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Posts posted by HarrenB

  1. I tried to do it right this time: kitchen with beet soup (2 workers), farm with 3 workers, all plots used, both close together. I also saw last time I didn't build any tents, which lowers the worker productivity (right?). So this time I also made sure to build tents for everyone. I let it run for a while (and in the beginning supplemented it with berries), but still my villagers are starving.Ā 


    But maybe I'm missing something else :)Ā I am also curious how others are doing - I don't mean to hijack the whole thread!

  2. Thanks for your reply! I just tried it again, beelined for the farm, and got a kitchen as soon as possible. I filled the whole radius with beet plots, and put 3 workers in there. 2, and later 3 in the kitchen. And I also harvested several berries nearby.Ā 

    But still my people were starving and died, see the screenshot below.

    Regarding the farm: yes, for me it was quite natural to use the plots in the farm. So it works! But I guess it is mostly interesting if you reach the point where you should use different plots for different resources? Otherwise it makes sense to immediately fill the whole radius with beet plots. Definitely interesting to have temperature and weather influence the crop growth. Might be good then to do give information on what weather/temperature will come up later on, and how that might affect the crop growth, so you can take that into account. Maybe even add mechanics to plant crops in different ways (not sure how, but somehow optimizing for specific weather types, or even helping to steer the Onbu to more optimal crop growth).

    Also: once you start to lose people to starving, it is quite hard to get back from that right? I think the only way is to scavenge for new people?


  3. Hi!

    I've started up a few games now, but seem to run into issues with feeding my villagers, ending up in villagers being starved to death.

    I always make a farm quite early on. In my last playthrough I put 3 workers on the farm. Meanwhile, I also periodically harvest groups of berries, and prioritize them when I notice my food supply gets too low. But soon there are not too many berries left on the map. Regarding the farm: I often try to use all the plots (or a large part of them) for beets. Is it true that a fully farmed farm with beets is insufficient to feed 16 starting villagers?Ā 

    Also, I notice that beets sometimes get stored in the farm and then are not shown in the number of beets in the top left corner. Although villagers seem to be able to go to the farm and get beets there. In my large playthrough I also added a kitchen, although apparently that was already close to when my people started starving - currently I only have 13 people left, which makes it harder to continue to keep ourselves alive while also expanding stuff.

    Am I maybe making a mistake with the food stuff? Should I have more than 1 farm, or try to beeline for the wheat, mill and bakery?


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