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Everything posted by ElysianBlight

  1. I've been wanting this game for awhile, and finally stopped talking myself out of spending money There hasn't been a really good genetics game since Creatures in the 90's, so I have been pretty excited. I do LOVE the variety of combinations possible. But after four failed attempts where my tribes ended up with immunity problems.. it seems like the only way I can be "successful" is to constantly pop out babies - each couple has to have at least 10 before I get a male and female with compatible immunity, and by then they have to start right in on the next generation because the originals are old and dying. I feel like this doesn't leave me any time to actually work on other genes. I have to take whoever I can get with the right immunity, so there are really slim pickings if I want to select for paw type, etc. I've just discovered the console commands so I think that will help me enjoy it a little, but does anyone else feel this way? I think if they lived a bit longer... like maybe 3 or even 4 times the lifespan they have now, I could actually put some focus on the genes I want to see expressed.
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