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Wolf D. Plasma

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Posts posted by Wolf D. Plasma

  1. *Running Niche Version 1.1.4*

    Hi again, it's me with another achievement issue I've encountered.  This time, it's with the EmmaUniverse Achievement.  The achievement requires that you breed an animal with Black Fur (with no melanism), Yellow Eyes, No Pattern, Poison Fangs, one Claw, Nimble Fingers, and to name the nicheling "Emma".  I have bred such a child, but, upon naming her "Emma", I did not get the achievement as I was expecting to.
    I was connected both to the Internet and Steam at the time, and have both restarted the game multiple times and even continued with the save up to her adulthood and still have yet to get the achievement.

    Here is the save that the child resides on.  Let me know if you need anymore information!


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  2. So, one of my main goals with Niche is to unlock all possible achievements for it.  Unfortunately, one of these achievements requires something called a "Berry Paw" and, while I've heard of it, I have no idea what it is or how to go about getting it, or if it's even possible anymore.

    So...what is berry paw, is it unlockable, and, if so, how would I go about unlocking it?

  3. *Running Niche Version 1.1.4*

    So, a few days ago I started a new save file in order to see if I could complete any of the pattern achievements, and, while I managed to breed this little melanistic child, I did not receive the Melanism achievement.  I was connected to both Steam and the internet while playing.

    I have attached the particular save file this child exists in just in case that's needed

    If there is anymore information you'd like me to give, please let me know!


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  4. Hey there!  The name's WolfDragonPlasma (though, please, just call me either Dragon or Plasma; the full thing is a mouthful XD).  I've been a player of Niche since September of last year, but this is the first instance of me actually wishing to connect more with other Niche players.  Or, at the very least, join the Discord Server and the Forums and just lurk, since that's usually what I do X'D

    Hm...Let's see....I'm a US American female with a love for animals and a passion for gaming.  Games I enjoy are usually the adventure type that allow you to play as an animal (ie Okami, Spyro the Dragon, etc.), or animal sims (WolfQuest, Niche, etc.) but I'm not opposed to playing other types of games if I like them enough.

    Let's see....what else...I have four cats (all girls) and two dogs (both boys),  though I've more or less become a cat person.  That's not to say I don't love and appreciate dogs though; heck, one of my favorite animal species is the Grey Wolf, which dogs are a subspecies of.  I just won't be getting anymore dogs in the future XD

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