a tournament then the bot got uploaded as theirs but it wasn't nice seeing someone getting credit for the drone I built. I uploaded it for people to use but something should be implemented to give credit to the original builder.

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