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Posts posted by Bugamashoo

  1. As of now, it is extremely slow to add skins to each part separately. I think it would be very useful to have a toggled "Cosmetic Mode" where selecting parts opens up the skin menu, rather than the config menu. This mode could also allow the copying and pasting of a certain skin type to another separate block, and would help to better compartmentalize the editor into separate modules for customizing the functionality verses customizing the aesthetic.

  2. I already posted this somewhere else but I'll post it here for ease-of-access

    I think it would be very beneficial to include a hollow sphere block, with a circular hole in the center. This block would be very useful to house rotating hinges to keep them reinforced, while still retaining the ability for parts to rotate around it without bumping into corners.

    The other idea I have, is for a charged laser beam which operates similarly to the pulse thrusters, in that holding down the button draws large amounts of power from the batteries, then releases it all at once in a brief but powerful, mid-ranged, energy beam.

    I also think that the game could benefit from more random encounter scenarios, as currently they are relatively basic. It would be cool if occasionally you could randomly encounter a special planet with a special mission, or maybe something like an "unstable cargo" which has a random chance upon being collected to either damage your ship or give you a large amount of unobtainium. Many parts and researchable weapon upgrades could also benefit greatly from a much more informative description. The tag system is also relatively cryptic, and I would like to see in-game explanation for how that works as well, because I had to learn its function from a combination of the Discord server and just experimental trial and error.


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