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Posts posted by Dargin

  1. 1 minute ago, Jeroeno_Boy said:

    Lightning should be a weapons, not a element (else it can get too op)

    op as in huge damage for large groups of enemies? it'd be what it was designed for, with quite low damage to the enemy, but it would charge the enemy, which would then zap another nearby enemy and deal damage, transferring energy in the process. that enemy can then zap another enemy, and so on, but with decreasing intensity, and groups of enemies could get saturated with charge and stop zapping.

    Lightning is cool 😛

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  2. I've seen quite a few people now asking for multiple connections between parts. Most people who want the struts want them to stabilise their builds, which is pretty obvious, and then there's the people who argue against it, saying that we can already stabilise our drones, which is also very true. Instead of struts, perhaps the drone body could become completely rigid? with no flexibiity at all, rather than many different parts connected by springy rods.

    Rotors, springs, and decouplers would still create new physics bodies of their own, but every part in a physics body is completely rigid to that physics body.

    I have a feeling that it would increase drone stability and also reduce processing load for large drones, and also eliminate the jiggly drone bodies that result from unstable construction.

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  3. Things like Lightning, which electrifies enemies, with very low damage against enemies, but electrified enemies shock nearby enemies, dealing high damage, making it a good croud control weapon. Or Acid, which slowly corrodes away at enemies, with increasing speed the more acid is applied, but again, dealing low amounts of damage in the actual impact of the shot. Possibly even a Magnetic type, which deals decent enough damage but with the added benefit of magnetising any metal enemies, causing them to behave like a magnet part, attracting other metal enemies, broken ship chunks, or meteorites (or even bio barrels if one isnt careful).

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  4. The ability to purchase additional upgrade slots for weapons. On either a per-weapon basis (with material refunding if the weapon is deleted) or on a total tree basis, where every weapon benefits from the purchase.

    Possibly also additional energy use per upgrade slot used, eg a laser with three damage upgrades with use more energy than a laser with only one damage upgrade. energy upgrade effects are calculated after upgrade slot effects.

  5. As an expansion to this, the shield could absorb explosive damage for a large energy drain, and force of collisions would directly contribute to energy usage. the part could also be used in Sumo, if the energy usage was high enough.

    The shield would conflict with standard shields, as stated above, where in the sections where the physical shield and standard shields mix, a red field is displayed, and nothing is blocked, and shields can't be projected through them, creating holes in unoptimised shield setups.

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  6. A new planet type that lacks both gravity and air resistance with new, more powerful Corp enemies where the goal is to raid one of their shipping containers for illegal goods or resources. Or perhaps destroying/redirecting an asteroid on a collision course with another planet in the system, with smaller asteroids flying around presenting hazards to the drone. In either case the drone can either face them head on, or dodge around.

    Maybe a new kind of resource out in asteroid feilds too, with relevance to gravity type upgrades, and maybe projectile speed/mass upgrades.

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