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Posts posted by jwktrucker

  1. At the end of a Sumo Tournament they show how you did compared to others and it has a size break down as well.

    I being the puzzle fan I am I wanted to challenge my self by building a Drone for the smallest category 10 or fewer blocks. the problem is I end up facing drones more then five times my size so I have no chance of shifting them. So my highest rank of 7 wins come from dumb luck in the opponent draw and less on my skill in drone design.

    For Example:

    as you see I lost because my 10 block drone was put up aginest a drone over five times my size.

    Match 2 shows how there needs to be some Wins/Loss ratio as I do not see how "New Drone" has ever won a match



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  2. Perhaps a reinforcement connection could be integrated into the structural blocks while leaving component blocks only one point of connection.

    This will encourage the use of the structural blocks.

    Maybe  "Fusing" = Structural blocks adjacent to other Structural block are automatically connected

    For me this is a low priority feature

  3. I can agree with that. The opponent bots should have a wins loose ratio and each round the chosen bot should be from a higher win ratio letting the matches get harder each round.

    I would also like a Weight Class if I am fielding a 10 block Drone then my opponents should be closer to 10 blocks then 100 blocks and vise versus

    My Drone        Opponent Size
    <11 blocks        <25 Blocks
    11 - 30 blocks  <50 Blocks
    31 - 50 Blocks  15 - 75 Blocks
    51 - 75 Blocks   30+ Blocks
    76+ Blocks         50+ Blocks

    And "New Drone" should be disqualified If you don't care enough about your drone to give it a name the no one should care if it ranks.😝

      I caught the live stream on steam with the Sumo Arena I deiced from it alone that I wanted this game I love puzzles and hope there are more build automation challenges to come

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  4. I too would like to see a Proximity sensor 

    Not used the motorized Hinge yet was thinking of building a gun turret that tracked enemies a proximity sensor would let the turret to track at max range while holding fire on short range lasers until enemies are close enough to hit with out having to put distance behind every laser.

    • Like 1
  5. We can Toggle Editor Hotkeys so I had an Idea that could use the same space

    In Electronic a Bread Board is a way to connect up the parts of a circuit to make sure they work as intended before the expensive printing of the circuit boards is done. When I design a Drone I find myself writing on note cards what keys I used in my Gates as place holders for the more complected automation to work properly.

    The Bread Board is a table that generates as you build your drone For example

    A Side Thrust
    B Drop Bomb
    C Collect
    D Side Thrust
    K [ pencil icon ]
    S Thrust Down

    When you "Add Key" it will check the list of used keys and add to the list if the key was not already used. Clicking The pencil icon will let you label the key so you can remember what it should be doing. The Key on the list will act like a form radial option button selecting a key will un-select the others and Highlight the parts on the drone that are set to that key. At the Top or Bottom of the list can be a button to reserve a key adding it to the list even if there are no parts that are set to that key. Keys in the list that have no parts set to it can be in a different color and have a remove key button beside the label. There could be sort options to put the list in alphabetical by key or label, Order the key was added. There could also be a custom order mode letting you drag them into a presentation Order.

    This will also be helpful as the community uploads and shares their drone designs. Just go to the edit screen turn on Bread Board and now you can see the list of controls for the drone you just downloaded. This will encourage the sharing of more complicated probes

    With a Presentation order you can set the background keys to hide and the list of control keys could be added to the select drone screen

    I welcome Feedback on this Idea as I would want this Feature to fit the needs of as many playing styles as possible.

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  6. since we are talking about sensors I would like the distance sensor to be round like the tiny fuel so it can be at odd angles without overlapping the block next to it.

    I agree Resources and Hopper should be added to the detectable list.

    We should keep the number of different parts down to reduce confusion but I think Altimetor would have to be a new sensor

    I would also like the distance sensor to get an arch of detection set and rotate the sensor then hold shift while rotating to create an arch of detection using the same slider and selector for setting range and item to be detected.

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  7. I think an easy fix to help newer players is to have the details box when you select a part of your drone (has the buttons to add keys) show when you select the part from the bar at the bottom. I tend to place a gate and have to trash it because it did not have the add keys I was needing. If the Box opened as soon as I selected the gate I would be able to select another gate if the add keys were wrong with out having to place the gate first making me trash it.

    I also did not know what Camera Tracker did or how it worked until I saw it used in a YouTube video. I learn most of my game playing from YouTube videos because I am dyslexic and have trouble doing a lot of reading in wiki's (I have not yet been to your Wiki so do not take this personally I am referring to wiki's in general)


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