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Black death - Niche challenge


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-Starting creatures have the disease (double immunity)
-creatures believe bunnils, moles and bearyena or other mammals are infected so they dont eat their meat (no meat allowed)
-If one of the following animals eat from a berry bush, the berry bush is now contaminated and you cant eat from it (eg, if a bunnil eats berries you are banned from eating from it and if you do, you must console doubled immunity
-If a creature or a wanderer eats from an infected bush you need to console them to have doubled immunity
-healing plants aren't allowed since the creatures are scared they worsen the disease
-Infected creatures get white gems
-If you find a wanderer/ a new baby is born you must roll a dice (odd numbers=infected, even numbers=not infected) to see if they are infected or not
-If you accidentally (or intentionally) put an infected creature next to a healthy creature and the healthy creature gets sick, you need to give them double immunity genes so they stay sick for their whole life

(For a harder challenge you can adjust the dice options, eg, you could do every number apart from 1 is an infected creature)

If anyone has more suggestions for rules please tell me and I might add them!

I'm going to do a playthrough with this challenge and it is going to be very story based! It will start off with a few of my gods and goddesses :)

Also, If you do this challenge please link me to the playthrough! I'd love to read these.

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