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Posts posted by Mulakulu

  1. I wanted to make homing missiles with factory blocks in survival and I wanted to make them safe so they don't explode near my drones. I wanted to add a position tracker to the missile and just a proximity sensor set to 360* and a safe distance away but this just wasn't an option. This would just generally be a great way for a drone to know when another friendly drone is in a correct place without using the "own drone" option cause then it can activate itself and just registers any drone part

  2. Like a zen mode? I kinda like it. While I do like that there's no "end" to the game and you're just kinda doomed to die at some point when repairs become more and more expensive, having a chill mode is something I've also thought about. Could be selected when creating a new character as a third option to "survival" and "sandbox"

  3. While it does seem that just enabling tags and using those would solve your problem (top left corner when in building mode), a whole new window to show what tags are inputs and outputs and where the tags are used will be amazing. I've tried to make complex machines and just giving up near the end since by the time I've finished a section of the code, I've forgotten what all the other tags meant

  4. people really didn't get this one but I'd love to have this in the game. I needed this when I was making homing rockets from a factory and whenever I had a still air-borne rocket activate and blow up right after I just made a new one with a factory block, it would just blow the rocket I just created up in my face since they share their signals. What OP and I want is for that first rocket to not talk to the new rocket in any way. My suggestion to how this would be made in the most simple way is just being able to add a max distance to a sensors output so only the parts within the first rocket would react to the sensor outputs. 

    also I have no Idea what @Konchog is talking about. that gate doesn't even do anything remotely close to this

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